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Posts posted by Cartmon

  1. We have reviewed your ban and decided that we will give you another chance in light of how long ago it was.

    The ban has been lifted, but it will remain on your record.  There will be no additional chances as this post should encourage you to change how you speak and conduct yourself in our servers and to abide by the rules.

    Take a few minutes before rejoining, and refresh yourself on the rules to avoid any chance of breaking them. If you are unclear on any of them, or aren't sure what is permitted, reach out to the staff and we'll be happy to clarify them for you.

    ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind.
    ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, politics, racism or harassment.
    ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas.
    ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players.
    ● No blocking water ways, building around monuments or large areas of unused land.

    Welcome back. 
    (Please bear in mind, this is a one-time ban reversal. No further rule infractions of this nature can happen. Thank you!)


    Yasağınızı inceledik ve ne kadar uzun zaman önce olduğunu göz önünde bulundurarak size bir şans daha vermeye karar verdik.

    Yasak kaldırıldı ancak kayıtlarınızda kalacak. Bu gönderi sizi sunucularımızda konuşma ve davranış şeklinizi değiştirmeye ve kurallara uymaya teşvik edeceğinden ek bir şansınız olmayacak.

    Tekrar katılmadan önce birkaç dakikanızı ayırın ve kuralları ihlal etme olasılığını ortadan kaldırmak için kendinizi kurallar konusunda yenileyin. Bunlardan herhangi biri hakkında net bilgi sahibi değilseniz veya nelere izin verildiğinden emin değilseniz, personelle iletişime geçin; bunları sizin için açıklığa kavuşturmaktan memnuniyet duyarız.

    ● Hiçbir şekilde baskın, yas veya yağma yapılmaz.
    ● Mikrofon veya sohbet spam'ı, oyuncuya saygısızlık, politika, ırkçılık veya taciz yasaktır.
    ● Kamp yağma odaları, anıtlar veya yüksek düzeyde yoğunlaşmış alanlar yok.
    ● Mağaralar inşa edebilirsiniz ancak diğer oyuncuların güvenli geçişini sağlamalısınız.
    ● Su yollarını tıkamak, anıtların çevresine yapı inşa etmek veya kullanılmayan geniş araziler yapmak yasaktır.

    Tekrar hoşgeldiniz.
    (Lütfen bunun tek seferlik bir yasağın iptali olduğunu unutmayın. Bu nitelikte başka kural ihlali olamaz. Teşekkür ederiz!)

  2. Hello and thank you for making this post.
    We do not recognise a screenshot of the ban message to be a sincere appeal so for the time being the ban will remain in place.
    I have linked below your previous ban reports, if you would like to read over them and make a genuine appeal attempt, we will then consider it.

    Merhaba ve bu yazıyı hazırladığınız için teşekkür ederiz.
    Yasaklama mesajının ekran görüntüsünün samimi bir itiraz olduğunu kabul etmiyoruz, dolayısıyla yasak şimdilik yürürlükte kalacak.
    Daha önceki yasaklama raporlarınızın bağlantısını aşağıda verdim, eğer bunları okuyup gerçek bir itiraz girişiminde bulunmak isterseniz, bunu değerlendireceğiz.



  3. I have a new keybind for you, while this is not quite what you're asking for, it does solve the problem of having to change your keybind when you change servers. You can just copy the below and paste it into your f1 console and replace key with the button you wish to use.

    bind key meta.exec "chat.say /rec" "chat.say /recycler"

    • Love 1
  4. Attention survivors!

    There has been a new outbreak of the zombie scourge virus on the server!
    We need your help to fight against this new threat!

    Come join us on EU Scourge for some light hearted survivor vs zombie PvP.

    Event will be starting at 7PM BST Saturday 12th of August.

    We will start with some rounds just for fun and cosmetic/novelty rewards on the server before moving onto a few rounds with store credit rewards! Players from all servers are welcome to join us for this event!

    Store credit rounds will reward:

    1st round - $10 store credit

    2nd round - $5 store credit 

    3rd round - $5 store credit

    4th round - 3 supply signals


    • Love 3
  5. Offender: Mike Towers BM Steam
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 15:15 BST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Disrespect
    More Info:

    Mike has shown a history of disrespectful comments on the server and making threats towards other players. On this occasion, given the history including warnings, a mute and a kick all for disrespect, I decided to apply a ban.

    Further info noted on BM.

  6. Offender: trashNova. BM Steam
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 18:43 BST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Looting and harassment
    More Info:

    Player gained unauthorized entry into another player's farm base in an attempt to take loot. The player began to loot all of the large planters that the owner had in the base and after being locked in the farm with the owner refusing to let them out, they commit suicide.

    trashNova. returned to the area again after this to continue harassing the owner of the farm. 
    I issued trashNova. a warning for this behaviour, at which point they made it clear by their chat that they did not want to be a part of this community.

  7. With the introduction of instancing to bradley and heli crates, leadership took the decision that these events when triggered by a distress signal are no longer personal events and that anyone can participate.

    See the FAQ below. 

    "They are not designed for a single player or team to solo challenge.

    If you are unwilling to allow other to participate, then consider using the signals during off-peak hours when there's fewer players online or not purchasing them at all. Admins will not be involved with disputes arising from who participates in these events.


    • Like 3
  8. Thank you for appealing. We do not lift bans for language which has only one meaning, that being severely derogatory. 
    Pejorative terms and derogatory words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This includes in global chat, on signs, and written on notes or sleeping bags.
    Timed server events such as cargo can not be claimed and you can not call dibs on these events, this is explained in the FAQ section of the website. https://rustez.com/faq/question/60-can-i-call-dibs-on-a-public-monument-o/
    Other players want to enjoy these events as well and it is expected that people can share these events and as such the other player did nothing wrong by boarding and participating in the cargo ship event, your choice of language however was wholly unacceptable. 
    The ban will not be lifted.


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    All players are welcome to join us on EU Scourge for our festive themed parkour course.
    The parkour event will begin at 8PM GMT Sunday 18th December.
    Store credit prizes will be awarded to the first three players to complete the course.

    First to finish $10.00 RustEZ store credit.
    Second to finish $5.00 RustEZ store credit.
    Third to finish $5.00 RustEZ store credit.

    As with all events rewarding store credit across the RustEZ network of servers, during the December wipe you can cash out your store credit prizes via the RustEZ Give Back Community Event. For more information Click Here.

    A massive thank you to everyone that joined us for the event and congratulations to our three winners, RektUlast, AirFlavoredWater and AGR.



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  10. Nice setup, I thought I'd throw mine up as well, I've been using this for a couple wipes now and it only needs 1 pump for the water to all 24 planters. 

    Tried to somewhat match your icons just to make it easier to understand. Lights are on the roof between 4 planters and sprinklers are on the floor between 4 planters each. It gets a bit dark in here at night with so few lights but it all runs off 1 large battery and 1 pump.

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  11. As Facepunch has increased the radio station url character limit from 256 to 1024 it'd be nice to get some more stations added. Below is the list I've been adding for a while and there's still characters left over to expand upon that.

    TuckersFM,http://radio.trucksim.fm:8000/stream,RustFM,http://radio.rustfm.com/,Slay Radio,http://relay3.slayradio.org:8100/,Masters of hardcore,https://25233.live.streamtheworld.com/MASTERSOFHARDCORE.mp3?,Hardstyle,https://uk5.internet-radio.com/proxy/hardstylemusic?mp=/stream;,Capital Xtra Reloaded,https://icecast.thisisdax.com/CapitalXTRAReloadedMP3,Technobeat,https://technobeat.stream.laut.fm/technobeat?,Wonderland EDM,,Dance UK,https://dancestream.danceradiouk.com/stream/1/,Rock and Metal,;,Loaded Rock,http://us2.internet-radio.com:8023/stream,Party Vibe Reggae,,Party Vibe DnB,,Planet LoFi,,90s Radio,https://strm112.1.fm/90s_mobile_mp3?,Energy98,https://listen.181fm.com/181-energy98_128k.mp3

    • Like 1
  12. Offender: 9MT BM Steam
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 02:55 BST
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Raiding
    More Info (Optional): Player has 2 previous warnings for raiding decaying bases from previous wipes, details noted on BM.
    I noticed a player report filed against 9MT saying it appeared that they were raiding a decaying base. Upon reviewing their salvage logs, it was clear that was exactly what was taking place. I logged into the server and witnessed them at the base, and their raid base built just outside the base which they had taken over with their own doors, locks and TC. 9MT was the sole looters on nearly all the boxes inside the base, and the large furnaces outside the base as the original base owned was a solo player. 
    Given that 9MT has 2 previous warnings for the same actions, I decided to implement a ban at this stage to prevent further damage. 








    • Love 1
  13. Offender: EatMyTralala BM Steam
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 19:51 BST
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Continued harassment and griefing
    More Info (Optional): Eatmytralala was first warned on 19/7/2022 for griefing a player by building foundations and a tower all around his base.
    Second warning for harassment and griefing of the same player/group was issued 28/7/2022, this time the player was spamming the team with loud music, throwing loads of rhib signals and smoke grenades at their base and crashing multiple scrap helis into their base.
    Ban was finally issued on 03/8/2022 after a player from the group that was getting harassed called for me in global chat as once again his base was subject to an assault of smoke grenades, when I teleport to the player I saw Eatmytralala crouching around under their wooden foundations. A quick check of his inventory revealed a stack of smoke grenades. Eatmytralala had also just thrown a distress signal so at this time I decided to implement a ban for continued harassment and griefing, and a further attempt to grief the team with the patrol helicopter he had just called in.

  14. britney spears GIF


    Another collection with various kits, and rp skins for clothes and deployables.
    Some good reactive target skins, combined with the skins from the previous collection, it'd be amazing to see the kind of CoD training course set up someone could make, shoot the hazzie to gain a point, shoot the fresh spawn and lose a point etc.
    A whole bunch of western themed skins for desert builds too, sheriff outfits, saloon doors etc.

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  15. I've made a grave mistake and I have been a fool. I thought I'd have a quick browse of the workshop skins to find a few I liked in hopes they could be added to the skinbox, I got sucked in and have been down and through the rabbit hole at this point, it's as dangerous as watching youtube late at night.
    I've come out of this rabbit hole with a 'small' collection of skins, they range from vending machines to tables and from gear sets to guns. The deployables are mostly RP based skins, some more glass doors and just other cool doors like shop rollers, various tables and vending machines. The gear ranges from parts of previously incomplete sets to whole complete sets and even some skins for the m39, but the list doesn't stop there, there's fried chicken bone clubs to pair with the fried chicken bucket helmet for when everyones out bone clubbing after a skills wipe, there's even a toilet chair skin for Jack and a range of skins for everyone's favourite hat, the miners hat.
    As it is a 'small' collection I'll drop the collection link rather than the link to the individual skins.

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  16. To answer a couple of these, yes /sil does work with the animated neon signs, the correct syntax for it would be "/sil 1 url", "/sil 2 url", "/sil 3 url" etc each in separate messages and the resolutions for the neon signs are as below.
    Small Neon Sign    125x125
    Medium Neon Sign 125x215
    Large Neon Sign    256x256


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  17. Thank you for appealing. 

    The sign in question has your exact name and steam ID associated with it and not the slight variation of your name that your teammate previously used, nor does it have their steam ID.

    With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized.  While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers.

    The image such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. 

    This is plainly stated on the server's loading screen before you enter.

    Additionally, this is also stated on Facepunch's Terms of Service. 

    Here are resources that you can explore to learn more:


    Anti-Racism Glossary


    Anti-Racism Resources



    The ban will not be lifted.

    You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. 
    We wish you the best of luck.

  18. Offender: シュガー Battlemetrics Steam
    Server: EU Scourge 
    Time: 22:07 BST
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Stealing
    More Info (Optional): Player first attempted to steal a horse from another player that had rounded up some zombies for them, they came back after travelling only a short distance to loot the corpses of the zombies. The original owner of the horse was then able to get back on while the player was looting. The player then tricked the owner into getting back off the horse before jumping on it and riding off again. At this point the player was issued their first warning.
    The player went on to laugh about the warning in chat and stated they intend to break more rules before leaving.
    Just a couple minutes later the player stole another horse from a different player while they were farming a node and began to ride away.
    At this time a ban was issued as the player showed a complete disregard for server rules and their fellow players.

  19. The fact that the base was decaying was clear in my above post and as such the base has fully decayed now but that is irrelevant. 
    You do not have the right to place a tool cupboard on a base that does not belong to you and you do not have the right to remove items and or deployables from a base that does not belong to you.
    As in my above post, rule #1 is clear, No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind. Placing a tool cupboard on the base and removing deployables is raiding and removing items from the base and it's various inventories is looting. The only exception to this is grey satchels, which are okay to loot. 
    After reading the DM you sent me last night I did consider reducing your ban to a temporary ban to serve as a final warning that any further rule breaking would result in an immediate permanent ban however after reading your message above and re-reading the DM today, I do not believe this to be the right course of action.
    You have not apologised or shown any remorse for breaking the server rules in any of your messages, further to that, you have not acknowledged that what you did was wrong or against the rules. As such I will not be reducing your ban, it will remain permanent.

  20. Offender: Neverdies Battlemetrics Steam
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 11:58 BST
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Raiding/stealing
    More Info (Optional): 

    Thank you for taking the time to appeal.
    This morning I saw you removing items that did not belong to you or your teammate by using a salvage hammer.  The base in question was decaying and as such you decided to place a tool cupboard to be able to loot and remove items in the base. You only tried to contact an admin after your teammate mentioned your previous warnings, by which time you had already looted and removed items from the base. Given previous interactions, warnings and your chat messages while removing items, I decided to implement a ban at this time as you have had plenty of reminders and opportunities to read /rules during your time on the server and yet decided to break rule #1 No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind.

    At this time I will not be lifting your ban. I wish you luck in finding another server that suits your playstyle.


    salvage log.PNG









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