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Posts posted by GREENG1ANT

  1. 19 minutes ago, TiffDust said:

    On AU this wipe (and last), it is stone that is done over and over by the same small number of people. Our lovely admin did appeal with a reminder to be considerate that there's only so many events in a day and X number of players on  (so you can't gripe it's not you and you should be mindful of others.)


    I think you're entirely missing the point he was trying to make. He's saying it's the same people taking them all the time and a daily limit should be imposed on anyone that wants to do them. For the exact reason that only a certain number exist (approx. 24) per day. He's not griping that he can't do enough of them, he's suggesting a global cap on all players. If you had read through this thread at all you would know, that this is an on going topic for months now. Its cool that the AU admins are keeping people in check, but clearely it's still an issue in other servers.

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  2. Or potentially, and I don't even know if this is possible, a push notification you have to agree to when you go to the help channel the first time. One that would give you the rundown of how the channel works and to give examples of how to ping servers and whatnot. Would probably clean up the channel a lot as well. Often times I've seen people type 5-20 separate messages that are all only a few words long, and no server ping. Also maybe include that inquiries won't be immediately resolved as moderation staff is finite and people have to work/sleep.

  3. Not an admin here, but I will save them the time and tell you what they tell everyone for dropping N-words. 


    There is a zero tolerance policy for racism on RustEZ servers. This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers.

    Use of such a word in any circumstance is never funny, and will never be funny. It is not a joke. There is no safe space for it.

    Here are the server rules that you accepted when you joined:

    ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind
    ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, racism or harassment
    ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas
    ● No building on roads, around monuments or large areas of unused land
    ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players

  4. This has been talked about quite a bit already. The main problem with having pre-designated spawns is it leads to easier camping. I believe the spawns were given a wider area to alleviate some of this issue. I do agree the TC loot going into the ground is problematic. Probably the easiest solution would be to have them spawn a bit further into the water. 

  5. 7 hours ago, dH Toki said:

    the reason i got banned was unacceptable. I was eating KFC and my cat stepped on my keyboard. and typed out "Fucking Niggers" to be honest i think i was too drunk to remember.

    Also I will note, your "joke" if you can even call it that, wasn't funny. There isn't any point in replying your not getting unbanned with that attitude.

  6. Not an admin here, but I will save them the time and tell you what they tell everyone for dropping N-words. 


    There is a zero tolerance policy for racism on RustEZ servers. This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers.

    Use of such a word in any circumstance is never funny, and will never be funny. It is not a joke. There is no safe space for it.

    Here are the server rules that you accepted when you joined:

    ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind
    ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, racism or harassment
    ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas
    ● No building on roads, around monuments or large areas of unused land
    ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players

  7. 4 hours ago, Lillerune said:

    i tryed hqm mine last nite . put 2k fuel in it on scourge EU .. today i found . nothing in it.. kinda dumb.  flip2flops was showing me how to use it . so he seen i did it btw.

    Please add to the mega thread, thanks!

  8. 1 hour ago, TiffDust said:

    would it be too hard for the server to say 'playername has destroyed garrison' when the TC is emptied by that person? or 'playername has damaged garrison x times'  (damage being walls destroyed as to not spam chat for every rocket/c4 or as a percentage such as combatlog for brad/heli) might that help fight the toxicity? possibly nerfing the payout of the non hqm ones might help balance it out.

    When the tc is destroyed it already sends out a server message. "The garrison was destroyed" or something along those lines. Having the name of the player is sort of irrelevant, as my experiences over the last few wipes tells it's always the same handful of players anyways. Nerfing the payout for lower tiers really does seem like the most reasonable/easiest fix.

  9. Not only is it pointless to trying to segregate the game types, it would require too much man power. You can't expect the admins to do a thorough search of every single players activity in other servers. What Yami said is correct, report problem people and they will be dealt with. If someone stealing your heli is such a huge deal to you, take out the fuel and lock it up when your not using it. But no, I don't think there should be some filter or something to stop people from coming into the servers, that's what EAC is for. 

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  10. Yea this is especially an issue on us scourge. Personally I don't use the cars, but I know from chat that plenty of people want one. I've seen some people with 6+ cars in or on their base, it kinda sucks that death went through the effort to increase spawns for them and people used it as an excuse to horde.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Ouchmousie said:

    The number of times in a day I have to explain what no camping means to utter idiots is so much on the rise I can't even... I don't have the energy. People don't seem to have the intelligence level to comprehend why a person who never camps is always going to be at a disadvantage over someone who does.

    The issue with monument camping has been alleviated by quite a lot, I will say. The update by FP that kills puzzle sleepers and active admins have lent to quelling the issue by quite a bit. While I doubt the issue will ever be %100 dealt with, active players that get reported by members of the community are far less likely to keep up the monument camping. I do agree though, it can be quite frustrating to get into arguments with people when you clearly catch them camping. Especially multiple times.

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  12. You'r obviously referencing to Scourge servers here. The /home command is meant to be used as a convenient form of moving around. Some people don't want to/don't know how to fly, cars are rare as hell, and horses get stuck on terrain constantly. I remember death talking one time about how /home at one time didn't have a cap, it was instituted to encourage players to use it. Some players view 200 as still being quite high. 200 is the equivalent of about 4k scrap. Limiting the number of bags for /home or increasing the price per teleport won't fix anything. Just because you can only /home to 10 bags you can still place well over 10 and just use f1 kill to teleport around, which many players in fact do. Which, if anything, should atest to the fact than many people think the price is too high. I started the wipe with 100k credits and haven't turned anything in, I've called in 3 helis, and teleported around quite a lot for various reasons. I'm down to 63k credits. How do you think this sort of thing would effect new players or people that can't play for 12+hrs a day like I can?

  13. Well considering helis have a tendency to get pretty banged up upon dropping in, people would prolly get upset if their horse dies because they flare it in. Also, and this is with no knowledge of of how metadata works on the server, it would probably be pretty bad for server performance if people had a bunch of different horse stored in different flares. Although it would be hilarious to see a bunch of horses falling in the sky.

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