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Everything posted by Sr_Nova_

  1. Ahhhh got it. Thanks for clarifying!
  2. Out of curiosity, why is naming yourself "Joe Biden" a bannable offence?
  3. Stay strong and focus on getting better. It’ll all be here when you can return
  4. Welcome! In-game I’ve been going around as “Juan Snow” for the past two weeks but I too am called Nova lol.
  5. some things have already been implemented?
  6. Hate to necro this but I was curious about key binds and this was a great help. Thanks everyone
  7. I’m not entirely sure these things can be done. Unless I’ve missed harnesses being a thing or saw mills in Rust. Again, I could be wrong. As is, I think pvp would be cool. Something similar to Casual would be perfect because landmarks usually do have the better loot
  8. A little self promotion and I hope it's ok. Just thought I'd drop my Twitch link here if you guys wanted to drop a follow and come hang when I'm live. I'm usually playing games of the Horror genre but like to switch things up here n' there (no, you will not see Just Dance... ever... never ever). Thought I may start some Rust streams as well in the near future, but that's up in the air at the moment. I've got to see how well my pc handles it. Anyway, I'm glad I found a great a place where I can have an awesome Rust experience. And should I ever want to pvp, there's a place for that as well. Hope to see some of you there soon.
  9. I think the zombies stuff is cool but if pvp will be a thing, that's fine too. I mean, there are hardly animals to shoot at to begin with. Might as well use these weapons for something. As already stated, the server will be wiped anyway so if I get raided, I'm gonna have some fun.
  10. I don't know the extent of what can happen, but hear me out... Zombie apocalypse. Just tons of zombies around?
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