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Everything posted by sharla.windrider

  1. I think , cant confirm that the problem is caused by using a mem cell to power lights and then using the lights to reset the mem cell ( a bunch of them too) .. specifically in question is Treveman's disco house in J20 .. I dont know for SURE that this is the cause ..but those mem cells are moving very VERY fast. Apparently it causes flooding of electrical updates ,causing them to lag behind .. I dont know if this problem could cause further problems. (as in crashing the whole server or something , i doubt but maybe; maybes its just like the sound subsystem .. the sound just stops working when people go crazy with air drops (as an example)
  2. and now its back ; what im gathering from the rustricity discord is this is someone using mem cell very rapidly or something like this and it causes it to send electrical updates to the server , flooding it faster than it can receive. Once whomever turns this crazy circuit off, it will slowly go back to normal. I've never noticed this to ever be a problem until today.
  3. yes, people fishing thru reinforced glass windows (not window bars)
  4. seems to be working now ; not sure who changed what. its closer to the way it was (like by a lot ..) kinda hard to say exactly but its not as slow as in this video anymore.
  5. So i have a bunch of lights that use to turn on instantly when daisy chained together. Now they turn on sequence. You can even turn them off and on while half the lights are on and off. Its a cool effect i guess, but it messes with a lot of circuits like concentric heli lights. or any like lights that flash and should flash at the same time (that doesn't happen .. they flash in sequence) so for example .. simple circuit , power source > switch > 4 blue flashing lights ... (normally they would all flash together ; now they flash in sequence instead of 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, . they now go 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 ) if that makes sense. Attached is a video .. Keep in mind on the left where i am focusing is a table that was an after thought. So the lights were wired together in the order that perceived except for kitchen lights (cause they were an after thought and were wired LAST RUST 2019.11.29 -
  6. Loot is largely based off of damage done. So if one player does all the damage the loot will be really good; but if it's spread out, meh not so much (from my experience.)
  7. Yeah, i've been seeing it (although less frequently) since my first month here; don't know if there is anyway to "refresh" your/mine/someone's/anyone's client (kinda like gc.collect for garbage collection which sometimes needs to be done manually due to the nature of poor gc capabilities of unity engine)
  8. Thanks a bunch ; again low priority .. (not expecting anything until next week at earliest ( i mean not really expecting anything anyway)) cause , damn it's your show .. run it how you want to ya know .. But at the same time , I know you like to keep it clean and and fixed up. I appreciate everything you do ; but for God sake ,, go eat some turkey with friends/family and such. It's a holiday ; i definitely not expecting anything on the holiday.
  9. personal helis and cars can be driven by anyone (randomly); sometimes it locks it to the other , other times people steal my shit 30 seconds after i have landed. Admin's have looked into this before and have said that they filed a report but now im officially filing a bug report for it . Thanks, Sharla
  10. but thats part of the fun of it! You just never know when there might be a horde like that around.
  11. Confirmed ; everything appears to be working ; the fix in question just simply allows you to set whatever you like for the type of furnace/refinery you are doing. It's simple and elegant, no fuss with weird fuel requirements or imposed limitations. Now it just does what you tell it it; I LIKE IT! Thanks again Death. ++Sharla
  12. update : the 1 wood i mentioned isn't actually there ; its apparently a placeholder for something but shows up in your inventory, when you try to recombine it with another non full stack , the 1 pseudo wood disappears and your new stack does NOT increase by 1.
  13. the trick is to "see" this is to watch your counter on the hour .. you will see it.
  14. is is blue flashing lights or siren lights or even ceiling lights ? (blue flashers and siren lights bug and will turn themselves on OR off when you leave the base then come back (ive even had blue flashers turn themselves on and not even be connected to anything)
  15. So I know this is still a work in progress and VIP dont need to use fuel (unless we want charcoal anyway); but it seems to arbitrarily decide if you use wood (if you have it in your inventory). One of a few things will happen.. A. No wood at all gets put in. B. Presumably the correct amount of wood gets put in. C. Double the correct amount of wood gets put in. and D. when trying to fix this (by shoving stuff in and taking stuff out, etc. it gives you your wood back but seperates the stack leaving exactly 1 wood out of the main stack. (very odd that last one). Anway... low priority. Thanks, ++ Sharla
  16. I submitted this bug report as guest cause for some unknown reason , rust ez decided to log me out.
  17. Thank you Death; I love it as is and appreciate all your hard work in changing and upgrading the big things and the small things. (pocket helis and fishing; i didnt miss a single fish and none got away (except that last one cause the pole broke and one random one when i wasnt paying attention)
  18. see what happens ; you upgrade one little thing and then everyone wants something from it that you didnt add . EXCAVATING FISH >>HAHA DICKO; and that math's about right .. i stop mathing at noon on friday's. (not that much of my math actually ever contains much numbers (if any) )
  19. results of fishing were as follows : with 1 fishing pole, got 4 bags (was seated and had boonie hat), got 51 fish which = 204 fish to cook, 255 bones, and 408 fat. Also, 40 minows.
  20. on the last cast , if your fishing pole breaks , you have no way to real it in (dont know if thats intended or not but there it is)(i mean honestly i would just call it a guarnteed lost fish; working as intended. Overall a better system; im curious if the admin store (in pookie builds) will account for the change in minnows.
  21. Can we get like a lawnmower option in the store or something to cut down bushes; I keep having them appear in or around my base obstructing things. They weren't there before and now they are there. This wipe .. im basically done building because of it. I'll upgrade what I got and do elec or whatever but im done. I've moved things and the bush moves with it; the most recent was me putting a store front, I put the store front , waited an hour , thought it was good and upgraded to HQM, now there's a bush right in front of it. Please consider a lawnmower option(I dont know what is up with these bushes; they're crazy) Thanks, Sharla.
  22. 426.0M ; thank you Etchyboy for assist with awesome tower build and assist with collecting zombies and an even better SHOT!
  23. 420.1 ; thank you Etchyboy for assist with awesome tower build and assist with collecting zombies!
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