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Everything posted by rubiks-q-bert

  1. Pretty sure a rhib needs 4 wide ,(1 platform, 2 water, 1 platform) by at least 4 or 5 long. Needs to be completely enclosed sides and roof.
  2. Pretty sure I saw this talked about once before. It's the way it's coded because of the public ones. I thought I saw @Death say he could but it could effect a lot of other things so not worth it. Paraphrasing and my memory is crap so don't quote me on that.
  3. If it was the one from cargo, those despawn no matter what. Otherwise it just needs to be enclosed like a car or heli. If built properly you can use the high stone gates to secure it.
  4. Already get /rec over non-vip. Seems overkill to get instant.
  5. I mean, that doesn't make it right for you to do it... One of those "if your friend jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?" moments.
  6. I don't play on survival but I have played scourge and pure. I do think there should be a limit but 3-5 is to low imo. That's not even enough to building protect a main base. Usually I only see people with 1 main base, maybe a garage here and there or a vending station. It's the little 1x1s set up at every monument that start cluttering up the map. Or the people that play for a week and then a base just sits there until the purge gets them. But again, some sort of building limit that can be enforced would be great. When you get 100+ players on at a time, extremely difficult for admins to prod every single tc on the map. Which is why they rely so heavily on the reporting system. Even then, without a definitive building rule, hard to enforce.
  7. One TC per player total for the whole map?
  8. First, I'll say what I want and I said what I said. If people are using helicopters to break peoples bases in order to steal, that is a clear violation of the rules. It's a pve server. I repeat, people should be able to build however they want without fear of being raided. Solution to at least the stealing part, the plugin that prevents people from stealing or even accessing something they don't have the authority to, should be used across all rustez servers. How much of a safety net do I want in rust? On a pve server? The whole net... No one should have to worry about crap like this...
  9. Fuck all that... People should not have to worry about some asshole blowing up their base using the npc heli. It's a pve server. You're basically telling people to build pvp bases. I repeat, they should not have to worry about this. Should not have to adapt to assholes.
  10. Lets say that's possible, it won't stop campers. They just come with more supplies. Also, that does nothing for the issue on Pure where there are no plug ins. There is a plug in where you can "zone" areas and set certain perimeters. Maybe bounce people out after x time.
  11. Just another reason why I left for a smaller server where the admins can handle the workload. Hasn't been any camping at all. Custom raid base events. Just nice and peaceful all around.
  12. We tried. Pretty sure all 4 of us mentioned various rule infractions to no avail. It's a moot point now but appreciate your response. And yeah we did. One of the team already had a private server. The chaos that has been U.S. Pure since the popularity surge gave him the push to work on it and make it public. It's small but that's okay. Quiet at least and not massive overkill buildings and campers everywhere.
  13. Debatable. Not saying they aren't good people but left a lot to be desired the last 2 wipes as far as rule enforcement.
  14. Same shit, different wipe. Big reason why my team left. Rules enforcement has been garbage the last several wipes.
  15. Your view on vehicles is skewed. Horses are only public if found in the wild. It's common knowledge to examine it first. If it has anything on it besides a saddle, piss off. There needs to be a way to lock it to the player. Probably through the horseshoes. The other problem is there is no tracking horses, cars and helis. A rhib you can at least "box" the storage and see who's accessed it but even that's not full proof. Needs to be a better way in general to lock and track all vehicles.
  16. Please don't try to twist my words because of the chip on your shoulder from where you play(ed). I said what I said.
  17. So I play(ed) on U.S. Pure. This is only my third wipe on rust and Pure was my first server. The first wipe was pretty solid. Admins were friendly. The player base was friendly. People were super helpful. I learned quite a bit. Met some cool people. 2nd wipe. Formed a team with said cool people from first wipe and learned more. The admins were still solid but the wipe was pretty much ruined the first week by a clan of farmers and hoarders. A couple got banned but that took so much hoop jumping and was to little to late. It didn't really calm down until the last week when the remaining players stopped playing for the remainder of the wipe. 3rd (this wipe). My team bailed by the end of week 1. It was so crowded. All the server problems. The trolls. Just was way to overwhelming. Not to mention rules being broken and being left unchecked or what we perceived to be selectively enforced. So this is my goodbye. It was a good learning experience. I appreciate the help and the mostly decent populace. But me any my team don't plan on coming back. We will be on a server created by one of the team members and it already has a small but solid player base. Most of y'all won't care. Some of you might. Despite any negative issues, still wanted to say thanks for the experience. Good learning time and eye opening. Happy gaming people. Thanks for teaching me what nodes were day 1 @amsullivan Thanks for explaining the rules in a polite and friendly manner @Northstarz Thanks for helping me learn building and electrical @Carpediems
  18. You never addressed the issue of why you think people locking up the boats they either found or bought is disrespectful. If they do the work for it, why should you get to use it for free? Also, yes you can buy the big ones at the fishing villages. In fact, that's the only way to get one that you can keep.
  19. I mean I don't know what to tell you... Suck it up or move on like we did.
  20. Death eliminated custom monuments this wipe I believe to eliminate the possibility of them causing server problems. But even if they brought those back, there was only one that was a loot monument last wipe so it wouldn't really help much.
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