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Everything posted by Granny

  1. Offenders: e_v_a_n & Will6505 Steam: e_v_a_n Will6505 Server: EU SCOURGE Time: 8:51 ET Length: Perm. Reason: Severe toxicity as well and theft and harassment of a player. More Info: Screen caps available. The two players (+1 other) entered a base unwelcomed. Were already being abusive, homophobic, and highly toxic in chat. They continued this behavior in the base, and in voice. (The third player did not say anything or do anything more than enter the base before logging.)
  2. Hit and run driver... wearing a hazzy... There should be laws.
  3. Please re-appeal in a month. We'll see how it goes. While I cannot make a guarantee, I am always willing to hear players out. (I would strongly suggest you don't allow anyone else access to your system if this is a known issue. Family is amazing, but sometimes.. a wee bit annoying.) ~G
  4. Reports from US servers of vehicles poofing with out obvious cause. Satchels were left behind with engine parts/ loot as well in some cases. (Insurance companies are refusing to pay out, citing "Acts of God". )
  5. Granny

    Stack issues.

    Comments in images. Have also been informed that wood stacks in furnaces have been wonky as well, but had difficulty finding the mention of it in my screen caps.
  6. I am sorry to hear that your brother caused this. Unfortunately, at this time, you are the one responsible for the account. Actions have consequences, even if it's a family member who gained access. ~G Player Name : Purple Dancing Man
  7. At 12:29 ET today, you changed the name of a bag to "Home" and a moment later, at 12:30 ET to something that is a racist term. If you would like a screen cap of the log, I will be glad to provide it.
  8. Thank you, @SKUDRUNNER. Well put. Shadow, the ban remains in place. It will expire in about two hours and a few minutes. I encourage you to rethink the language moving forward. Racism in any form is not taken lightly any where in RustEZ. While I understand how it's sometimes seen as a cultural colloquialism, the fact is, it's something that is audience specific. You want to talk that way with friends outside of RustEZ? Go for it... but not here. We'll see you back in game in about two hours. ~G
  9. There are no safe spaces for racism on RustEZ servers. This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers. When a word is used that has such negative connotations, it's never a matter taken lightly. The ban remains. We wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavors. ~G
  10. There are no safe spaces for racism on RustEZ servers. This is clearly displayed when you enter any of our servers. When a word is used that has such negative connotations, it's never a joke. It is not funny. The ban remains. We wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavors. ~G
  11. Offender: Envy BattleMetrics Server: US Pure Time: 2:34 PM ET Length: Perm. Reason: Language and toxicity. Used homophobic term and attempted to circumvent filter. (Player reported.)
  12. Welcome to RustEZ! We're glad you found us! We look forward to seeing you enjoying the servers and, of course, the game itself. For Frequently Asked Questions, click HERE! Happy Rusting! ~G
  13. Thank you for your appeal. Yes, I will lift the ban. Please refresh yourself on the rules. You should be able to join in a few minutes. Welcome back.
  14. Welcome to RustEZ! We're glad you found us! We look forward to seeing you enjoying the servers and, of course, the game itself. For Frequently Asked Questions, click here! Happy Rusting! ~G
  15. Offender: Survest STEAM Server: US Pure Time: 12/30/2020 6:13 PM Length: Permanent Reason: Raiding, looting, griefing, & racism. More Info: Player entered a base not belonging to them to supposedly reskin an item for the victim, stole privileges, destroyed property, trapped the victim in their own base, harassed them, and proceeded to use racist terms in chat by sidestepping the language script with creative spelling. Player is not welcome back.
  16. Leaf(The head admin of your server) left a note on your body. He placed the TC, code is in the note. As for the resources? There is nothing we can do. It's critical that you make sure you place a TC in your base when you build next time to prevent someone from doing what the player did to you. Please use the code and authorize on the TC. It's yours now. Side note, for all issues like this in the future, please file a help ticket, This forum is for bugs.
  17. Granny

    cant log in

    No one can steal anything while the servers are down.. except the chickens, but they are just jerks anyways.
  18. Granny

    cant log in

    All US servers are down for the moment. It's outside of my control to rectify, but will do all I can to help folks when they are back up.
  19. Granny

    cant log in

    Anyone needing rescue attempts when servers are restored, please drop me your IN GAME NAME, and which US server you were on, to me on Discord in a DM or in #general. Please, only do so if you were actually out in the open. I, and the team, will do all we can to assist you.
  20. "danamal" is this player's in game name. I had to hunt.
  21. Thank you for reaching out! We're sorry for the troubles. Please provide your in game name. Someone will be reaching out to you soon from your server! ~G
  22. It seems that trash piles despawning too close to player placed electrical connections, causes the connection(s) to break. Have not seen it first hand, but have seen after effects of the possible issue. Having a hard time replicating it but dropping a report just in case it is something that can be sorted.
  23. Reports on US Survival of electrics issues as well as vanishing foundation/TCs.
  24. There have been further reports of doors being open or missing. Walls and foundations vanishing as well. I cannot find a pattern.
  25. Player has been able to log in. Closing this matter.
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