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Everything posted by Granny

  1. Granny

    Meme Time!

    This is just for fun, and though we're all adults here.. ahem... let's not be gross!
  2. This is a known issue. While your specific issue isn't exact, it appears to be part of the same problem. Thank you for the ticket. This is being looked into.
  3. All watercraft inside of structures in "deep" water are decaying, regardless of if they are protected or not. Moonpools with floors, no floors, all with roofs, are not protecting water craft from decay. Both boat types and both sub types are subject to deep water decay even when fully enclosed. (So 3 hours, no matter vehicle type.) Anything over 1.5 to 2 walls(+foundation) deep in water is apparently deep water.
  4. Please see my reply in Help. Thanks.
  5. Glad to have you! If you ever have any questions or concerns free free to reach out! HAPPY RUSTING! ~G
  6. My cat, Lil Bit.. when she was 3 weeks old, and a few months ago.. And my son's dog, Max.. saying good morning.. up close.. and personal.
  7. Have older stuff on my old laptop that is currently a glorified paperweight... but here's a couple. The floating body pics are my oldest I have access to.
  8. We're glad you found us! We hope you enjoy your time here! If you ever have any questions or comments feel free to reach out to our Staff or our wonderful Community! Looking forward to seeing you play! ~G
  9. Resolved. The cap is repaired. The danger area is no longer accessible.
  10. Thank you, will get this looked at asap!
  11. Changed Server to Survival
  12. This is a known issue and will be resolved asap. Thanks for the report! ~G
  13. Player reported issues on #help in Discord. Passing on the information. Please disregard if duplicate ticket.
  14. Granny


    Oh, honey! Do you need a bandaid?
  15. Please post here: Share your radio stations - General - RustEZ
  16. Granny

    Door Closer

    We do not typically replace items lost during normal gameplay. Sadly, a heli salvo is just that. Now, your friend however, can ask for a replacement. Have them visit Help and request a replacement if they purchased it through the store here on the website. Sorry for the troubles. (Edited for clarity.)
  17. There is a thread available for this: Suggest your stations here.
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