Map AB7. Where the rivers meet the water effect appears above ground. If you walk in between the rivers, you are suddenly underwater but to others you appear to be wimming in the air.
Offender: Zyzz Buh SteamID BattleMetrics
Server: AU Scourge
Time: 10:53 PM
Length: Permanent
Reason: Racism
More Info (Optional):
After other warnings for Theft and looting, wrote a racist term on a sign. Screenshot available.
Tool Cupboard, Autoupgrade not working. Can't select the upgrade type (WOOD/STONE/METAL/HQM) and the button doesn't activate.
The share/sort/deposit buttons work as expected.
Offender: Awoope BattleMetrics Steam Community :: Awoope
Server: AU Scorrge
Time: 10:01PM
Length: 3 Days
Reason: Player Disrespect, Stealing / Looting
More Info:
Player came onto server specifically to interfere with another player, repeatedly asked to be permbanned, was muted and then ran to and stole heli loot.
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