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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. Another player has this same issue today. [Mix] 76561198056832052 (is there a command for admins to fix it)?
  2. While not a "bug" could you please add the egg to the Scourge kill feed?
  3. Thanks Yuri, for taking the time to add your feedback! All players should be able to complete a teleport using /friend 10 times per day. There has been additional reports of this not resetting properly when daily cool downs rest, so there does seem to be an issue with this right now. I know this is a frustrating experience for you, but I have added a bug report so Death can look into it further. You can check status of the bug report here: Also, just to make sure you know about the /home function on Scourge. You can place up to 10 different /home locations on Scourge allowing you and friends to arrive at locations very close to your favorite monuments by placing a bed or bag and all going to the same /home location. There is only a small time cool down on home ports (not a max daily like /friend). You just need in-game credits to use! GLHF
  4. Three players so far have reported /friend ports do not reset daily (once the max daily limit of 10 is reached).
  5. Aurora


  6. Knock, Knock, Knockin'... Do you have what it takes to make it on US Scourge's first-ever game show? In this gruesome game show, players are confined to their own space with their own respective doors. Each door is attached to a random numbered switch on the board. Players take turns picking a switch to try and "knock out" (eliminate) the other contestants. Choose wisely! You could very well pick your own door switch! How The Event Works: Players join the event with an empty inventory and no access to backpacks. The first 12 players to successfully grab a seat will play for prizes. Once all of the seats have been filled, hosts will start the game. During the game hosts go in order and have players select a number 1-40 (that remains, of course) until everyone has been knocked out except for the final player. Contestants are knocked out when the door behind them opens. There is up to three rounds of play with 10-12 people each (depending on total number of event participants). Players who win EZ store credit in one round cannot play another round. Players waiting for a chance to claim a participant seat remain in the audience. Fun fact: Knocking on Death's Door is a server favorite and we run this game show event a couple times each wipe, changing the design, electrical setup and finding new and creative ways to eliminate participants who are knocked out. During the first Knocking event an over-excited contestant made it past the hosts and to the door control switch area. While the event ban for the player was lifted after 12 hours, all Knocking event builds now feature a caged audience area. GLHF
  7. MT ZERG is an event where players are required to rely on participant numbers and teamwork (and not good weapons/gear) to defeat the Military Tunnel. Don't be fooled: even in a large group, using low tier weapons makes this challenging. How The Event Works: Players join the event with an empty inventory and no access to backpacks. Players will spawn in the MT ZERG HUT: a small build located near the Military Tunnel. Gear for the ZERG is provided by admins: Hazmat suit, hunting bow, 200 arrows, 10 medical syringes, 5 cloth bandages, and 10 pumpkins. A secondary weapon may be offered -- typically a longsword or Eoka Pistol and handmade shells. When the event starts all participants exit the ZERG HUT as a group and follow the train tracks to MT. If you die in the Tunnel, respawn to the ZERG HUT, grab a new gear set and run back (or ask an event admin for help getting back to your group). The goal is to clear out all MT scientists as quickly as possible, then choose a few team members to go back to do fuses and open the monument puzzle doors for the group. For some new players, this may be your first time doing tunnels and seasoned players & admins will help you learn how to do the puzzle and defeat the scientists. Quick Tip: in a large group blocking the door will result in teammate's death. This is an event for fun: players are unable to leave with the loot obtained in the Tunnel. GLHF
  8. Nice, I saw someone in game chat calling that one out.
  9. Aurora

    Living the Swamp Life

    Fish, fog and zombies.
  10. Aurora

    The Casino

    We found a boat and took the long way to the casino. I had no scrap but I bet all my charcoal and lost it all. I'll be back tomorrow after a scrap run! :)
  11. Aurora


    I never leave home without a small stash of Pookies.
  12. Players near an invis admin can hear their @mention beep in game.
  13. Get your bunny ears on! We're hosting a build contest for all players on the (US) Scourge server. Build an original Seasonal (spring) or any Easter-themed space on the server and enter to win prizes for next wipe. The build can be your main base, hangout, public shop, community area, or even a themed heli tower. RULES & INFO: To enter, reply to this forum thread and include a screenshot of your build and provide the map grid location. Post the details early so players and admins can follow your build progress. Once you have posted here, ask any US Scourge admin for your build package. This consists of a few in-game items you may choose to use in your build to help theme it up. Builds must be posted here by midnight (ET) Sunday, April 28, 2019. Admins will view contest builds and offer player tours of the builds between April 29 and 30. You must maintain the tool cupboard (TC) during the contest to ensure no decay prior to midnight (EST) on April 30, 2019. PRIZES: Winner will be chosen by admin voting and prizes handed out to winners for the May 2019 wipe. 1st place: $10 RustEZ store credit 2nd place: $5 RustEZ store credit 3rd place: 3 supply signals Participant’s Choice: 2 supply signals BONUS REWARD for any contest entry that also incorporates zombies into the theme.
  14. April 14, 2019 Pickle Roulette Event: Final Round Winners: 1st: Yurikomi, 2nd: Sigma, 3rd: Satan Winners received weapon of choice in game. Various prizes awarded to winners of each round: supply signal, present (or) puke bag + pickles.
  15. 700 scrap at Bandit Camp! Another 300 if you want the good scope!
  16. RULES FOR SNIPERS: 1. You must upload a full-sized screenshot that clearly shows the hit in the kill feed. No cropping or editing. 2. You must secure your own L96 Rifle to enter the challenge. Ammo & attachments are your choice. 3. You can build sniper towers or work in pairs/groups but only the player name shown in the kill feed can enter the screenshot. 4. Yes, capturing and posting the screen is required (see #1). 5. No cheating or being dishonest: You will be disqualified from this and all future monthly server challenges.  Getting the snipe successfully recorded in the kill feed is half the challenge! I'll consider changes for future wipe-long competitions, but I won't make any changes to the rules mid-competition. Rules for this are as noted above. ~ Thanks!
  17. Pickle Roulette is a fun US Scourge event where players gather to eat, puke, die and win prizes. Prizes are in-game awards, ranging from obscure items to valuable pieces of gear. In other words, winning and what you win is totally random. The only thing that is certain in Pickle Roulette is death. Note: Please turn In-game sounds on to truly experience this event. *BLEH* How The Event Works: Players join the event with an empty inventory and no access to backpacks. The event host will provide participants with pumpkins and med supplies to bring player's health, food and water to max levels. When ready, each participant will take a seat in Pickle Row and be given a stack of 50 pickles to place in their hot bar When the contest starts, participants chug down the pickles as quickly as possible. The first person to die WINS the round. Everyone then respawns back to the event and heals up for the next round! Fun fact: Pickle Roulette started on US Scourge during a Halloween wipe. Admins used Pickle Roulette as a way to harvest player skulls to craft skull fire pits. Admins managed to keep the motives behind the event concealed for some time – in fact they crafted hundreds of these "specialty seasonal items" before event participants caught on.
  18. Same issue as above, following 04-09-19 restart. Previously shared items have reverted to unshared, including small & large chest, workbench, store-purchased recycler, oil refinery, research table, repair bench.
  19. Aurora

    Sweet Dreams!

    Warlord Ubba all tucked in for the night.
  20. Checked on large chest, small chests, BBQs, large furnace, oil refinery, Repair bench, research table, workbench level 1 and 2.
  21. YOU WIN A BRAND NEW CAR. (OK, Not new-new, but new to you)
  22. Game show participants waiting for the studio to open.
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