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Everything posted by retro

  1. Assuming this was connected to a string of messages between two players I won't mention. I defended my friend by pointing out the reasons for complaints by the other party involved were not realistic nor necessary due to the fact my friend followed rules and was being continuously harassed by said party. I purposefully participated in a chat argument the day before, although I was never warned, and the person disagreeing to my opinion was also defended. If this ban is a result of two cases of "toxicity in chat" I did not receive a valid warning, in my full belief this ban was invalid, and it's disappointing how shit that I've spewed get's slammed on, but disrespect and condescendence towards me can fall through the cracks, even when read by administrators.
  2. I agree to the suggestion, I feel bad being called out because I crafted 150+ HV rockets to use on brad because everybody wants to blow him up, and I feel whichever way the cooldown/respawn works, as long as more people can go about taking him out, I'd like to see it.
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