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Posts posted by Granny

  1. Offender:  ronnie (Currently "Dokkie") STEAM
    Server: AU Survival
    Time: 6:19 AM ET
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Racism
    More Info: Images available of signpost with the word "n*gger" on it. Censored here for community comfort. 
    This was done prior to them using "N*GGA" in chat and getting a three hour ban. 

  2. Regarding walking into someone else's base uninvited. Don't.  There's no reason to do so. 

    If someone obtains a boat in the wild?  They can block it in, push it onto their roof, or drop it into dome if they so choose. Same as they can do with cars.

    Same principle applies to horses.  Should a horse found in the wild not be tethered to a trough?  Does tethering it become unfair, as they didn't buy it?

    While I understand your frustration in this situation, try to see it from the other side of the field. 

    I hope I've given folks something to think about that is of benefit.

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  3. There are no safe spaces for racism on RustEZ servers. 
    This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers.
    When a word is used that has such negative connotations, it's never alright.
    The ban remains.

    We wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavors. 


    • Like 2
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  4. Offender: Gunt  STEAM
    Server: AU Pure
    Time: 8:05 AM ET
    Length: Perm.
    Reason: Toxicity and abuse via voice chat of an admin. Racist term in voice chat in-game.
    More Info:
    All abuse took place in voice. Witnessed/experienced by an admin.
    Player also assaulted admin with a weapon and was bantering with and encouraging another player involved in this incident to continue.

    Player was also reported having said "n*gger" while griefing another player.

    Toxicity is not something that should be egged on or encouraged.

  5. Offender:  GooBie  STEAM
    Server: AU Pure
    Time: 8:02 AM ET
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Toxicity and abuse via voice chat of an admin. Racist term in voice chat in-game, and a refusal to cooperate with Admin when approached.
    More Info:
    All abuse took place in voice. Witnessed/experienced by an admin.
    Player refused to cooperate when approached to cool down their chat banter and proceeded to call the admin a "cunt" among other crude comments.

    Player was also reported having said "n*gger" while griefing another player. 

    Toxicity is not something that we can allow.


  6. Offenders: e_v_a_n   &   Will6505     Steam:  e_v_a_n  Will6505
    Server: EU SCOURGE
    Time: 8:51 ET
    Length: Perm.
    Reason: Severe toxicity as well and theft and harassment of a player. 
    More Info: Screen caps available. 

    The two players (+1 other) entered a base unwelcomed. Were already being abusive, homophobic,  and highly toxic in chat. 
    They continued this behavior in the base, and in voice. 

    (The third player did not say anything  or do anything more than enter the base before logging.) 

  7. Please re-appeal in a month. We'll see how it goes.
    While I cannot make a guarantee,  I am always willing to hear players out. (I would strongly suggest you don't allow anyone else access to your system if this is a known issue. Family is amazing, but sometimes.. a wee bit annoying.)


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  8. Thank you, @SKUDRUNNER. Well put.

    Shadow, the ban remains in place. It will expire in about two hours and a few minutes.  I encourage you to rethink the language moving forward.
    Racism in any form is not taken lightly any where in RustEZ.

    While I understand how it's sometimes seen as a cultural colloquialism, the fact is, it's something that is audience specific.
    You want to talk that way with friends outside of RustEZ? Go for it... but not here.

    We'll see you back in game in about two hours. 


  9. There are no safe spaces for racism on RustEZ servers. 
    This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers.
    When a word is used that has such negative connotations, it's never a joke. It is not funny. 
    The ban remains. 

    We wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavors. 



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