Offender: '' panthus Sappho (76561198999372883) (939972657)
Server: EU Scourge
Time: 18:43 BST
Length: Permanent until appealed
Reason: Stealing/Looting
Player has previous 3 day ban for Toxicity and theft.
Other admins have witnessed him stealing from Garrisons he didn't participate in. When approached regarding the stealing, he was disrespectful towards the admin in question.
Was giving another warning and noted that a ban will be issued on the next Occurrence of stealing.
On 14/May/2021 it was reported to me that the player had been toxic at a Garrsion, and i also observed this in BM chat logs. Later that same day, the player stole loot crates from a personal heli. Ban implemented as the player has had multiple verbal and official warnings and his behaviour has not changed on the server.