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Banana Dong banned US Scourge

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Offender:   Banana Dong  (battlemetrics ) (SteamID )
Server:  US Scourge
Time: 11:54 AM  CST
Length:  permanent
Reason:  raiding and theft
More Info (Optional):  player claimed a decaying farm base around 10:04 PM on 11th of September, 2022, by placing his own TC there and a bed.  Player spent over an hour removing and rearranging items owned by the previous tenant.  Screenshots available upon staff request. 

Edited by Rosemary Mint
added steam and bm info
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i did not realize bases without tool cupboards/bags/decaying were ment to be untouched, didnt realize that it is or why that is a rules violation, that's a huge gray area. gray bags are okay to loot, but you gotta wait till all hp is removed from foundations?  literally would give the guy his base back, thought saving 80 planters from disappearing would be a good idea. i removed some unneeded foundations to help reduce the 24k wood/day upkeep, along with server latency issues associated with a mansion of a building. thankyou 4 the consideration. 

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Thank you for taking the time to appeal your ban.

You have played on US Scourge for over 1300 hours, giving you plenty of time to be familiar with the server's rules.  The gray satchels have always been fair game for whoever picks them up.  Natural decay is a part of the game. However, placing your own TC, spending over an hour tearing down and rebuilding portions of the base is inexcusable.  You went so far as to rearrange some of the deployables and the base itself to your liking.  You also removed the victim's furnaces and refineries and placed them in boxes within the base. 

No stealing.  No raiding.

This appeal is denied. Ban remains in effect.

Hopefully, you will find a server that suits your playstyle in the future.

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