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Everything posted by Granny

  1. Building near a monument is fine. Paths/walkways (within reason in size) are also fine. (Assuming they aren't blocking waterways.) I understand where you see it might somehow be wrong, but they are playing within the rules.
  2. I DIDN'T BREAK IT!.. for once. I can put a temp one up, but, it will produce all ores, though at a vanilla rate otherwise. Let me know if you want me to pop one down.
  3. The theft or the 'not' theft aside, prior to today, you have been warned twice by two separate admins. Kicked twice, by two separate admins for being aggressive and rude. Today two separate admins, told you that the conversation was over, but you continued. You chose to put your opinion as being more important than the standards of this community. I cannot support you remaining as a member of this community. No griefing. No player disrespect. No Politics. Casting out any mention of theft, all three rules that I have listed above, you have broken. The ban remains. I am locking this appeal.
  4. RustEZ is a PVE server family. Player versus Environment. Only those players who take an active role in taking out Bradley, or patrol heli get a share of the loot. Meaning participants of those specific events. What you did, by not fighting the enemy, and just taking stuff anyways is theft. Showing up and doing nothing earns nothing. You had been spoken to and warned two other times prior for your behaviors in chat. When you were told, by myself, the way that the FAQ was intended to be read you made the point of saying "grubbing is participating", you cited the FAQ and wrote "anything else you say is opinion". Not in this instance, it is not. Just as participation with heli requires that you do reasonable damages to it, the same applies to Bradley. You must have participated in the fight to kill it. You, did no such thing. You stated that you didn't break rules by doing so as you 'participated'. You are incorrect. Grubbing is not participating. While the theft is part of why you have been banned, you were asked twice to drop it by two different members of staff. You did not. You continued to antagonize the players and staff with "Welcome to Rust" as a jab. I muted you to allow myself a chance to speak with others about your behavior. This is RustEZ, where the rules do apply. Part of my job as staff means occasionally bidding players farewell. I hope you find a server better suited to your playstyle. ~G
  5. Click here to appeal. You have misinterpreted the FAQ. When corrected, you refused to hear it. Please follow the above link to make an appeal. I will be offline for the remainder of today, however. I will review it tomorrow.
  6. Offender: Big Pharma STEAM Server: AU Scourge Time: 10:14 AM ET Length: Perm. Reason: Theft, inciting unrest in the server, and disrespect to players and staff. More Info: (Player had been warned prior to this occasion for his general chat communications.) Theft and player disrespect are not welcomed. Player had been specifically warned for his antagonism twice prior to this event. Regarding the theft: Player attempted to turn the FAQ to suit their purposes. They believed that the FAQ cleared them to steal from others. This is not something we are going to be over looking. To clarify: Participation in an event, such as patrol heli or Bradley APC, means, doing enough damage that you've earned a box. Participation is not showing up and taking what you want without invitation or permission.
  7. Your definition of unused is not accurate. A single TC, with no connecting foundations or overlapping coverage is not enough to provide full protection against theft of the quarry. The footprint of a quarry is 13X13. TC RADIUS goes out 5 foundations from the end of connected foundations. This means that the RADIUS is no longer a measurement from the TC itself. In the instance you are referring to. The players were protecting their quarries, nothing more. They were using as little space as possible at the time you voiced your initial complaint(day 1 of wipe), and they were not impeding on your area. They were building in the opposite direction. I understand you some how feel that 'justice' is not being served, but not a single one of the players in that base was seeking to cause you issues. This matter is closed.
  8. It's day 2 of wipe. Unused land blocked by TCs is being monitored. Player's have 24 hours to make use of the land before the TCs are removed. Please show some measure of patience. Wipe's just started and building is not instant.
  9. Offenders: sarity & DeadlyPinkSheep Server: US Scourge Time: 6:55 PM ET Length: Perm. Reason: Excessive toxicity and harassment of a player and an admin. Banbaiting. Good luck in your gaming endeavors.
  10. Granny

    item store

    RustEZ Store: FAQ The above link should help you understand. All purchases are one time only, with the exception of VIP, which is permanent.
  11. My best advice, is to simply mute them in game by left clicking their name and selecting the "Mute" option. I see little in chat logs since their return to suggest they were instigating any troubles today. Please leave one another be as best as you can. If they deliberately seek you out to harass or grief you, then please reach out to us.
  12. I made a suggestion to FacePunch... Padlocks for personal vehicles that cannot be put on the car lift. (Horses, Scrap-helis, Minis, boats, Kayaks, my precious unicorn float...) I'm not holding my breath for an answer or solution on it.
  13. Offender: '' panthus Sappho STEAM Server: EU Scourge Time: 12:55 PM ET Length: 3 days Reason: Theft and toxicity. More Info: Player teamed with another, before using that new alliance to loot their body. When confronted by the victim, player became accusatory, and toxic. A 3 day ban is in place to assure the player understands that we will not tolerate certain behaviors.
  14. Build a cabin, fill it to overflowing with pookies. Bask in their comforting presence. Do it! I mean.. ahm... ~G
  15. Offender: ronnie (Currently "Dokkie") STEAM Server: AU Survival Time: 6:19 AM ET Length: Perm Reason: Racism More Info: Images available of signpost with the word "n*gger" on it. Censored here for community comfort. This was done prior to them using "N*GGA" in chat and getting a three hour ban.
  16. The machines fill automatically over time. Admins have no control over this as it's a passive mechanic set by FacePunch. Be like Granny! Go hug a tree, vigorously.. with an axe. ~G
  17. Seeing as the appeal has been rejected by the admin, and the player is now using abusive language, I am locking this thread. Good luck in your future gaming endeavors.
  18. Regarding walking into someone else's base uninvited. Don't. There's no reason to do so. If someone obtains a boat in the wild? They can block it in, push it onto their roof, or drop it into dome if they so choose. Same as they can do with cars. Same principle applies to horses. Should a horse found in the wild not be tethered to a trough? Does tethering it become unfair, as they didn't buy it? While I understand your frustration in this situation, try to see it from the other side of the field. I hope I've given folks something to think about that is of benefit.
  19. There are no safe spaces for racism on RustEZ servers. This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers. When a word is used that has such negative connotations, it's never alright. The ban remains. We wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavors. ~G
  20. Granny


    I will forward your request to the Head Admin of your server. Please allow a couple of days for this to be reviewed and decided upon.
  21. Granny


    What is your in game name so that I can look into your request?
  22. Granny


    Glad to have you! We're really proud of the community we have here and we're pleased you're enjoying it with us! Happy Rusting! ~G
  23. Glad to have you on the RustEZ Team! Never hesitate to reach out!
  24. Offender: Gunt STEAM Server: AU Pure Time: 8:05 AM ET Length: Perm. Reason: Toxicity and abuse via voice chat of an admin. Racist term in voice chat in-game. More Info: All abuse took place in voice. Witnessed/experienced by an admin. Player also assaulted admin with a weapon and was bantering with and encouraging another player involved in this incident to continue. Player was also reported having said "n*gger" while griefing another player. Toxicity is not something that should be egged on or encouraged.
  25. Offender: GooBie STEAM Server: AU Pure Time: 8:02 AM ET Length: Perm Reason: Toxicity and abuse via voice chat of an admin. Racist term in voice chat in-game, and a refusal to cooperate with Admin when approached. More Info: All abuse took place in voice. Witnessed/experienced by an admin. Player refused to cooperate when approached to cool down their chat banter and proceeded to call the admin a "cunt" among other crude comments. Player was also reported having said "n*gger" while griefing another player. Toxicity is not something that we can allow.
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