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Everything posted by Cascade92

  1. To save me from myself, is there any way that I can simply be permanently muted?
  2. Its been so long. I've been playing a lot of games recently, and I've been craving to play rust. Every time I play though, it isn't fun because of other players. It isn't fun because of PvP. I've searched through many PvE servers, but they pale in comparison to what I remember from this server. I fully acknowledge what I did to get banned previously. I would like to try to appeal to that ban. I was such a bad community member and player because I had just gotten my pc, so being able to chat and communicate was still somewhat surreal to me, I went too far too many times. I also stole from others. This was because I didn't know how to get anything myself. I was so happy when I found 50 scrap on a random player's body, or some sulfur in an open house, that I didn't think of the consequences and only lived in the moment. I'm a different player now. After nearly an entire year of playing this, and many other survival games, I've learned so much. I can't find a compatible place to play however, so this server came to mind repeatedly when I searched. I know what I did, and I take full blame. I am sorry to those I insulted, and I am sorry to those I wronged. Is there any way my ban can be lifted?
  3. I got banned because sulivan loves anyone who gets VIP. Rubiks-q-bert hates me for some reason, and amsulivan just adopts the same view as him. It's annoying man.
  4. I would like to appeal to this ban. This was my first server that I had ever joined. Prior to this, I had never Played Rust. I have never said or stated anything racial or political. On the 1st day. I asked if I was allowed to say something, and when I learned what type of server this was I didn't do anything like that again. The entering a base was because I didn't know we weren't allowed to enter bases, I only thought we were only not allowed to loot. The toxic behavior, several others were writing the same type of messages, but I was the only one who was reported for it. I haven't been toxic or a thief since I learned of the rules. For the past week, I have been actually playing and learning how the game . I would like to continue to play on this server, and have plans to play on it. I hope that you consider to allow me to continue playing on the server. Sincerely, Jesse Bryce
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