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Bug Comments posted by TiffDust

  1. can confirm multiple players not having a brad spawn when the signal is thrown.


    I had thrown some myself earlier and they worked just fine.
    I had helis and brads in backpack and they worked fine afterwards, so not sure that was related but they were in there yes.
    A user named Gecho said same thing happened to him yesterday with one signal, but I don't have any other information about that incident. Just that Bradley never showed up.


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  2. Quote

    i need help im stuck crashing everytime i load in i think its cause im close to a pumpjack @US Scourage just need to be moved???


    f10 (bottem middle by the rock formation) us scourge has a spot that causes a crash if anyone gets to close to it. 1 other player said same thing happened to them there. there is a small base right next to it not sure if thats whats causing it or the something else

    [they'd walk past a pumpjack on the way/direction before the rocks. on salvage hammering pj they got red wall of error text.]

    People crash badly that they can't log in and need to be moved so they can move again.

  3. If you have the vip colour of your name in chat and /rec is not working for you.
    Be in your base and place all your inventory and clothing away in a box or backpack.
    Hit Esc and click on suicide. You will die. Do not respawn/revive but disconnect from the server dead.
    Reconnect to the server.
    Respawn at your base. /rec should now be working for you.

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