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Everything posted by TheCactusHugger

  1. o2. Sorry for the delayed response. Please see my decision on the original post regarding your ban
  2. I apologize for the delayed response. Unfortunately, the ban will remain in place. You needlessly resorted to using juvenile and offensive obscenities over a simple building dispute, even as other players were already attempting to diffuse the situation before I got on and intervened.
  3. Offender: o2 Steam ID: 76561198189344191 Battlemetrics: 689372458 Server: US Survival Time: 0608 HST Length: Permanent Reason: Chat toxicity More Info: Player became combative and toxic in chat when myself and several other players tried to calm o2 down over a building dispute due to another player building just outside of the range of his building privledge. The other player in question, who was offline at the time, did not build in a way that would represent possible griefing to o2's base. Scene of the building dispute in question. o2's is the one on the right while the offline players is the twig one on the left.
  4. Offender: FaZe_Girth, Steam: 76561198203328736 , Battlemetrics: 700705185 Server: US Survival Time: 3:50 PM HST Length: Permanent Reason: Posting indecent and racist imagery to wooden signs.
  5. Some specifics to go along with [DfL]Denali's bug report. When attempting to buy the refinery from the vending machine. The "Buy" option next to it isnt clickable for some reason. All the other items for sale in the same vending machine can still be purchased normally.
  6. Cactus Village
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