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Everything posted by CatLoaf

  1. Alrighty, just hadn't heard back on it
  2. This has been happening for several days now. Only 1/3 of Server Airdrops get broadcasted into chat, most of them fly by without any notification. @Death
  3. CatLoaf

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome to RustEZ! ^^
  4. @Elegant Ka0s Facepunch changed it so people couldn't cheat anymore with turning their brightness up. They instead put in flashlights that are a default blueprint and also put in flares that you can find and throw to give off light. There's also the candle hat (default BP) and the miner's hat also, and even the weapon flashlight. I still stand by that night is part of the PVE struggle and part of the environment we're supposed to be struggling to survive against. The length of it here is even shortened from vanilla servers. 15 minutes isn't long to wait before doing something if making a light source is impossible to do.
  5. Nice to meet ya! Welcome back to RustEZ ^^
  6. Gotta give him props for originality. That's a level of dickery I actually haven't seen before.
  7. Junovay would ask for teleports to be picked up, among other borderline-abuseofpower requests, and then accuse other admins of admin abuse when they didn't do it. He would then hold a grudge based on this and say at any given chance (mainly when admins were out of earshot) that the admins of RustEZ were abusive. We tried to talk with him and hear out exactly why he thought the admins were abusing their powers, and it came down to that he was just angered. We asked him not to, since it looks bad to new players if they hear the admins are abusive especially when there is no justified reason behind this. The slandering of the RustEZ admins continued, so we talked to him once more about his behavior. He was given the option of leaving the server of his own accord or being banned. He then said "fuck this server, all the admins are abusive and power hungry" into the Discord chat. - ADDON: Also said that admins were just going to fly to the airdrops on RustEZ Casual during the mass airdrops despite no justification towards believing this to be an actual practice by the RustEZ Casual admins.
  8. Welcome to RustEZ!
  9. Nice to meet you! With the things I eat I have to advise that you don't eat me. I'm also lowkey sick almost constantly so that probably would also taste bad.
  10. Welcome to Rust and to the server!
  11. Hi hi!
  12. That was an adventure.
  13. All three of you took over someone's base and trapped them inside in addition to this incident, which is mentioned in another ban thread made specifically for the two of you. Your bans are final.
  14. Antihack is typically put into chat in moments of lag. Odds are the game is picking up on the issue of you being in the roof-piece. 90% sure it's Rust-side.
  15. CatLoaf


    Nice to meet ya! ^^
  16. The incident prior to this one was when the banned player climbed through the windows of another player's base and proceeded to steal their belongings. I appeared on scene, startling the thief, and told them to return what they stole while informing them that stealing wasn't allowed on the server. He said that he was black so he could steal, and told me he could be my "sexy b*tch". He repeatedly used the N racial slur and said motherf**ker, to which I informed him that he wasn't to say the n slur either since we don't tolerate that kind of language. He stopped, and I told him to leave the player's base because he was STILL running in and out of it. He left after asking the victim if he was harassing him (to which a yes was answered). I took screenshots, and left. I teleported to the thief and he was watching from the bushes and proceeded to creep around under the player's base and by the windows before he left to do the above incident resulting in the ban. Proof:
  17. It's the same on Pure, it's strange.
  18. Also belongs in suggestions. And also agree that something needs to be adjusted or fixed in regards to animals. @Death, again not sure if I can move forum posts or not x-x
  19. This should go into suggestions, not requests. I do agree though @Death, don't think I can move things around. If I can I don't know how.
  20. The point isn't to defend, it's to destroy everything in sight and have helicopter vs. helicopter fights and such. That being said, it's a PVE server. We aren't going to enable raiding, and we enable the helicopters and tanks within the last 3-5 hours before the wipe so it doesn't negatively impact the server and its players.
  21. The renaming of the sleeping bag has been found to be false, but items have been confirmed to be stolen from the victim and found with the two players.
  22. Kuma also attempted to kill me with a melee weapon during the exchange of telling them to return what they stole if they stole anything, but that in itself isn't ban worthy. Figured I'd add that given the rest of the situation.
  23. Time: 9:07 PM PST Length: Permanent Reason: Raiding/Looting/Griefing More Info: I was helping another player when I teleported to a backpack and discovered that the victim's base was nearly completely broken down by what I deduced to be helicopter rockets. The backpack in question was under the foundations, and didn't belong to the owner of the base. Upon further inspection I found anything that wasn't locked to be looted by seren, and also found the sleeping bag renamed. Kuma showed up and I questioned them on it, but got no response. I then teleported to seren and questioned them on it, the answers I got back were that they didn't do anything. They went back to the base and continued to seem dodgy about even looking through the boxes. I told them that I would close the base up and have the victim say if anything is missing. Since Seren is the only name on the loot log and they were saying they did nothing, I would then ban them if anything was stolen. This received more silence and dodgy behavior. I began to close the base off after telling them to return anything they stole if they did, and Kuma logged off inside. Seren also logged off in their base across the street. Given the renaming of the bag, the backpack under the foundations, the names on the lootlogs of everything not locked, I'm banning them. Kuma also has 2300 hours in Rust, so they are not new to the game or the ability to raid a base with a helicopter. Proof:
  24. That wasn't a hotel, that was someone's base that they blocked the quarry off of and such. My shop did fairly well though, and I myself was going to try to aim for the center if it isn't too close to launch. I don't like hearing bradley constantly, which is what kept me from the center for this last wipe.
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