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Posts posted by Granny

  1. I am in the following boat:
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 

    Wiping skills every 3 months is reasonable. More than reasonable really. 
    Rebuilding levels is simple, use a bone club to bash through the first 20 or so levels. Not a big deal.  The way things are set up have been working for a long time. There's no need to change it. 

    But, this is my opinion, and not an official stance.

    I fully intend to mute game sounds,  pull on some headphones, and start  embracing my inner-Hulk.. you know.. 


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  2. 2 hours ago, aNoNiM said:

    I do find the people prefer to raid PVE servers where over 50% of the players don't expect to be raided. If you prefer raiding, lile others have said, there are many PVP servers I think its like 98:1 lol



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  3. We are PVE servers.  Not PvPvE. 
    We did have  a PvPvE server in the past. (Casual) It didn't seem to weather well with the community. 
    We also, for under a day, had a PVP server. (Really, while it was briefly fun, I noticed some unpleasantness fairly quickly.  So, it's a hard pass from me.)

    If you really crave a PVP  or a PvPvE server, there are hundreds to choose from. 
    It won't be a part of RustEZ for the foreseeable future. Beyond that? Who knows?

    I love our community the way it is. 

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  4. Behaving  in a way that is contrary to the community standards, and using provocative language on the server is not welcomed. You were advised of these facts, and others, multiple times prior to any disciplinary actions. 

    You are all for freedom of speech, your rights, etc. That's great! Embrace you! We get that, and we're glad you have the freedom in your life to do so. RustEZ is not in that part of your world. We have a reasonable set of guidelines for acceptable behaviors and language. They aren't difficult to follow, and it is not asking too much.

    You made decisions that effected your place within our community.  Those consequences rest solely on your shoulders.

    I do genuinely wish you well, and I do hope you find a new server to play on. 
    Take care.



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  5. Thanks for being a part of our community!

    We'd love to look at your application, but you are required to be 18 years of age, so at this time, we'd not be able to accept it. 

    Stick with the community, dig in and help out, and when you hit the big 18, drop that application in!


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  6. Thank you for appealing. 

    With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized.  While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers.

    Words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. 

    Here are resources that you can explore to learn more:


    The Bias Barrier

    Anti-Racism Glossary

    Anti-Racism Resources


    The ban will not be lifted.

    You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. Regrettably, your brother's alleged actions, have permanent consequences for you. 
    We wish you the best of luck.


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  7. Offender:!King #HowlGG  &  #HowlGG Rustchance.com
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 3:15 PM EST
    Length: Perm.

    Rustchance: Theft. Zero respect for the player rules or community standards. 

    !King #HowlGG: Ripped off players, griefed them, responsible for harassment. Zero respect for the player rules or community standards. Mic spammed including racist term, and told admin "go f*** yourself" in chat and in voice. Had intended to give a 3 day ban. This was upped to 7, then the player upped the ante with the racism on voice. Thus, making it permanent.

    Both players were together  and within minutes had already stolen quite a fair bit. 
    Howl was given a chance for a minor punishment, but they felt it necessary to push it. 


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  8. RustEZ Refunds



    Due to the nature of digital goods, all sales are final. Refund requests are handled on a case by case basis and are issued at our sole discretion. Refund requests, if any, must be made within thirty (30) days of your original purchase.

    Click the link above for further information regarding a refund. 

    To address your concerns about your IP address?  
    An IP address does not constitute personal identifiable information.  However,  we do try to refrain from posting them. With this in mind, we've edited out your IP address from the related imagery. IP addresses are merely a way in which we can more easily track our players. You can easily do a search to learn how to change your IP address if it remains a concern for you.

    While we are parting ways, it is our genuine wish for you to find a Rust server that better fits your playstyle. 

    Take care.


  9. On 5/2/2021 at 4:57 PM, JakeXYZ said:

    it said i was banned but i didnt play for like half of the wipe and when i did it was with my noob friend. is there a screenshot of me being racist?


    43 minutes ago, JakeXYZ said:

    that was my best friends bag lmao

    I am not seeing an attempt to appeal here.


  10. Thank you for appealing. 

    With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in the entertainment industry is being closely scrutinized.  While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers.

    Words such as what you used, are not welcome in any context. 

    Here are resources that you can explore to learn more:


    The Bias Barrier

    Anti-Racism Glossary

    Anti-Racism Resources


    The ban will not be lifted.

    If you felt the need to "test" if a word would result in a mute, then you realized, in advance, that the word was not appropriate to be using at all.

    We wish you the best of luck.


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  11. Honestly, I've seen bases that have all this overcomplicated electrical stuff, with upwards from 10 windmills (a recent one used 27 windmills)... 
    1k power? One simple soundless, low impact item? Sign me up. But this is just my personal opinion, not to be confused as an official stance. 

    electricity GIF
    I've not been a fan of electricity since they were still in planning phase. LOL.

    Give me tuna can lamps, a bear skin rug, a bone club and I'm happy. 

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