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Everything posted by rubiks-q-bert

  1. When a server is lagging so bad that players are being asked to downsize... Yeah it's about that time. What say you boss? @Death
  2. @DeathSo this happens every restart. It stacks the fuel in one big stack. EU Scourge. Don't know if it's relevant or has anything to do with anything but just an odd occurrence.
  3. I never knew why solar panels were altered to begin with. So again, I'm fine with maybe doubling test gens but not at the expense of my wallet.
  4. i personally don't see a problem with where they are at but I'm also a minimalist and don't build these monster builds. Also if he raised it to 1000, I imagine the price would go up as well which I am not in favor of.
  5. 100 to 1000? Oof no. Maybe double or triple but 1000 is just overkill.
  6. You'd need to re-appeal in https://rustez.com/forums/forum/6-banmute-appeals/
  7. I do have an inquiry about that (not this ban in particular) so I will be sending you a message.
  8. Shouldn't be talking sexual in public chat. That right there is grounds enough.
  9. Multiple drones at once could be a bit nutty. How about a timed obstacle course?
  10. All of this outside the zombies sounds horrible. Zombies it's actually doable. You can set it to a certain number for the map or admins can manually spawn them in as well. But more zombies, more flies, more server lag. There is a plug in to spawn a drivable bradley which I've used. Still drops loot, just the driver controls the guns and such.
  11. Seconded and one for garrisons as well
  12. Trolling the server owner. Good luck...
  13. Out in the real world, you can't stop people from saying certain things. Here, we can. Simple as that. I'm not personally offended by it. I do have thick skin. I'm just an advocate for others and the fact that certain words shouldn't be used no matter the context. Pick a different word.
  14. Yeah I started on Pure. They may not be able to use a plugin but they could make an enforceable rule about it.
  15. Just saying that on Pure, pumpjacks aren't upgradeable so some people may need or want more than 1. On the other two types, yeah 1 should be enough since you can upgrade it to 10. Some people just use it for net worth. Mines only a 2 and still plenty to run quarries and keep itself replenished.
  16. Kinda depends on what server. Pure, 1 pumpjack may not suffice depending on what you're doing but on Scourge and Survival where you can upgrade it to 10 now, for sure.
  17. That's just a bad idea to be quite frank. If it reset every 3 months, literally no one would do them month 2 and 3 and probably even the later half of month 1.
  18. Just stop... It's an offensive word. Don't need to say anything more.
  19. Already responded. You just repeated what you said last. There is no claiming. If you do a significant portion of the damage, you are entitled to loot. If multiple people are doing it, just gotta split it. If there is an issue with splitting, call and admin or use the help channel in discord. If you do no damage and try to take loot, that's theft and can get you banned.
  20. You don't know that. All that is private. If you think someone stole loot and got away with it, bring it to the head admin of your server, if you think it needs to go higher, tag @Granny
  21. There is no claiming. If you do a significant portion of the damage, you are entitled to loot. If multiple people are doing it, just gotta split it. If you do no damage and try to take loot, that's theft and can get you banned.
  22. Our admins (bless their souls) try to curb the situation but again, without a rule, not much can actually be done. They even made a PSA for it when it happens and when they are on but again, without a rule... Sadly, garrisons arent tracked like brad and heli.
  23. Not entirely sure what you're saying actually.
  24. EU tries but it's not enforceable without an actual rule in place.
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