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Everything posted by GREENG1ANT

  1. They've got a welcome screen on scourge that people have to click continue on. Dosen't stop people from getting auto banned or asking if there is PvP. So yea, don't think that's gunna work. Headed in the right direction though.
  2. Why are you @ me in a ban appeal neither you or I are involved in? WeirdChamp
  3. People have been waiting for things to be added, removed, or changed in the website store or the in-game store for almost a year, if not more now. Sorry, to disappoint you, but you're gunna be waiting a lot longer than 11 days.
  4. I took a break back in February due to servers related issues, ex. Crashes and rollbacks. This was my first wipe back since than, I had hoped in all this time some things would have improved. As a regular player (I see you on quite often), I'm sure you can understand the frustration with crashes, rollbacks, and the quarry issues. Personally I was never one to build huge grand bases, but for the players that did, and relied heavily on the quarries to supplement upkeep, it's not really a mystery to me that player retention dropped pretty quick. The player driven economy is largely maintained by the quarries, mostly the hqm quarry. Although, it appears anyway, it's on of the most taxing assets on the server. For a long time, almost a year, almost nothing has been added or changed for the server due to the issues with the quarries. Except of course, the new UI. After you've experience one full wipe cycle (3 months because of the skill levels), you've done all there is to do. In this time players tend to find the niche they belong in. Whether it be; credit grinders, farmers, rpers/erpers, try hards, casuals, psychopaths, and a few more. But in any of these aspects, after a while it tends to stray away from being fun and just feeling like a job. Of course I don't ignore the awesome admin teams from trying to spice things up with tournaments and community events, but most of these are held all wipe or at the end of the wipe, and a huge portion of players are gone within the first two weeks because that's generally when the server performance is the worse. From what I've seen from a lot of the regulars, it seems they just need a break. There is obviously a whole plethora of reasons for player retention. But at the end of the day, this is a game and it's meant to be fun.
  5. Universe is like really big. Black hold go brrrr
  6. It's like rocket league, except it's not at all like rocket league.
  7. "Some crazy" I know he's not talking about me.... "Devious psychopaths" oh crap he's definitely talking about me. Nice to have you along bud. I really like your rp idea!
  8. People in scourge chat are already bragging about making 50k+ scrap profit every 6hrs. What little semblance of an economy we had is dead and gone. The dude that ran the fireworks show got gifted 65k scrap worth of smoke grenades the day before yesterday. For reference that's 234k gunpowder and 326k metal fragments introduced to the economy, for free. Others look at this type of thing and say, "well if this is so profitable, why would I do anything else." As sgt stated, all the nerf in time did was make the farms larger. Oh the process time is 3x longer than last wipe? Well I'll just put down 3x as many composters ez. I mean I get it, you guys don't want to tell people what they can and can't build, or "stifle player creativity." But there isn't anything "creative" about building a giant laggy as farm and ruining the economy.
  9. These types of things are generally handled on the discord. I already tagged your server and asked them to look into it for you. Might help if you go on there and say your in game name and some other details that might help.
  10. A few shots from my favorite wipe on the server in which we ran a gallery.
  11. This is a really neat idea! If it's ever implemented, please for the love of all things, please have a cap on the number of pets any one player can have. There is a reason only a small number of animals exist on the server at once. You know for a fact some people would take it to extremes. But besides that, a cool idea!
  12. I'd like to request the addition of a new define on the modded servers that have a notification drop down. "Define Notifications" or something along those lines. We're getting a lot of new players on the servers, and a large majority don't know how to use the notification system. It'd be nice if we had a short and sweet few sentences that tell players how to access and use this system, as opposed to having to tell someone different every few minutes, how to do it. I'm not going to lie, the system is a tad unintuitive as it stands. It still tends to do the thing where it will occasionally free your mouse, causing you to not be able to look around untill you clear notifications. As a new player I would be extremely confused if this happened to me. It also seems a little tedious having to constantly explain how to do trade and teleport requests/notifications.
  13. There is an auto-ban bot that times you out for banned language. Most commonly it's for people dropping N-bombs in chat. Just be glad you only got the 3hr timeout.
  14. Since no actual appeal has been made, it would be great if an admin could go ahead and lock the thread. @Granny
  15. On a side note I will say, it kinda looks like a guitar or something from above.
  16. It's a nice place sure, but you're literally breaking one of the few rules with that river block. Oof.
  17. While these are all solid points, there is a 99% chance one of the higher ups is going to respond with, "In no way do we intend to tell players what they can and can't build, everyone expresses themselves in different ways." Ran into pretty similar issues with the massively unnecessary sized bases, the Christmas light epilepsy spam bases, the bases that spam search lights, the bases that spam 600 farms, and so on. Feels pretty bad, but atleast someone that dosen't have a $5k pc might look at your post and be like, "Yea you know, opening the map is pretty chunky/laggy, I was wondering why my fps tanked every time I pressed that button."
  18. Translation for anyone that's interested: Apart from the evasion this time, what wrong did I do to the server or players? I was able to help with many tips to different players who have many hours on the server, I help the new ones so that they can continue to grow and as a result they spend many hours on the server. The previous wipe I played without problem on this server is shown that I am not a bad player, otherwise I contribute more benefit to this great community. If I can log in with another account and pretend not to get caught while having fun again, it may take him longer this time to discover me ... because I take this action is that my first account (hc4stillo02) was unfairly banned and my friends are on that server that simple there is no reason, I will never do something to harm anyone and if I did I apologized publicly. Greetings and we will not see you again very soon.
  19. Ah, see I assumed you got banned for racism, since you started focusing on that topic so much. I will say there is a zero tolerance policy on racism. There is a massive number of autobans for people that test the limits of what they can get away with. I think it's completely deserved, people that go dropping racist shit in chat don't belong in any community quite frankly. I'll also add, Sullivan is an awesome admin, if they banned you for being toxic, I have no doubt you were being toxic and thus deserved the hammer. Hopefully you can find a community that is accepting of the type of person you choose to be.
  20. Man this was a lot to take in. Pretty funny of you to say you're not racist, yet you drop n-bombs in chat when you're "drunk" that's a yikes for me. Sheeeesh
  21. Admin applications are to be filled out here: https://rustez.com/apply/
  22. This sort of issue is best brought up on the discord for more immediate assistance. Make sure you tag the server you play on.
  23. Starlight reactor room tutorial: I couldn't find a video for the bunker, but it's just a green room puzzle with a generator.
  24. The problem with where they are now is they output the same power as 2 solar panels. Which are free. There isn't really a reason to buy one in the first place at this point. As it stands, the only thing you really save on versus other power options is a little bit of wiring.
  25. Political discourse is against the server/website rules. Seems to me like you're kind of baiting a political response. Nothing you said was constructive towards the conversation. I'd recommend just deleting this comment before you get a talking to for baiting.
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