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Everything posted by Jackets

  1. If this was to be implemented like the other icons, can we colour them different depending on how it was spawned (server or player) Keep the green for server and make player spawned show as red?
  2. Rework is imminent, but i agree it would be nicer having a singe oil refinery then 7 or 8 or however many i have currently.
  3. 3 hours works good for me as well.
  4. Yup, last wipe i played a few days and didn't find a single horse aside form the player that had the bunch locked up. 8-12 horses all locked in a base made an odd sound the first time a happened across it thought i was about to get mobbed by a squad of bears lol.
  5. Depending on how busy the game is with players i find it a royal pain to hunt the map for items as it keeps blipping and closing the vendor listing Can it be made with a /buy that would let you look or search for items you want and show a location and quantity to head to like Search "Root" and it shows that 6 people are selling them the price and location of each.
  6. I can not count the amount of times i have been pinged with people looking for Jacktapper SO many to the point i changed my game name to stop it. I miss the in game listing of players online
  7. Make it puke its guts out on the floor once opened just like the boxes along the roads.
  8. US Scourge In game name Jackets Quarry is at 8/10 at x-1580 z503 When i logged on earlier today the quarry was full and stopped. it had used 16496 LGF to get to that point. When i just logged in it was stopped maybe 6 hrs (not sure on exact time) it was less then half full but had used 13344 LGF *****EDIT****** stuff was stacked up but not showing the correct amounts just saying 10k a sack Roughly 16 squares was like 72 stacks.... (I did not keep track) lol ********* I don't care about the resources but its odd behavior. Can output stacking reflect the number of levels? where Level 1 holds X, Level 2 is double that and so on. same as if they were placed each on its own. As it works now i'd be better off placing 8 quarry's as it would yield better and not be stopped 6hrs later. (I Wouldn't place that many, but some might) I like the idea, its working great with the Pumps, simple and should clean up the map. Although now that pumps stack maybe a limit to force players to stack them. Seems i rambled some, none the less thanks for great place to play Joe
  9. Indeed Useful mailboxes would be nice. A great idea with the gifts to boxes, and postal service.
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