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Everything posted by Zenith

  1. Hi, not sure if you are aware but you can buy the test generators from here: Because they are purchasable in the store online for $ I wouldn't expect them to appear in /shop anytime soon, but I'm not an admin or anything so happy to be proved wrong. Just wanted to make you aware you can purchase them if you need one.
  2. Just wondering if it's possible (presumably via a mod) for you to make it so that attachments stack. They are some of the few items in game that don't stack but we get them quite a lot from drops and they take up a lot of space. Yes I know I can add them to guns to get them out of the way or just recycle them but was just wondering if this is a possibility. Cheers
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  3. I'd love to get into making plugins for Rust, something I need to try and take time to get my head around, guess I need to look into C#
  4. I don't think all of the plugins are created by Death, he definitely makes use of ones from the community where he can but no doubt modifies them a lot to suit the eco system within EZ. One of the obvious ones that comes to mind is Sync Pipes. But you're right, I wouldn't publish a list of the mods in use myself either because it would be easy for people to try and copy the setup and run a competitor to EZ, which I'm sure has many many days worth of development put into it by Death and the team.
  5. Ok @Death thanks for the reply
  6. Hi @Death thanks for the reply, I wasn't aware they were so intensive on the client, I might re-think my use of them, its just they look so good My new base design won't rely on them so heavily, it was just that putting a ceiling over outdoor planters so they get light looks fugly but I get where you're coming from Cheers.
  7. Zenith

    Be Mine EZ #3

    I didn't know you guys did a video, just checked it out and it came out great. Also nice to see the behind the scenes picture of the build
  8. Yet another player distracted from their intended duties because of SCIENCE!
  9. I had plans, things I wanted to achieve last night, some lighting testing type stuff I wanted to do.... nope spent way too long trying to get a horse into a helicopter and they getting boats onto the top of dome, but it was infinitely more fun that what I originally planned to do in game lol Was a good laugh.
  10. Alternatively if you can't de-aggro the heli when a player teleports, why not stop the player from teleporting if a heli is aggro'd onto them (so they can't TP somewhere else on the map to move the heli). Someone on EU Scourge was fighting lvl 3 heli and ran out of bullets, i tried to TP to them but it said "sorry X is a little busy right now" or something along those lines and wouldn't let me, so I just traded them the ammo instead. I might be wrong but that suggests there is a flag in there somewhere to say a player is currently engaging the heli so maybe stop people from using /home if that flag is active.
  11. Yeah I agree 100%, the reason I wanted to try the lights from the store is because slapping ceiling lights above crops is ugly and would have made a much nicer effect. Just wasn't sure whether it's something that could be fixed by a quick mod.
  12. Hi, From what I can tell the Simple Light you can purchase from the RustEZ store for £0.20 (GBP) doesn't appear to count as a light source for crops. This is a shame as they are ideal for an outside crop garden as you can put a wall frame up between planters and put one of these lights up on each side. Not sure if it's possible, but if these could be modded to count as a light source similar to the normal ceiling lights that would be great. Cheers Zenith
  13. Just a thought, do you have slot free in the vending machine for the scrap to be put into? E.g. if you fill it entirely full of stacks of your goods to sell, and someone purchases something that doesn't free up a slot (so say half a stack of something) the scrap will spit out the back and potentially despawn. Make sure you have space in the vending machine for the scrap, or only sell full stacks of items so when someone purchases a stack the slot it was occupying is free for scrap.
  14. Sorry, my existing pumpjack does have the upgrade option, I was being stupid, but the brand new one I placed doesn't so I can't turn it into a lvl 5 pumpjack. Cheers Z
  15. Hi, I just purchased 5 pumpjacks from the store so I can create a lvl5 pumpjack in game but after placing the first pumpjack I don't have an upgrade option anymore. My existing pumpjack has also lost the upgrade option. Cheers Z
  16. Hi folks, Death posted this in February, so suspect it's something he's already working on (to have a signal we can use to call in a bradley similar to patrol heli).
  17. Hi Death, Not sure how possible it is but just wondering if there's a possibility of adding the jpipe plugin (or whatever you use on survival) to scourge (I play EU). Not sure if it would be a performance issue (we do have many plugins and zombies running around already), however I like the idea of using it but prefer playing on scourge to survival as we have decay and zombies to kill. Cheers Z
  18. Makes sense Death thanks for dropping me a reply. Cheers.
  19. Managed to get a new rocket launcher (borrowed one to research). Don't worry if you can't verfiy it to give me the M2 back, I'll just have to keep trying until I get another one. Just thought it might be worth looking into though in case it happens to other people. Also, thanks for a great set of servers, having a blast
  20. Hi, I was on for a few hours on and off today, earlier today I killed bradley on EU Scourge. I TPd back to base then logged out after arriving. When I logged back in a few minutes ago (was offlien for a few hours) I was told I had died to bradley. I've lost 2x Rocket Launchers, M249 with holo sight, muzzle break and flashnight, about 200 5.56 ammo and about 4 or 5 HV rockets, can't say for sure I usually take 10-12 rockets and it's 7 to kill bradley. I'm not fussed about the rockets or ammo but would be nice if I could get the m2 and a rocket launcher back I can just re-craft the rest. Is it possible to add a cool down so you can't log out after TP for maybe 20 seconds or something, obviously something went wrong with the TP and the game didn't think it actually happened and left me standing out in the open at launch. Thanks, Zenith
  21. Zenith

    Monstrum Giveaway

    Reply as requested
  22. Hi all, I understand on PvP having to wait after killing bradley to be able to loot the crates servers a purpose, it forces the player to protect their position from counters. However, I'm not sure it's useful on PvE other than slowing players down. Just a thought, not even sure if it's possible to remove it. Cheers
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