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Posts posted by Granny

  1. Offender:OXUM STEAM
    Server: US Pure
    Time:12:25 PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Repeated loot camping, toxicity, Disrespect, and refusal to cooperate with the Admins.
    More Info:
    OXUM has a habit of camping loot.  Brad and patrolheli being his preferred marks. When spoken to this time,  he remained unrepentant, crude, and feels he is allowed to do as he pleases. When confronted today,  we've suddenly become "communists". 

    While most of this incident referenced in this report happened in voice, logs are available in BM. 

  2. Offender: Smartify  STEAM
    Server: Organization Wide
    Time: 6:09 PM
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Being a completely disrespectful player.
    More Info : Player received multiple warnings, both verbal and official, as well as a kick prior to being banned. Player was unrepentant.
    Player made crude sexist comments, mocked a speech impediment of someone on server, and repeatedly attempted to dodge speaking with an admin at all. 

    This is not the sort of player we should be retaining in our community. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, WOJTSON said:

    Cześć babciu,

    Przepraszam za wszelkie błędy ortograficzne. Jestem Polakiem i nadal uczę się angielskiego. 

    Pożyczałem konto mojego kuzyna na dwa dni. Chciałem, żeby zobaczył mój dom na serwerze i zobaczył, jak gra się gra. Chce kupić tę grę i zobaczyć, jak się w nią gra. Nie wiedział, że to serwer PVE. Dzisiaj chcę zagrać i widzę Ban. Piszę do mojego kuzyna, co zrobił i powiedziałem, że nie wiedział, że to PVE i że nie można karać domów. Czy mogę odzyskać dostęp do serwera? ta sytuacja się nie powtórzy.

    Z poważaniem WOJTAZ

    "Hi grandma, 
    I apologize for any spelling errors. I am Polish and i am still learning English.  
    I borrowed my cousin's account for two days. I wanted him to see my house on the server and see how the game is played. He wants to buy this game and see how he plays it. He didn't know it was a PVE server. Today I want to play and I see Ban. I write to my cousin what he did and I said he didn't know it was PVE and that you can't punish houses. Can I regain access to the server? this situation will not happen again. 
    Sincerely WOJTAZ "

    Thank you for taking the time to appeal, however, the account holder is responsible for all activities on it. Good, and bad. 

    For this reason, the ban will stand. If you, or your cousin, have a desire for a PVP setting, there are many great servers out there. Our servers are not suited for that type of play. 

    We wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavors.


  4. Offender: WOJTSON STEAM
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 9:00 PM EST
    Length: Permanent. 
    Reason: Stealing, raiding, looting.
    More Info: Player was given numerous PSAs, one verbal, and two official warnings about stealing and looting. They refused to stop their PVP behaviors leaving us with no choice but to enforce a permanent ban. 

    Logs are shown below. 






  5. Thank you for taking the time to appeal. The ban will stand. There is no safe space anywhere in RustEZ for the 'humor' that you displayed. There is no time that it's ever going to be permissible. Racism has no place on our servers. 

    I wish you the best in your future gaming endeavors.


  6. Offender:T&A|DaBearJew  Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 3:30 PM EST
    Length:  Permanent.
    Reason: Racist humor, and dark political commentary.

    Admin were alerted to a player telling racist jokes, and using darker commentary of a political nature when admin were not available.  After reviewing the logs,  we are left with no choice but to ban this player. 

    Screen captures are available. 

  7. Loaded and powered Sam turrets are typically used as a PVP item. They only target player vehicles.  
    Having a Sam turret is fine, if merely decorative. 
    Having one loaded requires that you make very very sure it cannot target anyone outside of your enclosure, including in the airspace above your base.

    Type 'define turrets' in chat while on server to read the basic overview.

  8. 1 hour ago, siggesatan said:

    yeah sorry to say this China you used to be a nice guy but when you dominating Heli under presumption that every one can join you include everyone but Ken cause you have personal issue with him.
    US admin Crimgirl did the exact thing to him regarding the Bradley and when he questioned admin using the same bully mentality you obviously use he got banned for it!

    i must tell i totally lost the respect when you called him a Gook and refereed to him as toxic.
    i almost was about to pop you at outpost when you started to behave like a total douche to me (Joke or not you need to fix your shit Chinaski )
    i am glad i didn't otherwise the outpost turrets probably had killed us both.

    you used to be fun to play with what the fuck happened to you China? Ken isn't the one being toxic you are!

    Who said "gook"? When? Where? What evidence is there?

  9. I was actively watching the chat when it happened, and I know you did not use the word "faggot" in any malicious manner, but rather to say what your sleeping bag had been renamed to. In the future be cautious of the words you post in Chat. General as well as team chat as the script does not differentiate. 

    I am lifting the ban.




    WHEN- This Saturday night 9pm EST (check your time zones😃)

    Why- Because we want to break your Frame Rates 😂

    What do i get for showing up?- Absolutely NOTHING but a good time😂Come Join Us on the Rust EZ Pure server Saturday Feburey 1st @ 9pm est.   Massive firework show put together by BackDoorDamage, Momoroma, PepperJack, Atlas,Granny and Real Cop we have 500 plus fireworks to shoot into the sky to celebrate the lunar new year Year of the Rat!! What ever server you our from all all welcome to join us in our fun lots of boom for sure and plenty of firecrackers to be throw around during the event. This is all just end of wipe madness! Hope to see everyone there!!!!! And remember STAY RUSTY MY FRIENDS!!





    • Love 2
  11. Players:Ralph BM Ralph Steam
                  Liquid BM Liquid Steam
    Duration: Permenant

    Server: US Pure

    Times: Ralph 09:45

                 Liquid: 03:34

    Reasons: Raiding, Looting, Griefing

    Both players names were found on multiple players and bases over the last several days. Both players were warned. Both players witnessed multiple PSAs and ignored them. Liquid griefed multiple bases, and locked players in, while wiping out their belongings hours after a stern warning to not continue with their pattern of behavior. 

    Evidence below. 


















  12. Thank you for your input on this matter, marqis87. What it boils down to is this, you are the account owner and as such are fully responsible for whatever happens with it. 
    Regardless of your decision to allow a child to play this game, the fact remains that server rules were broken and there are consequences. 
    The ban will remain in place. 

    We wish you the best in your future Rust endeavors. 
    Thank you.

    • Like 2
  13. Server: Org Wide
    Duration: Permanent
    Time: 11:30 PM EST
    Player:  marqis87


    Marquis87 was caught in the act by another player, looting a sleeping, visiting admin who'd participated in an event a few hours prior. 
    Marquis was witnessed by staff assaulting the reporting player when confronted. Marquis was teleported to a secure location by staff. They logged quickly after being confronted by staff, but were less than cooperative.

    Owing to a prior banning on another EZ server, this is now a permanent, organization wide ban.  

    Loot log is capped and available if needed. 


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