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Everything posted by oozhh

  1. why are you hopping on other peoples appeals just to throw shady reactions without even knowing the situation even slightly? get outa here bruh
  2. the admins here are kinda rediculous.. 5 years, NEVER said something like this before... i make one shitty joke to a friend who sits beside me and i get a lifetime ban? we were frequent buyers and supporters on the store (buying jacks, vip, etc) and we STILL get banned over some stupid ass "cancel culture" that doesn't even exist on this game.. let alone on steam. Currently the only cancel culture on this game is these admins, who aint even been on this server let alone an admin as long as ive been playing on this srver alone.. its fuckin pathetic man. if we're banned i think i know why they havent flagged our forum accounts... makes them look good. Oh well, theyll have to survive off kids stealing moms credit card or soon-to-be banned players for making simple mistakes. their admin laughed at me on their discord over this too, tried deleting the chat before i seen it... too bad i seen it. theyre disgusting man, laughing at people who are in the community, and THEIR community, 0 help or anyone who will hear me out.. its just insane. its alright though i found a new server.. bet your ass their getting my donations instead lol. these guys pay $90 a month for their server...they wanna charge $5 for small in game stuff and act like gods for it.. fuck that man. ill give it to someone who deserves it.
  3. i understand. i just really wish someone could hear me out on a bit more of a private term.. less public then this at the least. there is definitely some more explaining to be done here that cant be had in public lol. ive loved this server since allycat was still an admin and quite frankly only play for this server and would extremely miss it. this whole situation is nothing short of embarrassing on my behalf.. As stated its a bit hard to explain to say the least..
  4. ive been told to ask to speak with i believe it was spliff or another head? if possible PLEASE contact me on discord. i am in the server and its much easier to chat on a mic if possible.. i meant no harm to anyone with this.
  5. Look I'm super bummed and sorry about this. I loved this server and wouldn't say this to anyone in serious meanings. I've knows my friend for YEARS and we mean 0 offense by it to eachother, and are quite open about our sexualities lol.. he took 0 offence by it as we commonly make childish remarks.. we are more saddened by the ban then any other feelings towards our situation. it was going from my inventory to his for him to try driving our new car, in which i figured he wouldve turned around on his chair (sitting behind me) and yelled at me or something lol.. I know he wouldn't have left it like that for the exact reason of risking a ban or upsetting someone. If i knew it'd be an insta ban by console I would have never said it. Its just some childish humor we have sometimes.. Is there absolutely nothing that can be done about this ban? 5 years and i've never said anything like this or had any issues i can think of.. This is extremely unfortunate over a dumb joke
  6. Hey! ive been a donor and a player on this server for years.. never been banned, i think my only warning was for a tc in a bad spot.. i renamed a key for a friend to be sarcastic and got banned for innapropreate language. i have the video of it happening (check the end of the clip) I would love to get back on asap! this is one of the only servers i ever use.. hoping this isnt a perminant ban for a key that otherwise would've been renamed or destroyed pretty quickly.. (our car setups dont last long) Ban video (oops).mp4 Sorry again.. thanks for the awesome servers. Rust_replay_2021.10.20-21.47.mp4
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