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Everything posted by Granny

  1. I am always solo.. except for when my old man insists on coming along... he's such a drag... Don't tell him I said that. He's the only one who can fly. Humor aside, I am very much looking forward to the changes and in seeing how they impact the player base. I am sure it'll be worth it!
  2. LOL I feel ya. I don't have it either. Buy in bulk! Ask for a discount!
  3. Does suck to have to remake them, but they are quite cheap to make. Doesn't feel any better, but,... Still a good suggestion.
  4. While I do appreciate your remorse for having used the word, I am afraid there is no safe space for racism. You knew when you entered the server that racism is not permitted. I hope you can find another server that suits your playstyle and have learned that racism is never okay, even between friends. ~G
  5. They used a different word than you did.
  6. Thank you for appealing. With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized. While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers. Words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. Here are resources that you can explore to learn more: guidetoallyship.com https://guidetoallyship.com/ The Bias Barrier https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/about-deloitte/us-inclusion-survey-research-the-bias-barrier.pdf Anti-Racism Glossary https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-glossary/ Anti-Racism Resources https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-resources/ The ban will not be lifted. You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. We wish you the best of luck.
  7. Lost winnings from the Scrap wheel on EU Pure - Help - RustEZ
  8. Players on US Pure are reporting that any winnings over 1k are playing award sound, but they aren't getting their scrap.
  9. What I said directly addresses the initial suggestions. Not an official stance, merely my personal opinion. If you are willing to put ideas out, you need to be willing to see why something might not work well, or will not work at all. There will be no easy fix for this issue, but do know, we are all looking at the situation and trying to find something that will work better. As always please keep the ideas coming! That is one of the reasons I love this community so much.
  10. Wiping everyone's networth? No, I would not at all support that. It'd be incredibly unfair to those who really have worked for it. Some folks set goals for themselves as well, so capping what they can get .. no. Not the right approach. As for the changes to the black market, I am very interested to see how things pan out. Maybe one of these days I'll hit 10k net worth... Nah... too lazy...
  11. I mean.. ahm, Belated welcome! We're glad you found us and we're happy to see you enjoying our community!
  12. Granny


    Please post your request HERE . Thanks!
  13. This matter has been resolved. I will go ahead and lock this thread.
  14. This player has had their issue escalated to a full ban in game and in discord. Details are being kept to staff only. There will be no tolerance towards any player who feels that they are far enough above the rules the offer threats, veiled or otherwise against anyone, be they staff or not. No further discussion is required in this matter. ~G
  15. RustEZ staff has reviewed this incident. Had there been solid evidence, and not merely hearsay, of a slur being used, you would have been banned. So that eliminates #2. To address #1 and #3, this should have been left in the hands of the server admin. If you are having difficulties with other players, alert the staff and allow them to investigate to make determinations based on their own observations and logs. Sometimes this player or that one just do not get along. That's okay, nothing says you have to do so. But for the sake of your own sanity, comfort, and yes, reputation, do not engage. Let the staff do what needs done. I hope this helps to sort things for you. We are sorry you experienced anything stressful. ~G
  16. Team effort involved to sort this out. An ancient ban included this player's steam ID in error. It has been resolved. Thank you for being patient while we sorted this! Thanks team for all the hard work!
  17. Regarding the floor issue. You might need to remove intersecting walls to replace your construction. The furnace, I am assuming you mean the large one, needs room to be placed. That can be reclosed once it's deployed. So, lets say you have a perfect spot for it in the middle of a circle. Open the circle up, then place the furnace, and put the constructions back after. Large furnaces are moody and need a lot of room sometimes before they will settle their butts down.
  18. I can stand around a corner and yell "BOO!"... if it'll help?
  19. Essentially this: The top being the foundation ring, and the bottom is just to do it minimalist. When you place a quarry or a pumpjack, it's important to be sure that you have the whole thing under tool cupboard protection. The simplest way is as I show above. Don't depend on your main base's building privilege to cover all you deploy. Quarries especially have a big area they cover, 13X13 foundations. So 1 TC is only enough if you use a ring as I showed above. I know it's a bit confusing, but if you ever aren't sure please, please reach out to your server's admin to check it over. I hope this helps a little.
  20. Given his latest post, I'll got ahead and lock this thread. Good luck.
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