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Everything posted by monkaS

  1. Twig buildings are cheap to build. Giving the fact that a 8 by 8 sqaure foundation 10 stories high twig building costs 20.000 wood (no windows or doors which decrease the cost). and will not decay, it makes it easy to unecessarily occupy building space and causing early lags after a wipe without any reasons. I called admins in multiple times for excessive twig buildings causing me to crash into them with my heli cause they did not render in time. The problem is that buildings get to big and are often never finished because twig does stay. Making it easier for players to start building and keep playing is nice and appreciated but not if they build such big buildings and are never seen again while the building stays. For reference from (EU) Pure:
  2. Dear Support Team, i recognizted that the AIs which are supposed to protect the high loot around and inside custom monuments are missing. So far i can name the little road patrol post near Outpost at B10 / B11 and the big Airfield located in Antarctica. Those two Areas contain high and endgame loot (2 elite crates for road patrol and 1 locked and 3 elite crates at the airfield respectivly) I guess that any other AI ment to be located at custom monuments like doosmday bunker etc might be missing as well. Unfortunately this would leed to an early access towards high endgame equipment for everyone without any real PvE challenge. I hope you can and will fix the missing AIs so we as players will ahve some challenge along this monthly wipe. So far epxloring the new map is fun... but without any challenge might be boring after a week. Best regards
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