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Everything posted by BioHazardAust

  1. Offender: CostMoney04 Battlemetrics Steam Server: AU Sourge Time: 8:27 12/08.22 Length: Perm Reason: Language
  2. Offender: Cory Battlemetrics Steam Server: AU SCOURGE Time: 7Pm AEST Length: Permanent Reason: Language
  3. Aggregation of collections: 1 : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2813703044 Cartmon 2: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2815867265 Cartmon again! 2: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2845848298 All the little posts Deleted some low resolution and other skins.
  4. It never gives me pleasure to ban any player. Unfortunately the screen recording malfunctioned, so I can't show you that. The time delay was due to me watching you clean up and then launch more fireworks, then doing the administration and writing the report. You made the admission in DMs that you had the offending pattern in your collection, and inadvertently launched it. You can of course appeal to the AU Scourge head.
  5. Thank you for appealing. With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized. While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers. Images such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This is plainly stated on the server's loading screen before you enter. Additionally, this is also stated on Facepunch's Terms of Service. https://support.facepunchstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007485418-Banned-for-Racism-Homophobia Here are resources that you can explore to learn more: guidetoallyship.com https://guidetoallyship.com/ Anti-Racism Glossary https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-glossary/ Anti-Racism Resources https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-resources/ The ban will not be lifted. You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. We wish you the best of luck.
  6. Offender: Suremeet (76561198860107159) (Steam Community :: Suremeet) Server: AU Scourge Time: 11:20 PM AEST Length: Permanent Reason: Racism
  7. Offender: ImagineSleeping BATTLEMETRICS STEAM Server: AU Scourge Time: 10:11 PM Length: Permanent Reason: Racist Language
  8. Thank you for appealing. With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized. While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers. Words such as what you used, are not welcome in any context. Here are resources that you can explore to learn more: guidetoallyship.com https://guidetoallyship.com/ Anti-Racism Glossary https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-glossary/ Anti-Racism Resources https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-resources/ That being said, you will get a second chance. Just one. The ban will be lifted once 72 hours have passed, but it will remain on your record. There will be no additional chances as this post should encourage you to change how you speak in our servers and to abide by the rules. Take a few minutes before rejoining, and refresh yourself on the rules to avoid any chance of breaking them. If you are unclear on any of them, or aren't sure what is permitted, reach out to the staff and we'll be happy to clarify them for you. ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind. ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, politics, racism or harassment. ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas. ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players. ● No blocking water ways, building around monuments or large areas of unused land. (Please read the splash page as well, as each server type has slight variations regarding specific features of those servers.) Welcome back. (Please bear in mind, this is a one-time ban reversal. No further rule infractions of this nature can happen. Thank you!)
  9. I put in the info to make it easier for the person who will be reviewing the ban as your discord name and in game name are different.
  10. Offender: K R U S T Y S O C K (Steam Profile) (BattleMetrics profile) Server: (AU) Scourge Time: 10:38 PM AEST Length: permanent Reason: Language
  11. Zombies will run through and destroy barriers in their path. Tested with sandbag and metal barriers. They don't appear to take any damage, but the barriers explode on contact with the zombies.
  12. AU Scourge: Zombies tracking players across the map, even when they teleport away. Will walk to the player they have aggroed on and ignore everyone else. No attack animation, but now doing damage.
  13. The ban stands and my decision is unchanged at this time. We wish you the best of luck in finding a server better suited to your play style. Thanks, BiohazardAust
  14. Can you provide the name or a recording of the person to gave you permission?
  15. Thank you for appealing - The ban stands. No one gave you permission and you opened every present. The box was in a clearly backstage area, apart from the space created for the event. You took an opportunity while the garages were open to loot from the storage area. You were warned by me both verbally and in global chat that theft is not tolerated and hovered around the event earlier today, despite being asked to leave by the organizera several times.
  16. Offender: Pandemic BattleMetrics : Steam Server: AU Scourge Time: 10:54 PM AEST Length: Permanent Reason: Stealing More Info (Optional): After other verbal warnings for rules violation and player harassment, stole 30 Large presents from a player controlled event. Loot logs for container 180708002: Name ID Time Status Pandemic 76561198015168808 11:58 AM 10/23/2021 Online Loot logs for container 305511878: Name ID Time Status Pandemic 76561198015168808 11:58 AM 10/23/2021 Online
  17. Appears to be Mosin / Lil Dingus / Vato
  18. Offender: amyparrott266 76561199210759027 Server: AU SCOURGE Time: 21:48 AEST Length: Permanent until appealed. Reason: Looting and griefing. More Info: Player looted all four car lifts on a neighboring base, then emptied and then locked a TC left open on another base. Players name was on all of the loot logs for the car lifts and the TC. Loot logs for container 350667005: Name ID Time Status amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:12 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:15 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:15 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:16 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:44 AM 09/30/2021 Offline Loot logs for container 355746447: Name ID Time Status amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:13 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:13 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:13 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:15 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:15 AM 09/30/2021 Offline amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:44 AM 09/30/2021 Offline Loot logs for container 370549515: Name ID Time Status amyparrott266 76561199210759027 06:58 AM 09/30/2021 Offline Loot logs for container 355577289: Name ID Time Status amyparrott266 76561199210759027 07:45 AM 09/30/2021 Offline CodeLock authorized users attached to Tool Cupboard (371167102) | Owner: GigaWizard (-) | Status: Online Whitelisted: Name UserID Status amyparrott266 76561199210759027 Offline
  19. Heavy scientists dismount the heli and just float in the air, they don't move other than rotating in place and shooting.
  20. Map AB7. Where the rivers meet the water effect appears above ground. If you walk in between the rivers, you are suddenly underwater but to others you appear to be wimming in the air.
  21. Offender: Zyzz Buh SteamID BattleMetrics Server: AU Scourge Time: 10:53 PM Length: Permanent Reason: Racism More Info (Optional): After other warnings for Theft and looting, wrote a racist term on a sign. Screenshot available.
  22. Tool Cupboard, Autoupgrade not working. Can't select the upgrade type (WOOD/STONE/METAL/HQM) and the button doesn't activate. The share/sort/deposit buttons work as expected.
  23. Same on AU Scourge. Reports from MoreChilli (4K fuel each ) , WookeMan, Chiefnugnug (60k LGF each) and me as well. No LGF and no output stacks,
  24. The Heavy Scientists exit the heli but don't move after other than turning to shoot at players. ie
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