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Posts posted by Squog

  1. Offender: Qyburn (BattleMetrics) (Steam)
    Server: [JP] Pure
    Time: 9:15PM AEST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding
    More Info: Player was evidenced on several containers in bases belonging to other players. Approximately 56 ladders were found on bases throughout the map that were used to gain access. After admin attempted to discuss this with the player, they feigned communication issues and disconnected from the server. A warning was issued that the player accepted when logging in shortly afterwards.

    They were seen roaming the map on foot with the following inventory items:


    They were also evidenced laddering into another player's base, as well as looting a sleeping player in a monument.

    The ban has been placed against this player as they have demonstrated a complete lack of remorse and a willingness to continue breaking rules on the server.

  2. Running a large horse farm inside a closed space should generate a foul stench. This attracts bugs & other pests which may cause issues to production and charisma!

    I propose that a plugin be developed for the servers to reflect the harsh realities of dealing with large-scale livestock handling: Players who cross a certain threshold of owned composter/horse trough entities should receive a permanent "rottingflies" effect attached to their player model, and perhaps also some of the entities.

    discuss 🫠

    • Haha 2
  3. Hi Noddy,

    We understand your position and the argument that the term was not used publicly. However, our community guidelines and rules are in place to foster a respectful and inclusive environment for all players. The use of racist language, regardless of intent or visibility, is a serious violation of these principles.

    The rule against racism is clear and non-negotiable, and it applies to all forms of communication within the game, including private notes. Such actions undermine the spirit of our community and the gaming experience for everyone.

    We take these matters very seriously, and as a result, the decision to uphold the permanent ban will stand. This is to ensure that all players can enjoy their experience without exposure to harmful content, even if it is not seen by others.

    We appreciate your understanding in this matter. We hope this serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a positive and respectful gaming environment.

  4. Hi @Noddymc74,

    Thanks for submitting an appeal for the ban. We appreciate your explanation of your motives.

    With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized. While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate in our community-focused servers.

    The word you chose to use is not welcome - in any context.

    The "No Racism" rule is purposefully positioned in every server's description so that it has maximum visibility - even during the lengthy loading screen.

    In addition to this - Facepunch's Terms of Service aligns with our stance.

    We would like to extend to you some resources to help understand our decision-making process:

    The ban will not be lifted.

    You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. We wish you the best of luck.

  5. Hi Chinaski,

    Thanks for reaching out to clarify this matter.

    The server rules that are accessible by typing /rules into chat state:


    5️⃣ No blocking water ways, building around monuments or large areas of land.

    This differs slightly from what is also available when typing /info and clicking the Prev button:


    6️⃣ Blocking waterways, surrounding monuments, or monopolizing large areas of land is prohibited.

    7️⃣ Avoid excessive building. Buildings that cause performance issues for others may be required to downsize.

    You are correct in saying that Tool Cupboards (TCs) placed to cover a large area do not constitute a breach of these rules, however - as stated previously in this thread - we ask that any TCs placed purely for the purpose of excluding others from occupying a space be removed after 24 hours.

    This should provide ample time to construct what you require out of twig, or place Quarries/Pumpjacks.

    This incident does not warrant any form of formal warning being applied to you, and you are free to build as you please on the server, within the aforementioned limits.

    In future, please reach out to EZ staff directly or use the help section of the forums if you have any queries on this matter.

  6. Hi Demonic,

    Thank you for appealing your ban.

    On 9/18/2023 at 5:58 PM, coldheartdeath said:

    [...] on the first matter of discord incident    starth a fellow player  tag a public heli  at the hqm quarry   and started attacking it  and i was in my garden planting crops and i posted in chat (should be logged in battlemetrics)  could you please watch my base as it is next to hqm qarry down by the river  and next min the heli started rocketing my base  destroying my attack heli  kill a horse and damage my base   i posted again  in  chat  please watch out for my base  (again should be battlemetrics logs)  as proof   after having no reply   i jump on discord and i didnt yell or scream as people said  all i said was  im not happy that someone took heli there where my base was  and that it was damaged by it  and the three people in there starth and sweet tooth and RONAu  basically laugh at me saying that part of the game  and i left  [...]

    BM shows the following:

    • 4:50 PM [ezEvents] Spawned patrolhelicopter[452632135] at (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    • 4:52 PM Starth was killed by Force
    • 4:52 PM Demonic: watch my base
    • 4:53 PM Starth[76561197996311922] has spawned
    • 4:54 PM Starth was killed by patrolhelicopter (entity)
    • 4:54 PM Starth[76561197996311922] has spawned
    • 4:54 PM Demonic was killed by Force
    • 4:54 PM Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? fireball[0]
    • 4:54 PM Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? fireball[0]
    • 4:54 PM Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? fireball[0]
    • 4:54 PM Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? fireball[0]
    • 4:54 PM Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? fireball[0]
    • 4:54 PM Demonic[76561197998352541] has spawned
    • 4:54 PM Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/fireball.prefab
    • 4:55 PM Starth: wtf ...get back here lol
    • 4:56 PM Starth: and why was he not rocketing me?
    • 4:56 PM Demonic: he was hitting my base
    • 4:56 PM Invalid Position: servergibs_patrolhelicopter[453314935] (1325.4, -503.4, -1226.9) (destroying)
    • 4:56 PM Demonic: thats why i said watch my base
    • 4:56 PM Starth: no idea why ...unless that was you that also fired at him
    • 4:57 PM Demonic: i was going my garden
    • 4:57 PM Demonic: doing
    • 4:57 PM Pezza 681: Don't have to shoot at heli to be agro'd on by heli
    • 4:57 PM Starth: no but i saw someone else shooting at him
    • 4:59 PM Starth: i was just saying that if he shot at it that might be why it fired the rockets at him
    • 5:03 PM Starth: who ever shot him as well there is an m2 in the loot ..../tp to me to grab the loot
    • 5:04 PM Starth: i was sure i hit him while i was up again
    • 5:05 PM Starth: maybe i missed since i still do not have a holo on my m2 lol
    • 5:15 PM Demonic: how do u heal a horse that got rocket by heli it kill one wounded other
    • 5:15 PM Pezza 681: food
    • 5:16 PM Demonic: thx

    There are several key pieces of information in the above output:

    1. Your death at 4:54 PM was caused by "Force" - which means the Patrol Helicopter fired on you with either explosive rockets, or the door gunners
    2. Starth indicates in chat at 4:56 PM that he saw another player in the vicinity shooting at the Patrol Helicopter
    3. Starth realises at 5:03 PM another player had dealt enough damage to the Patrol Helicopter for the instancing to allocate loot

    Typically when a player engages the Patrol Helicopter at a monument such as the  HQM quarry, they do so from the small box that surrounds the spawn point. They are also typically beyond the range of any tool cupboards they are authed onto. This means that the Patrol Helicopter should only shoot incendiary rockets, in addition to the door gunners' fire. The fact Starth evidenced another player in the area who shot at the Patrol Helicopter in combination with the instancing determining another player had done sufficient damage to be awarded loot is indicative of someone who was geared in the area drawing the aggro of the Patrol Helicopter.

    The demeanour in which you confronted Starth on Discord following these events was also reported to admins as disrespectful conduct that is similar in nature to previous entanglements.

    On 9/18/2023 at 5:58 PM, coldheartdeath said:

    on the 2nd matter  "The Spray can incident"     the words """ hi campers """ was written   i dont know how that word is "An insulting message"  as it not targeting any person by name or nature

    The context for this incident stretches across several wipes. After players already at launch site engaged with and killed a Bradley from a signal you purchased, you took it upon yourself to attack them personally by writing on the ground with a spray can.

    This behaviour is not how we would like the community to conduct themselves when dealing with these matters and must be corrected by admins across all servers when it is recognized.

    After consultation with EZ Leadership, we have decided to accept your appeal, with the caveat that the ban will stay in place for 3 days to allow you to reflect on how the situation could have been better handled.

    If you have further queries in this matter please reach out to an [AU] Survival staff member.

    - Squog
    Head Admin
    [AU] Survival

  7. Offender: Demonic (76561197998352541) (561677495)
    Server: [AU] Survival
    Time: 12:50 AEST, September 18th
    Length: Permanent until appealed
    Reason: Harassment
    More Info: The harassment originates from two separate incidents:

    1. A verbal altercation in discord after an accident with a public patrol heli event
    2. An insulting message written on the ground with a spraycan at a monument

    A ban has been implemented in an effort to allow the offender time to re-evaluate whether the EZ community is a good fit for their playstyle.

  8. My opinion is that players in a PVE environment shouldn't feel the need to compete against each other, and should find ways to enrich their experience by seeking positive relationships with other players. The best part of the RustEZ community is the people you meet along the way - the servers are merely a platform for that interaction to take place on. I see the servers as a "refuge" or "safe haven" from the toxicity found on 99% of Rust servers.

    Implementing a larger building exclusion zone around TCs will be problematic on the high-population servers in the cluster. The rules that are currently in place need to be applicable in all instances to ensure we are consistent with our approach to moderating the servers.

    • Like 2
    • Love 2
  9. Hi there 🙂 thanks for your suggestion!

    We try to leave the basic features of the game as close to the way Facepunch intended it to be used - there are many reasons for doing this. Wood as an item doesn't count towards the number of entities, as it isn't physically present as an object until it is dropped from your inventory. Having a substantial amount of an item in your inventory or in containers produces no discernable degradation in server performance.

    If we made things to easy for you, you would do everything you wanted 2 days into wipe and we would never see you again! And we like having you around! ❤️

    • Love 1
  10. 822343330_Advert3-ForumHeader.png.be91fa6af1ef95acc47a0b303f001f42.png

    Join us on [AU] Survival for PookieQuest🧸 - a multiphase event!

    PHASE 3
    Locate & photograph three other player's pookie dioramas

    Submit one photo of each diorama in the PookieQuest mailbox in the Community Centre in F9

    The note on the photo should contain:

    • your name
    • the name of a pookie bear
    • the occupation of a pookie bear
    • the home address of a pookie bear

    Use your imagination! be creative!

    How to play:
    Log onto [AU] Survival and construct a hidden base no bigger than 4x4 featuring Pookies!
    The base must contain: Pookie(s), 1x dropbox, 1x small wooden sign.
    These items need to be shared and publicly accessible.
    Use your imagination - Creativity will be rewarded!

    Once you have completed your build, deliver a note
    containing your name and the location of your pookie diorama
    to the PookieQuest mailbox at the community centre in grid F9.

    Complete construction by:
    6:00 pm AEST Saturday 10th September.

    Final-Phase Prize:
    Best Effort : $10 EZcredit
    Most Hidden : $5 EZcredit
    Participation : Supply Signal (for next wipe)

    PHASE 4 to commence shortly afterwards.


    • Love 2
  11. 1918960878_DiscordEventBanner(1).png.7a3416248b08022c2d790f93c69bddc2.png

    Join us this coming weekend on [AU] Survival and "go over the top" for THE GREAT (rust) WAR!
    Saturday, July 23rd at 2:00PM AEST

    Everyone is welcome to join! The event will be posted in Discord under #announcements and listed as an event to check local time.

    How to play:
    Sharpen your PVP skills and take your place in the trenches armed with your trusty bolt-action rifle to defend your bunker whatever the cost! Your objective is to destroy the enemy weapons cache located inside the bunker located in their trenches.

    Rules and info:
    1. Follow all instructions issued by admin
    2. Griefing is not permitted
    3. No abuse either in chat or verbally
    4. Remain inside the arena when participating in the event
    5. Do not shoot at players outside the arena or spectators


    Prizes | Rewards:
    Award for Gallantry : $10 EZcredit
    Award for Heroic Sacrifice : $5 EZcredit

    Award for Roleplay : $5 EZcredit

    • Like 2
  12. Offender: Vibrant (Steam) (Battlemetrics)
    Server: [AU] Pure
    Time: 21:08 ADST
    Length: Permanent until appealed.
    Reason: Stealing, blatant disregard of admin instructions
    More Info:

    Player was part of a trio of players who roamed naked and boosted each other into windows and stole from multiple players. When confronted, they seemed to comply with admin's directions to return the stolen items, but soon returned to their wicked ways.

    steamID           username       online leader 
    76561199099466616 Lum1nouss             x      
    76561198906114806 SoggieSandwich               
    76561199223951232 Vibrant        x             

    Vibrant was evidenced returning to the victim's base and stealing the recently returned items:

    Loot logs for container 1145062:
    Name           ID                Time                Status  
    SoggieSandwich 76561198906114806 07:49 AM 03/04/2022 Offline 
    Lum1nouss      76561199099466616 07:49 AM 03/04/2022 Offline 
    SoggieSandwich 76561198906114806 07:49 AM 03/04/2022 Offline 
    SoggieSandwich 76561198906114806 07:49 AM 03/04/2022 Offline 
    Lum1nouss      76561199099466616 09:50 AM 03/04/2022 Offline 
    Lum1nouss      76561199099466616 09:50 AM 03/04/2022 Offline 
    Postanou       76561198016745946 09:50 AM 03/04/2022 Online  
    SoggieSandwich 76561198906114806 09:57 AM 03/04/2022 Offline 
    Postanou       76561198016745946 09:59 AM 03/04/2022 Online  
    Vibrant        76561199223951232 10:01 AM 03/04/2022 Online

    This demonstrates a blatant disregard for admin instructions on the server and as a consequence of this, the player has been banned from the server.

    Items originally taken from victim seen in teammate's inventory:



  13. Hi Frost1ess,

    Thank you for appealing the ban.

    After consultation with the admin team, we have collectively decided to repeal your ban on the [AU] Pure server. The ban will be lifted immediately without any pre-requisites.

    Key contributing factors to this decision were:

    • Your calm temperament during each admin intervention

    • Your desire to research and understand the server rules better

    • Your attitude towards other players in global chat

    Upon your return, please be respectful to other players who wish to participate in events. As a suggestion - try to involve others who do not have the same level of experience with events. Sharing of loot is encouraged in the community, and is a good way to foster meaningful alliances that lead to friendship.

    In addition to the above, please do your level best to upgrade your base from twig to any other material. Twig is known to cause more lag than other materials and should only be used as a short-term solution to plan out your base layout.

    Have fun and be respectful!

  14. Offender: Frost1ess (Steam) (Battlemetrics)
    Server: [AU] Pure
    Time: 21:15 ADST
    Length: Permanent until appealed.
    Reason: Exceeding 3 Warnings - Building, Looting, Camping Monument x2
    More Info:

    Offender incurred multiple warnings for:

    • looting a sleeper
    • building a large structure
    • camping a monument

    In addition to the above prior offences, the offender was evidenced camping a monument from their nearby base (picture attached):

    Event Combat Logs
    ID       Type       Attackers Concluded           
    33525779 Bradley    1         10/18/2021 04:23:29 
    33627220 Bradley    1         10/18/2021 05:29:59 
    33817511 Bradley    1         10/18/2021 06:43:08 
    34039577 Bradley    1         10/18/2021 08:09:55 
    34098982 Helicopter 2         10/18/2021 08:38:01 
    34240692 Bradley    1         10/18/2021 09:40:18


    Combat Log for 33525779
    Player   Damage Hits Ammo                 Timestamp       
    Frost1ess 1157   9    5.56 Rifle Ammo, High Velocity Rocket 10/18/2021 04:23:29


    Combat Log for 33627220
    Player   Damage Hits Ammo                 Timestamp          
    Frost1ess 1124   10   5.56 Rifle Ammo, High Velocity Rocket 10/18/2021 05:29:59


    Combat Log for 33817511
    Player   Damage Hits Ammo                 Timestamp           
    Frost1ess 1124   11   5.56 Rifle Ammo, High Velocity Rocket 10/18/2021 06:43:08


    Combat Log for 34240692
    Player   Damage Hits Ammo                 Timestamp           
    Frost1ess 1124   9    5.56 Rifle Ammo, High Velocity Rocket 10/18/2021 09:40:18


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