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Everything posted by Vaalie1

  1. Hi, I don't comment much here and haven't really played for a while. But I have had many positive experiences with Chillman. We have been neighbours many times, and have always got along. I disagree with the ban length, he may have a short temper/foul mouth, but he has always helped the community. This ban feels way too harsh. I feel there needs to be more admin consistensy. The ban logs are a joke, one is pardoned for racial slurs, yet the other is not and gets unbanned. The franchise needs to regulate appeals.
  2. Anton Chigurh, promote to admin. He deserves it.
  3. Players on EU Pure, and US Pure, have noticed that others are able to build closer to their TC this wipe. This was also confirmed by an admin on EU Pure. Meant to be 8 blocks away, but builds are a lot closer this wipe.
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