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Everything posted by CatLoaf

  1. CatLoaf


    And the spam is when you continuously talk like this it floods the whole chat and is overall rather pointless and agitating
  2. CatLoaf


    There are other Rust servers out there besides RustEZ servers, my advice is to join one of those.
  3. CatLoaf


    To me it looks like plenty to warrant a ban.
  4. Offenders: Fertminster (76561198042480262) (279376194) Screech (76561198017917817) (21983376) F1lthy (76561198340375872) (287409909) Big_C343 (76561198160187740) (437768626) Time: 05:31pm PST Length: Permanent Reason: Trio Rule Violation - Players are not allowed to run around in groups of more than 3. Proof:
  5. Only issue with that is that it could be seen as a sort of pay-to-win issue, seeing as players would be paying to keep their blueprints and on the forcewipe would therefore have access to guns, explosives, etc on what is meant to be a full fresh start.
  6. Welcome!
  7. Time: 10:27AM PST Length: Permanent Reason: Raiding/Griefing More Info: Last night I had found twigging into bases from this player, but the second base I had found had a note saying he was securing the base for the person so I gave a warning. However today I found a base that had clearly been twigged into, raided, and griefed. I have gone forward with the ban of this player. I will add to this post if I find any additional bases. Proof:
  8. Welcome to RustEZ!
  9. Welcome to RustEZ! Happy to have ya with us ^^
  10. Welcome to RustEZ, glad to have ya with us ^^
  11. So far just the move to the Modded category and the PvP Zones on the Tool Cupboards for troubleshooting. Some of the other new plugins may come in just before the wipe as well in order to troubleshoot those also.
  12. CatLoaf

    Oh hi!

    Glad to have ya with us! ^^ Welcome to RustEZ!
  13. I spoke with Death and this would be possible to do, we will consider it as it would be a means of further balancing the cars.
  14. To clarify, purge week is on the very last week of the month before the first Thursday of the following month (the big forcewipe). So for next month it'd be 09/27 through 10/04, for example.
  15. After some discussion with Death, it's been decided that RustEZ Casual will be undergoing some changes that will ideally help to bolster the community and maintain a steady playerbase throughout the month. We hope that these changes are accepted with open arms, however we will take any and all feedback regarding these changes into consideration so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think. The following changes will be implemented with the next force-wipe on September 6, 2018: Base defense: Players authorized on a TC will be able to defend their base from trespassers/would-be-thieves. Monument PvP Zone Ranges: Increased to help with combat evasion. Incremental Radiation: Radiation levels in monuments will steadily increase to prevent players from camping. Biweekly Wipes: Wipes will take place every 2 weeks instead of 4. (BPs will still wipe monthly) Purge Week: On the very last week prior to the big force-wipe, raiding and PvP will be fully activated. Modded: The server will be migrating from being a Community server to being a Modded server. Mods: Server will be lightly modded with no HUD additions. Cars: Modified cars will be added to the server, check out this post for more details. PvP Flagging: Allows players to enable PvP in the world for increased gather rate but greater risk of combat. Questions/Concerns are more than welcome, feel free to post below and we will address any of these that you may have. If you have any suggestions of your own, feel free to visit the RustEZ Casual Feedback & Suggestions Thread.
  16. It runs from the desktop, it searches out the Rust folder
  17. CatLoaf


    Glad to have ya here!
  18. Bases already decay when a base-owner is inactive for 10 days
  19. Those foundations are definitely able to be crawled under
  20. CatLoaf


    @nvrtrust Please put in-game issues as a ticket https://www.rustez.com/help/ingame/ . This thread is for requesting pumpjack/recycler placement
  21. Not all RustEZ players play on all servers. Some don't like the other ones and only play on 1 server, for example. This system would be punishing to them and also to those who don't have a lot of gameplay time as is. And I know how wipes work, I've been playing Rust for a while. I know we can choose to wipe, I'm saying it would be a bad decision to do so for the reason I just stated. Punishing half the community for something that's the game's fault seems like a bad idea. People stop playing because Rust in itself doesn't have enough content to maintain a solid playerbase for a full wipe cycle. The servers that have shorter wipe cycles tend to be mostly kids or adults that either don't have limiting schedules or have nothing else going on with their lives. Even servers with weekly wipes become dead within the last day of their wipe because people don't see a point in sticking around to be dicked over by the local 20-man/kid clan that's called the server home. The fault is in the game, not with us. No matter what we do to the wipe schedule, we'll face the same issues and more than likely a big change like this would cut the community in half. This will be a problem until Facepunch gets their shit together and adds even more to the game to make it less pvp-cesspool oriented (removing raiding/pvp should NOT have as big as an impact on the game as it does IMO). Their roadmap has, at the very end of it, them trying to have a means of having no wipes. So on top of all this, cutting the wipe cycle down further than what they have it set to will make that specific change all the more harder to adjust to. It'd also be really confusing to explain to newcomers that we wipe in 1 week and then have 3 weeks we don't wipe. That sounds inconsistent and sloppy.
  22. We don't control the wipe schedules, we wipe when facepunch forces all servers to wipe. Having a shorter wipe cycle for certain servers would be unwise, seeing as players don't like even month-long wipe cycles.
  23. Do you want to cut your travel time from one side of the map to the other in half? A car would do just that! This is something I've been considering for a while. I had originally said no, but with the addition of boats the original reason behind my saying no was already having to be handled. So, after confirming that my fellow admins on Casual would be ok with this change, I decided to bring it forward to the Casual PvE community. This would be a big change to the game, and I want your opinions on it. The cars would be modified to avoid them being too overpowered. The modifications are the same as what's on Pure for several months. The following modifications/statements should be taken into consideration before casting your vote: They would have health and take damage as they are driven off roads or bumped into objects/rocks. They are able to be repaired with scrap. They do not cause damage upon collision with another player/animal/thing, nor do they protect the player driving them from taking damage. They do not run on fuel, though if Death were to find a way to do so I would welcome this as a further means of balancing the cars for Casual. The cars would spawn naturally at gas stations and supermarkets. When a player enters a car that hasn't been entered before, a key spawns in their inventory. This key allows the player to drive the car and prevents auto-theft. Keys only work for the car they were created for. Cars would need to be stored in a garage or under a ceiling, like boats. They have a trunk that is able to have a codelock on it, for extra storage. Cars can't drive through buildings, but they won't damage them either. And now to address the possible rule-breaking that could ensue with the addition of the cars, and to hopefully ease any worries out there about this change. Griefing with a car will result in the car being deleted. Further action will differ from situation to situation. Boosting off of a car would be treated like boosting off of a boat; a ban to the raider. Any sort of glitching with the car to obtain entry into someone's base would also result in a ban. Feel free to ask questions below and post your arguments for and against the change.
  24. Welcome to RustEZ! All the RustEZ servers are updated and wiped, hope you continue to have fun for this month and many more! ^^
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