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Posts posted by Granny

  1. Racist words and terms are not now, and will not ever be welcomed in RustEZ.

    What happens with other players and the reprimands that they get is of no concern to anyone but the staff and that specific player or players.
    You mentioned, how you do not see the fairness with the ban you received versus the punishments others get for non-related issues.  There is no comparison.

    Someone being toxic, crude, griefing, or stealing is vastly different from someone using 'the n-word' in any context

    That word is a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person. It is not okay. 

    I will not be lifting the ban. 

    Thank you for taking part in the appeal process, but this will remain in place. 

    Good luck in your gaming endeavors.

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  2. You have, from my examination of your chat logs, been abusive on many occasions to many players. You have made crude comments about players, and admins both. You have made snide comments about specific admins whom you seem to feel slighted by, and even gone so far as to state "admins don't like me" and  they wouldn't help you for that reason. This all was said in public chat prior to you applying for an admin position. After you were declined, the toxicity worsened to the point of calling a woman a "slut" and referring to players as a "cunt". 

    I went through every single day for the last 2 months of chat logs. There was no side-taking or favoritism.

    If I am being honest, and I must be for this situation, by rights you should already have been permanently banned for your caustic toxicity and blatant disrespect.

    One of the cardinal rules of these servers is "Be a decent human being". You have failed on many levels in doing this simple task. 

    I will spare you further embarrassment by not putting in screen shots of all you have done. I will trust you to be enough of a gentleman to accept that I have no personal or vested interests in taking sides. I went solely on your own actions and public chat logs. 

    The temporary ban stays. 

    In the future, please do understand that  we do not enjoy having to punish players for misbehaving.  Banning someone is our last choice option when handling issues. You have reached the point, with multiple mutes,  being kicked, and now temporarily banned, that you are on that last chance. 

    Re-evaluate your behaviors in this last day of your ban, and come back with a fresher attitude and demeanor.

    Thank you for taking the time to reach out for a second evaluation. 

    As a side note, Please do not DM any other members of staff. This decision is final. 


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  3. There is a zero tolerance policy for racism on RustEZ servers. This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers.

    Use of such a word in any circumstance is never funny, and will never be funny. It is not a joke. There is no safe space for it.

    Here are the server rules that you accepted when you joined:

    ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind
    ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, racism or harassment
    ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas
    ● No building on roads, around monuments or large areas of unused land
    ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players

    The ban will not be lifted.

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  4. I am here at gunpoint. 
    I have been commanded by my overlords to welcome you to our fine family of servers!

    Tell her what? Oh right...
    If you ever have questions please feel free to reach out to our helpful and friendly, staff!
    . am I done? ... Sorry!
    Have a great time! Stay Rusty!
    wave hello GIF

    • Haha 1
  5. There is a zero tolerance policy for racism on RustEZ servers. This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers.

    Use of such a word in any circumstance is never funny, and will never be funny. It is not a joke. 

    The screen shot I have listed shows what the issue was

    Here are the server rules that you accepted when you joined:

    Rules ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, racism or harassment ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas ● No building on roads, around monuments or large areas of unused land ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players

    The ban will not be lifted.



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  6. There is a zero tolerance policy for racism on RustEZ servers. This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers.

    Use of such a word in any circumstance is never funny, and will never be funny. It is not a joke.  The screen shot I have listed shows what the issue was

    Here are the server rules that you accepted when you joined:

    Rules ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, racism or harassment ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas ● No building on roads, around monuments or large areas of unused land ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players

    The ban will not be lifted


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  7. 19 minutes ago, GREENG1ANT said:

    Well, I'm not an admin, but I'm guessing it's because of derogatory language. You were already given a temp ban prior for such language, and someone complained about you using derogatory language about someone's dad in chat after you joined back.

    The incident you are referring from one server has nothing to do with this banning on another. Thank you.

    • Love 1
  8. Building near a monument is fine. Paths/walkways (within reason in size) are also fine. (Assuming they aren't blocking waterways.)

    I understand where you see it might somehow be wrong, but they are playing within the rules. 


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  9. The theft or the 'not' theft aside, prior to today, you have been warned twice by two separate admins. Kicked twice, by two separate admins for being aggressive and rude. Today two separate admins, told you that the conversation was over, but you continued. You chose to put your opinion as being more important than the standards of this community.

    I cannot support you remaining as a member of this community.




    • No griefing.
    • No player disrespect.
    • No Politics.

    Casting out any mention of theft,  all three rules that I have listed above, you have broken. 

    The ban remains. 

    I am locking this appeal.

  10. RustEZ is a PVE server family. Player versus Environment.

    Only those players who take an active role in taking out Bradley, or patrol heli get a share of the loot. Meaning participants of those specific events.  What you did, by not fighting the enemy, and just taking stuff anyways is theft. Showing up and doing nothing earns nothing.

    You had been spoken to and warned two other times prior for your behaviors in chat. When you were told, by myself, the way that the FAQ was intended  to be read you made the point of saying "grubbing is participating", you cited the FAQ and wrote "anything else you say is opinion". Not in this instance, it is not. Just as participation with heli requires that you do reasonable damages to it, the same applies to Bradley. You must have participated in the fight to kill it. You, did no such thing. You stated that you didn't break rules by doing so as you 'participated'. You are incorrect. Grubbing is not participating.

    While the theft is part of why you have been banned, you were asked twice to drop it by two different members of staff. You did not.  You  continued to antagonize the players and staff with "Welcome to Rust" as a jab. I muted you to allow myself a chance to speak with others about your behavior.

    This is RustEZ, where the rules do apply. Part of my job as staff means occasionally bidding players farewell. 
    I hope you find a server better suited to your playstyle. 


  11. Offender: Big Pharma   STEAM
    Server: AU Scourge
    Time: 10:14 AM ET
    Length: Perm.
    Reason: Theft, inciting unrest in the server,  and disrespect to players and staff.
    More Info:

    (Player had been warned prior to this occasion for his general chat communications.)

    Theft and player disrespect are not welcomed.  Player had been specifically warned for his antagonism twice prior to this event.


    Regarding the theft:
    Player attempted to turn the FAQ to suit their purposes. They believed that the FAQ cleared them to steal from others. This is not something we are going to be over looking. 
    To clarify:
    Participation in an event, such as patrol heli or Bradley APC, means, doing enough damage that you've earned a box.  Participation is not showing up and taking what you want without invitation or permission. 

  12. Your definition of unused is not accurate.

    A single TC, with no connecting foundations  or overlapping coverage is not enough to provide full protection against theft of the quarry.  The footprint of a quarry is 13X13. TC RADIUS goes out 5 foundations from the end of connected foundations. This means that the RADIUS is no longer a measurement from the TC itself. 

    In the instance you are referring to. The players were protecting their quarries, nothing more. They were using as little space as possible at the time you voiced your initial complaint(day 1 of wipe), and they were not impeding on your area. They were building in the opposite direction.

    I understand you some how feel that 'justice' is not being served, but not a single one of the players in that base was seeking to cause you issues.  

    This matter is closed. 

    • Like 3
  13. 39 minutes ago, DChosen said:

    Hello, I only said one thing. He stealed me, and insulte so much and today before the ban he harassing me and said "I wish bann". He is a so toxic player please, bann again.

    My best advice, is to simply mute them in game by left clicking their name and selecting the "Mute" option. I see little in chat logs since their return to suggest they were instigating any troubles today. Please leave one another be as best as you can.

    If they deliberately seek you out to harass or grief you, then please reach out to us. 

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