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Ban Krownixian

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Hi, admin team.

I'm making this request because of the ban I received from the Us Scourge server for reason of breaking server rules. I'm not totally sure what the ban reason was for of not willing to abide by server rules. . admins didn't talk to me about causing a problem, nor did I receive any warning's about the situation this was not a multiple account of harassment or breaking server rules I did not grief anyone or anything but I'm not denying anything.

I have been being dragged into toxic situation from players who seem to be getting special treatment from admins. I know I've been saying stuff in the chat that isn't solicited but after being accused of doing very serious criminal activities that I was never even online to be a part of is really unfair. I haven't been given 3 official warnings before getting banned. I got a single warning for a build that I didn't get much information about so that was me being a new player. I never harassed players I said stuff for this team to contact me on different platforms and in game I think its only fair to stand up for myself. This team has been getting reported and called out for days now. they haven't received any warnings. for me to immediately be kicked and without the right to come back to even talk to an admin be banned? without any admin coming to me to talk about the situation this clan has been warping to turn it onto their side is completely unfair on my side.

regarding the fowl insults in chat I understand they're not welcome and I promise to ever send anything in that nature again. but for admins to immediately ban me without hearing a word from me about a situation that was being lied about is not fair. this clan claiming they own the admins to insult harass and grief me countless times with no punishment is just so not fair.


this team have gotten away with breaking the rules more than once. and idk why they're allowed to celebrate that and for me to get banned. I was accused of selling a 10 year old pornographic content in game when I was not even on my computer.. this group was told to not bring this situation up again and yet they do and then blame me!!?? I had nothing to ever do with it. I'd like to be given a chance to come back and show I a really nice player in the server and I don't go around harassing players. or to grief bases like this clan has been doing for a while now other players testify agents them too its just un right but I'm not mad. I respect the admins choice to remove me from the server but I would think its only fair for admins to at least talk to me about it.

thank you for the work you's have been doing I apologize greatly for the problems I have started in the server. I'd like to be able to come back but if not allowed I will understand.

thank you.

Edited by Krownixian
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18 hours ago, JediDrift said:

Thank you for the review on the ban request I greatly appreciate it x. I hope it works out so I really can show that I don't mean any negative approach to the server. It's been great fun and I really don't have any harsh will's towards any of the players involved. Please take your time on the review and thank you again .


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Over about a month's worth of time on RustEZ servers, you have been warned multiple times for griefing other players' builds, killing offline players to collect their skulls, and insulting other players.

Normally, these number of offenses would be enough for a permanent ban. However, reviewing the recent logs allows us to see that you were baited into your recent comments. As such, we are extending you a second chance to play on the RustEZ servers.

To be clear, any further infraction of any RustEZ rule will result in a permanent ban.

If you have an issue with another player, please do not take matters into your own hands. Two wrongs do not make a right. It is preferred that you begin a report by asking in chat if an admin is available. If none are available, please use "@(US)Scourge" to reach out via the #help channel in Discord. Failing that, there is always https://rustez.com/help/. If further clarification is needed or the details contain personally sensitive information, an admin may ask for you to contact them with a direct message.

We look forward to seeing you on the server. Welcome back.

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