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Posts posted by Granny

  1.  I am willing to lift the ban, but I'd ask you to please be sure that you fully read the rules before logging in. (Scroll down in the server screen to see them.)
    I am happy to invite you back with that condition, and that you please, have fun. :) Expect a 15-30 delay before logging in. 

  2. Offender: OdinOG AKA: famousfatality     STEAM
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 9:45 EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Toxicity, theft, disrespect.
    More Info: Player has been talked to several times, and warned twice for toxicity. As part of the standard procedure, all players get a talking to about the rules. No looting, raiding, stealing, harassment, griefing, toxicity, etc. He's even repeated the rules to others in chat. He chose today, knowing full well he's got a shakey history, to openly steal from an online player using a scaffolding the player had been using to build with. 

    When confronted, they denied knowing the rules despite many PSAs, as well as several chats in the past and promptly logged out. 

    • Like 1
  3. Offender:Dyl_MT
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 7:39 PM EST
    Length: 7 Days
    Reason: Player was harassing  someone in/at their base. I arrived, removed him to about 10 grids away, with an in chat message to please review the rules.

    Minutes later, they returned. I moved them to the other side of the map, and had a verbal with them to let them know they needed to stop, and the next time they returned to the same base, they would get a week off. 

    They traveled across the map, returning to the exact same base. 

    They were removed to a foundation they had left by bandit camp.

  4. Offender:  Gucio
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 12:30 PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Griefing, Toxicity, Theft, Blatant disregard for the rules
    More Info: Player had been spoken to numerous times this evening. They were looting unsecured bases, stealing food from troughs, stealing then killing other farming players horses, and harassing their neighbors to the point that they reached out to report them. They had also been given  more than a reasonable number of chances before I finally had to put my foot down. Kicking them earlier tonight did not teach them.  Several conversations, did not teach them,  and in the end, I do not feel the player is at all compelled to follow any rules or guidelines of our community. 


    Loot logs are available if needed.


  5. Offenders: Gingi  &  Jakeadmin
    Server: US PURE
    Time: 11:00 PM EST
    Length: Permanent 
    Reason: These teamed players both were going out of their way to troll, loot, grief, raid, and being generally toxic. One logged when confronted after they were removed from a player's base, the other had been spoken to repeatedly prior to being banned. One of US Pure's admins had removed Gingi three times prior from a player's base, and he continued to return to the player that he had been harassing. 

    We do not  need this sort of player in our community.

  6. While I can certainly understand the opinions and viewpoints here, please remember, you can turn signs off.

    There is a toggle for it in Options. 
    I hope this helps!



    • Like 1
  7. Thank you. Moving forward, please be mindful of the rules.

    ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind.

    ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, racism or harassment.

    ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas.

    ● No building on roads, around monuments or large areas of unused land.

    ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players..

    Be a decent human being. 


    I will release the ban.  You are free to rejoin. (Might take a few minutes to take effect.)

  8. Offender: HashPi   STEAM
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 5:35 AM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Griefing, Trapping, Harassment of a player.
    More Info:

    Trapped a player and griefed them to an extent that they were unable to play for quite some time. Based on the extent of griefing, I am banning this one as the player chose to be a very negative influence by way of blatant PVP activities. They refused to release the trapped player and when player was freed, they chose to spend their time trying to re-trap them.


    Video provided by the victim.




  9. Offender: BangInDaLobby  Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 7:13 AM EST
    Length: Permanent 
    Reason: Repeated sexual harassment, lewd comments, and being highly inappropriate.
    More Info : Player had been advised, warned, than muted prior to this day. Immediately logged in with suggestive commentary and lewdness. Warned to stop. Ignored and was banned. 

    Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. 



  10. Offender: sir sexalot  STEAM
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 7:31 PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding, Looting
    More Info: After being spoken to at length, (and warned about in chat banter as well as entering bases that do not belong to them,) as well as multiple PSAs, player chose to attempt Grand Theft Auto. When this failed, they attempted to steal the parts.  When confronted, they immediately logged out. 

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