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Bug Comments posted by Cartmon

  1. You were in fact offline for over a week, your last login prior to that session was on the 25th of March, on the morning of the 2nd of April you were then removed by the purge system.

    Times in the logs below are in BST as I'm EU based.



  2. Giving this a bump as imo it's more important now. While it was annoying with parachutes, they were a gimmick that most people stopped wearing within weeks, however now we have vanilla backpacks replacing the old virtual backpack system this is even more prevalent, especially with being able to equip 2 backpacks. 
    Quite often when reviving a piece of clothing is dropping as it's replaced by the backpack when the items are moved around.

  3. Also throwing in some messages from eu scourge earlier while talking to some players and asking for their input on the issue.

    No_Quarter: I had it happen with regular furnaces and stone fireplace
    Panther: furnance, bbq, campfire are affected for sure
    Panther: fireplace also
    No_Quarter: yeah had it happen with and without pipes
    Panther: not pipes 100%
    No_Quarter: maybe high amount causes some leak
    No_Quarter: cause it never happened on things where I limit how much it has
    Cartmon: Someone else said that, they said they had the issue when they didn't cap their wood
    Panther: true. if a conveyor is limited to reasonable amount it wount happen
    Cartmon: but when they capped it at 8k then it stopped but another player tried that and it still had the issue
    Panther: mine are capped in vanilla amounts inside at every moment
    Cartmon: vanilla as in 1k wood? and it still happens or that stopped it?
    Panther: never happends if it`s limited to vanilla

  4. Also had a report on EU scourge, done some testing and it appears to be related to the randomisation of  equipped items when reviving. If the parachute is not moved when reviving then there is no backpack dropped but if the parachute attempts to move to another slot then the parachute and 1 other piece of gear is dropped into a backpack. 

  5. @TiMeToRn There is a workaround for this. If you deposit your crude at a time that means the refineries will still be processing it when the server restarts, then they will still remember you are VIP and light with a button/switch and an igniter without the need to interact with them.
    I personally find 6 refineries is more than sufficient to keep up with a level 20 PJ so I deposit my daily crude in the late evening into my refinery output box and my refineries will still be processing that crude at the restart and then when I get on after work the following evening I can always just use my button to light the refineries again for the next batch.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi there Ozi, 

    The server did not actually crash, the server was still running the whole time however, there was a global network outage that meant no one could connect to the server.

    I'm afraid that once items have despawned we can not recover them, however, we have a good friendly community on the server and if you ask in chat you'll more than likely recieve help to replace what was lost.

  7. The thread you posted from Death was from 2017, if you're still having trouble connecting here are the correct ips to use with the f1 client.connect command.

    Pure - au.rustez.com:29015

    Survival - au.rustez.com:29014

    Scourge - au.rustez.com:29013

    Make sure you add the server to favourites after connecting to get back easier the following time! 🙂 

    • Like 2
  8. This was due to the plugins being updated before the servers switched over to carbon from oxide today, for a short while between the update and the switch they would have required diesel to run instead of lgf.
    The servers have since been switched to the carbon framework and both PJs and quarries should be working as normal once again.

  9. This was a change from facepunch themself, the commit was originally made 8 months ago but was only merged into main branch during last wipe.

    To quote a certain someone, this may be "subject to change", I've since seen another commit subtracting the merge so this may or may not change again in the future.

    Here's the original commit https://commits.facepunch.com/417933

    And the subtraction https://commits.facepunch.com/440491

    • Like 2
  10. You're getting the right amount for the modified rates on EZ servers, stone is roughly 1/4 of vanilla and all other resources are roughly 2/3 of vanilla, so about 1350 sulfur per diesel.

    I can't comment on how much your teammate is getting but that's more than the vanilla rate so it's a little strange.

    • Like 1
  11. This has been an issue ever since FP made the GE monument smaller back in December 2021, the build block radius and sleeper kill radius are not the same size any more and as you've discovered the hard way it can cause you to die in base. 
    We try to recommend players build slightly further away from it or if they are already established once finding out we'd either advise making a small hut to log out in or making sure to log out with a clear inventory so at least you don't lose any items.

  12. 13 hours ago, RektUlast said:

    This happen to me too. In Rust EZ EU Server. There are two zipline location where this happen.

    I've made a number of the ziplines safe on EU scourge already, if you still find this to be an issue please let me know which ziplines are at fault and I'll make them safe while we wait for Facepunch to release their fix.

    • Like 1
  13. @Elixil3You won't be able to personally recreate this without an alt account as admin perms will allow you to pick them up. I've received a number of reports of this happening since wipe and the fix was released prior to wipe.
    I've seen players use their own crafted, crafted by someone else and bought from /shop all having this issue, a lot of the players experiencing it now are resorting to destroying the control box to remove the light string if an admin is not available at the time.

  14. Yes there's a second generator to find and it requires 2 people to be able to access it. 
    1 Person accesses the bunker while the other goes to the cabin.
    I'm not a fan of spoilers so I hope this knowledge helps you solve the puzzle but if you still can't figure it out feel free to send me a DM and I can explain it to you.

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