HQM -> Snow Biome 0.9-1.5 PPM
Sulfur -> Arid or desert Biome always 13.6 PPM
Metal Frags -> Forest Biome, I never put one of these down, not sure about the rates.
All of these 3 will have stone, so don't put a stone only quarry
You can upgrade the Quarry up to 3 times.It costs 100 sheet metal, 500 scrap, and 5000 wood, you can buy the sheetmetal at Outpost for 30 scrap each. Each upgrade in essence costs 3500 scrap +5000 wood. An easy way to get the wood is to trade in stone at Outpost for the wood.
You can also upgrade your mining level, I don't know the chart for that.
It costs 360 fuel per hour for a Pumpjack or a quarry. so you need 8640 LGF to run it for 24 hours.
A Pumpjack produces 1:1 crude for low grade, so it gives 3 low grade after you refine for each LGF you put in. It requiring the same ammount as a quarry, 1 pumpjack is enough to fuel 2 quarries.
The PPM is parts per Minute so multiply your value by 1440 and it gives you your 24 hour rate.