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Everything posted by BigDave

  1. What do people think about the ability to buy server events, like the ones found on the online store, for networth? E.g. mass gift, pookie raid, air raid etc. That way people can support their community and spend some of that networth that just gets endlessly amassed. Now I understand that this may seem like it would reduce server income but a lot of people are basically just buying networth from the store anyway. If you buy a level 10 pumpjack, you're basically buying networth for cash, it's not like your flying around so much you need 170k low grade a day. It could be worth a trial just to see if it increases server enjoyment without affecting the server income (and I do understand the importance of that, that's why I subscribe). The cost could be high enough to limit the amount of server events that people would/could buy. There could also be a cap on events per day. Just a thought bubble, or perhaps a brain-fart, to be determined..
  2. It may be that I don't fully understand the rust building system. This is mainly from PvP which I really don't play, the majority of my hours played have been PvE (and RustEZ at that. I love these servers ). I have observed 3 colours when using a building plan. Blue - can place said structure. Occurs if you have building privilege OR there is no TC and no building privilege required. Red - Can't place structure. Either building blocked because too close to a monument or can't build because don't have privilege or terrain issues or it just doesn't fit (you get a message telling you the reason). Orange - Don't have building privilege in someone else's TC range but can place twig floors (not foundations) on the external walls. Eg. Someone has a half wall inside their base, you can place a twig square or triangle floor off their base at half height. This is the twigging I refer to. This is used in PvP extensively inside people's building privilege when they have a TC, mainly for raiding or stealing hence not cool for our PvE servers. Maybe there is already a thing on RustEZ that prevents it on modded servers. I've never tried on RustEZ because I'm a bit of a goody goody and don't like to break rules. Not a rebel. I guess if it only happens on Pure and you can't mod Pure then I apologise for the wasted time reading this entire thread
  3. I've noticed in the Ban appeals section that a lot of it includes people twigging into bases. Could the ability to build twig without privilege be removed? There shouldn't be a need for it on these PvE servers, either you have privilege and can build or you don't and you're griefing. I understand it's place in PvP but not so much PvE. I imagine that's going to be an issue on Pure, where remaining on community tab would likely preclude modifications. On other servers though it could be an option?
  4. I get that this is a facepunch and a me issue, not a Rust EZ one, but was wondering if there is anything that can be done server side to address it. Situation - I am based in east coast Australia. I have been playing on AU, EU, US and JP servers lately. I have no issues on AU and US Elysium but on EU and JP servers I have stupidity high amounts of projectile invalids when fighting scientists on Cargo. Like empty whole magazines in headshots but no damage. Now it's most likely due to the constant movement of the ship plus the high ping causing the issue (so my problem, I get it). Is there anything that can help with this? I'll keep doing the go slow, bring heaps of ammo and heals and try to shoot in-line with ships direction, not across it, but I thought if I don't ask then the chance of anything that can help is definitely 0 .
  5. It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally... Sorry, my comment was in jest, and as an Aussie, just a bit of self deprecating humor. I had hoped the wink emoji would have conveyed that but written communication can be tricky that way. As a side note, I've been playing the JP servers a bit lately but it's been a bit lonely. JP Scourge has been virtually a private server with a /who return 1 player online , Survival has been similar. Hopefully that'll pick up as more people find the server. I had hoped the similar time-zone would help (I played a bit of EU but I think the time zone difference meant not many others online when I was, US Elysium has been similar). I've had pretty good experiences on all the servers I've played so far. AU admins have been great, no complaints here. Back to the topic, I do often see the Admins post a message to check the rules when people first join, along with their greeting. It seems to me many of the people who do ignore the rules are doing so intentionally and regular messages to check /rules could become annoying to others.
  6. I notice the heading is just for (US) and (EU) Pure servers but not (AU) Is that because, as stated by Vizzini in the Princess Bride, 'Australia is entirely peopled with criminals' and thus suggesting /rules would be pointless? Now where's that iocaine powder...
  7. I don't disagree with the idea of some kind of Networth control. I have millions on each of the modded servers I play, just from passive accumulation without any farms (just a personal quarry on Survival). I guess there's only so many Helis and Bradleys you can do and the rest of the junk in the black market is just that, trash for recycling on wipe day then never buying again. My suggestion would be to wipe Networth with each skill wipe. That would encourage spending as 'use it or lose it' would govern its use. I cap would probably have the same effect. I think either option would be better from my own point of view.
  8. Is it possible to have a "Community Centre" custom monument with a teleport location? It may be too hard to do (not a programmer) but would make life easier for the admins rather that each server having to build their own community centres on each server every wipe, just 1 cookie cutter plonk it on the map kinda deal. Just a thought bubble.
  9. BigDave

    VIP idea

    I wonder if this mod is worth the effort. Chainsaws and jackhammers don't increase, or benefit from, gathering skills on modded servers. I would assume not many people use them (happy to be corrected). I'd rather up to 2k per stone node with a salvaged pick than 1k even if the jackhammer is quicker per node, but that's just my view point. I'd rather turn low-grade into wood via the stone quarry myself but each to their own. The pure servers, the only servers that I personally use them, won't be able to benefit from this mod and stay on the community tab. Be interested to see how many would want this.
  10. I voted no to the old backpack. The new one has the QoL bonus of extra storage, is able to be used at the same time as other containers and just feels right (subjective ++) as far as game balance goes. Death has already addressed the keybind and dropping on death (on the the ground, not onto him..) issues and even allowed you to carry an extra one. The 12-slot can be crafted after minimal farm (sewing kits from barrels) and a teleport to the Tier 1 workbenches at OP or Bandit. Not too much delay until you have one. In the suggestion forums somebody requested the military 28-slot be added to the special items tab on the /shop for those who want it Immediately. That could be considered for those who want Immediate big bag space. I'm actually spending my Net Worth on teleport now, I used to F1-killaport despite millions of NW. That's probably a positive? Anyway, the new backpack just feels 'right' to me, but I guess I'm just as happy on Pure as I am on modded so I'm probably just weird. That's my reasoning anyway, since the poll asked for it. I guess from the 70-30 split in favour of the old /backpack, I'm in the minority here. I'm fine with either though so I'll be happy whatever happens
  11. I guess that's not a bad option if people really want it. It doesn't bother me personally that much since you can craft a 12-slot to get you by as soon as you get to a tier 1 at Outpost or Bandit with mats from a couple of barrels. Couple of barrels for the sewing kets, teleport, craft bag job done. I do understand that people are used to the mod and it probably came as an unpleasant surprise. I'm not sure what the natural drop rate is for large 28-slot backpacks, but my experience has been around 1 every 20-30 military crates so probably in the range of 3-5%. I do share your frustration, I found one within the first 20min on Survival and a little longer on Elysium but I spent an entire day on Scourge, running sewer branch, train yard and water treatment, including parkour towers and green/blue rooms for mil crates and not one drop, didn't get one until the next day. Rng can suck.
  12. Yeah rust optimisation is . My old PC was a i5 4670 with 16gb RAM and a GTX 970 (4gb VRAM) running from SSD. A lot of modern games I could still play at 1080p with FPS around 50 - 60 ish on a 60hz monitor, very playable. 10 years old and mid-range PC at best when new. In rust though there were areas I just couldn't fly a mini at all, but the game was "playable" away from big farms or player "towns". Around 17 FPS was my average, from memory, and I tried all the tips for optimisation from my side. Upgraded to an i7 13700F with 32gb RAM and RTX 4070ti (12gb VRAM) running from M.2 drive, basically a mid-range build. I haven't had any problems with playability on the smaller population AU servers and Elysium. Mostly I don't notice anything, just get a drop in an FPS number, but it averages in mid 100's with a low 1% around 85ish. I'm not that tech savvy but I think there's not much that Death can do when the games isn't optimised (although I noticed a lot of the updates target optimisation). From my experience, if you have a for a PC, a hardware upgrade to brute force it might be the only option unfortunately, although I understand that can be cost prohibited.
  13. Well, no reason apart from not needing to clear a bunch of scientists from them every time you want to run it. I guess the price you pay is half the output.
  14. I think he was just saying that on PvE servers there is no need to have long burn times as, like 15min locked crate timers, it is about encouraging a PvP event. It was nice when you could plant seeds under the fire to extinguish them but they've since patched that. The locked crate times on Pure have been reduced to 1min without apparent issue on community server. It's not overly long though, it doesn't bother me either way. Do 3-4 Heli's and the last ones usually close to burning out by the time you get to it anyway.
  15. Doh! Didn't work on Elysium, it just destroyed the entire stack when the first torch burnt out. Probably the same on the Survival and Scourge. Might be a good work around though if the a torch stack could be used, they're cheap to make (or free on respawn), so acquiring a big stack wouldn't be onerous. Is this something that can be modded, stacked torches burning one after the other in torch holders?
  16. Since torches stack on the modded servers, can you just fill it with a max stack of torches? I guess I'll test it and report back
  17. Vanilla Rust is, at its core, PvP. When you remove PvP then it's not going to be the same game, period, and it's going to appeal to a different style of gamer. When you remove PvP and raiding, you don't just remove risk, you also remove consequences. It's some of the consequences that are artificially restored with admin enforcing the rules determined by the server owner. What draws people to a game and keeps them interested is not the same for everyone. If risk alone was the deciding factor then there wouldn't be PvE servers at all would there? You stated your own experience with gaming (n=1) and have assumed the same motivation for everyone else. There is a raft of published literature on the study of gamer psychology. Just look at Bartle taxonomy of player types, it serves to discredit the notion that because you find a particular aspect important then everyone else does too. According to that study, stealing would appeal to "killers" but would be antithetical to "socializers". PvE itself would be more appealealing to "socializers", the majority of "killers" drawn to PvP, so the change you want would likely be less appealing to the majority, if my assumptions are accurate.
  18. I would second this also, pending a decent vanilla backpack. I've heard that it's on staging? I haven't tried it myself. The F1 kill-a-port is a little cheesy especially on modded servers that have an actual in game teleport (not saying I don't abuse it extensively). If the new vanilla backpack is able to have its size increased for VIP then the mod, like the sync pipes, would be unnecessary. Maybe the backpack could be added to the starter kits for Scourge and Survival?
  19. I don't think you'll improve the rustez community by encouraging theives. Like removing a speed limit will reduce speeding offences, the admins workload for theft will reduce but the very foreseen consequences of allowing this type of behaviour will degrade the community that makes RustEZ great and give the admins a lot more work overall. There are many aspects of PVP rust that you can learn on PVE servers, like how monument puzzles work, how to craft, using the building menu etc. The PVP aspects of the games, such as protecting yourself for people that want to raid loot and kill you, that's what you learn when you actually play PVP. Warning then banning people for not meeting the communities standard of human decency works well, we have a great community overall so let's keep it that way.
  20. Just a quick note for L96's. The drop rate for heli crates is 1% each crate (3.94% for 4 crates, 4.9% for 5 and 5.85% for 6). The drop rate for Locked crates is 4% per crate (11.53% for the 3 on cargo) and 9% for APC crates (24.6% for the 3 crates from Bradley). You only get 4 crates from summoned Heli's, the natural spawns are 2-3 hours apart. If you want to corner the L96 market then Brad's are so much better in terms of drop rates. Heli's are best for M249s, Brad for L96. Free to accept those tele requests at Heli
  21. From the testing I have done previously (on Survival and also pure before the change to vanilla diesel rates), the pumpjacks and public quarries convert 1 LGF to 1 unit of output every 20sec. So a pumpjack will convert 3xLGF to 3xCrude per minute or 180xLGF to 180xCrude per hour or 4320xLGF to 4320xCrude per day. I haven't played Scourge for a couple of wipes so you may need to do your own testing there to confirm. When doing your own testing I'd recommend you ignore the first yield as the pumpjack seems to cycle continuously every x seconds. If x=20sec and you place the LGF mid cycle, you'll get 10sec for the first result then 20sec each time thereafter thus tainting your results. The units of production for the quarries, from memory, are: Stone: 1xLGF = 20xstone and 4xmetal ore Sulfur: 1xLGF = 4xsulfur ore HQM: 1xLGF = 1xHQM ore Hope that's helpful
  22. I'm not sure you fully understood Death's initial post, and not having a go at you, even though it might read that way. The changes are made to make sure the server meets the community guidelines so that it can be found on the community tab rather than the modded tab. /sil puts it on the modded tab. If the goal of Pure returning the Community tab, where it belongs, is to succeed, lots of mods have to go no matter how great they are. Death has /sil on all his modded servers, I'm sure he understands how important it is for many people. Unfortunately it's not Death but Facepunch who decides what the community guidelines are and therefore what mods he can keep. Like those who want instanced loot, VIP airdrops, the EZ store, VIP recycler, remover tool, etc, those mods meet the exclusion criteria for community servers. The only thing to reconsider the the goal of returning to community tab, and we haven't even go there yet. If you love the RustEZ community and you love /sil, consider trying the modded RustEZ servers. You would have to put up with a few extra mods you may not want but the communities are good and you get to keep making great art
  23. I'm not sure Death's intention is for RustEZ Pure is just to prepare people for PVP servers. I got the impression that these servers were an escape from the toxic world of PVP. An opportunity for people to enjoy a brilliant survival game without other players negatively effecting the experience. Honestly if the community Death is after is one of toxicity, stealing, raiding, harassment and greifing with the rationale "that's REAL rust", then one of us has seriously misunderstood the intention of making these servers. It's certainly not the community I've experienced so far and not one that I would remain in if that's what it became.
  24. I think this will be a good change overall. In my experience on Elysium, the lack of /Rec is something you get used to pretty quickly and it will draw people out of their bases. The Brad and Attack helicopter loot reverting to uninstanced will be annoying (mainly to admin I predict) but I remember it was working fine before so it should be fine again. The lack of salvaged hammer will be painful but if you place a wall wrong it could be a good use for those normal rockets that would otherwise be wasted Having played all three AU servers regularly (and Elysium US), I think the players that miss the mods too much could actually find the modded servers suit them better anyway, it may be worth trying the purified pure and if it doesn't suit then maybe Scourge or Survival will be suitable? You get better value for money for your VIP on the modded servers. I highly recommend Elysium if you can afford a sub (US ping kills me though). I mainly paid VIP and subscribe to support the servers, I personally don't care if I get anything from it (I don't use the VIP drops) but I can see why people would be annoyed at losing some of the benefits, but it sounds like Death has plans for that. I'm looking forward to it and I hope it goes great for everyone else too
  25. Thanks, that was a very informative answer.
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