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Posts posted by Granny

  1. Turrets(including flame turrets) must be in areas that are not accessible to players who might pass by (If they are loaded). As you were informed, 'line of sight'. Exposed turrets must be unloaded and on peacekeeper mode. (For flame turrets, no fuel can be added.)
    Regarding traps such as landmines and bear traps, they can be in your compounds, just as a turret can, but not exposed to casual passersby's. Because there is no 'safe' mode for them, they cannot be in the open. 

    With proper base preparation and following simple security measures, such as enclosing quarries, furnaces, and refineries, there is a significantly lessened need on PVE/Survival servers for turrets and traps. Traps and turrets are geared towards PVP activities. Traps, turrets and the likes, are not against Pure rules, simply follow the guidelines as to placement or arming as  determined by the specific type of device.

    I hope this clears up the confusion.
    Thank you for expressing your need for clarification! We do our best to help out.
    Have a great day!

    • Like 1
  2. Offender:   Dantesfire97 (Steam) (Battlemetrics)
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 8/4/2019 6:17 AM EST
    Length: Permanent

    Caught looting a furnace while owner was inside their base. Looted a sleeper and took over their base entirely, locking them in an airlock, still asleep, with a shotgun trap behind an interior door. When confronted, was very hostile, talking over the admin with great disrespect, before logging out. Player was stripped and put into a secure location. It should be noted, he claimed that he'd never seen the rules aside from once tonight. They had been posted many times, in addition to what's on the loading page.


    (Images available if needed.)

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  3. Hello, thank you for your apology. It's greatly appreciated. The property you built into was a private quarry compound. It was near bandit camp. That is not allowed to build into. Public areas can be entered and have their name on the map. 

    We are willing to give a second chance and lift the ban.

    Please understand the rules are no raiding and looting, which includes twigging into structures. Please read the rules when you come back in. If you have any questions please ask an admin or in game chat.

  4.  Offender:  산디 체엨  ( 76561198115321626 ) ( https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/898374629 )
    Server: AU Pure
    Time: 12:50 PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding, Looting, Twigging
    Additional Info:    Player twigged into and out of a quarry facility to facilitate the looting of a quarry, a large furnace and a bubbler. The twigging was extensive.




  5. Offender : toorboy (battlemetrics:  https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/727221074 )

    Server: US Pure

    Time : 8:30 AM EST

    Length: Permanent

    Reason: Stealing, Looting, Despawning of pilfered items, refusal to cooperate, and disrespect to Admin.

    Additional info: Player was witnessed stealing from a sleeper. When confronted to return the items, refused. Was given multiple opportunities to return items. Player attacked admin and sleeper before despawning all items they'd taken. Items recovered and returned to player who was secured immediately following incident

    Screen Shot 06-27-19 at 08.37 AM.JPG

    Screen Shot 06-27-19 at 08.39 AM.JPG

    • Like 1
  6. FastestBubbles:
    James of Carolina

    RepeatPete XX
    James of Carolina

    ♥♣GAMBIT™♦♠ XX
    James of Carolina XXXXXXXXXXX(11)
    Sync XXXXX
    Gage XXX
    raz508474 XXXX

    Slimy XXXXXX
    James of Carolina XXX
    **Dymondback XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(15)
    Gage XX


    We had such a great time despite the hiccups. A special thanks to Death who really stepped in and helped us out. 
    Players with ** beside their names have won a $5.00 In-Store Credit.




    • Like 1
  7. REAL COP (1) $10.00 In Store Credit

    Nick Reagan (2) $5.00 In Store Credit

    Sorbic (3) Choice of 3 Supply Drops or 3 Golden Eggs at beginning of Wipe.

    Richard-                            Reward delivered 6/11/19
    J_sno                               Reward handled 6/11/19
    Rick Steel [DGN][LPS]   Reward delivered 6/11/19
    aNoNiM                          Reward handled 6/11/19(Messaged Admins)
    beach_waggy               Reward delivered 6/11/19
    Anjo                              (Currently unreachable.)
    Pinkdragonvii               Reward delivered 6/11/19

    It was a blast!

  8. June 3rd Pukles Party

    June 3rd, 2019 from 8PM EST (up to) 10PM EST. 

    This is a solo event. No teams. All players will begin at full health, food and hydration.

    Eat pickles till you die! 
    Players will be seated, and given all the pickles they can eat. 
    The whole point? To die. Repeatedly if possible. 
    (There's no motive here. Honest. We just want your skulls...  for... … research purposes.)

    Three rounds, first death from each round will compete in a final Puke-Off for the prizes.

    All participants will receive a gift, and the joy of knowing that their suffering was not in vain.
    (There will be laughter.  Lots and lots of laughter.)

    1st prize:   $10.00 In-Store Credit
    2nd Prize:  $5.00   In-Store Credit
    3rd Prize:  Players choice of 3 Golden Eggs, or 3 Supply signals to be used now or after wipe.


    • Love 1
  9. Greetings and salutations! US Pure is hosting a "Find the Admin" hunt!
    Please come and join in the fun on May 31st, 2019 from 8PM EST to 10PM EST. 

    You will all begin at one location on the map. You will all be given identical clues. There will be false leads, obstacles, and the random trap along the way. 

    Trapped players will have a brief cool down before release.

    Players are welcomed to join together to solve clues, however, remember, there is only one first place. 
    Clues may not be discussed in chat, but Discord is open and available for the players to compare notes.


    You will arrive to the event naked. A flashlight and rad suit will be provided.

    Finding items to help along the way is just fine.

    No sneaking off to get anything from your bases(Or from players not in the event). Players caught doing this will be disqualified.

    Remember, it’s scary out there, don’t.. hug... bears.

    The hiding Admin cannot hide in any puzzle monuments. So, there will be no hiding in any areas that require keycards.  

    They will also not be hiding on the oilrigs, or in military tunnels. All other public areas of map are fair game.

    The Admin can be concealed, but not invisible.

    Please remember to obey rules of the different monuments. (Outpost, Bandit Camp, etc.)

    All spawns, such as PatrolHelicopter, CH47, CargoShip, and Bradley(APC) will run as normal. Remember to use caution.

    1st prize:   $10.00 In-Store Credit
    2nd Prize:  $5.00   In-Store Credit
    3rd Prize:  Players choice of 3 Golden Eggs, or 3 Supply signals to be used now or after wipe.


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