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Everything posted by Elixil3

  1. AU Survival: Its noted that we have received the latest map updates however they appear to not have been applied. Most notable are; SAM sites are still on top of factory and active. Loot in factory no change Silos still too close to each other
  2. AU Survival, Public quarries are currently burning excessive fuel; Sulfur Quarry uses 1,047 low grade, outputs 7 sulfur ore Stone Quarry uses 611 low grade, outputs 4 metal ore, 25 stone HQM Quarry uses 1,047 low grade, outputs 0 HQM
  3. Elixil3

    Cave issue.

    this looks like a cave_medium_medium which means it has 3 surfaces entrances, the one you are looking at is designed as an exit only. It should be a lot easier to exit from but near impossible to try and enter from.
  4. the console command warn does not work on AU Survival. Granny checked other servers and confirmed it was only the 3 AU servers affected.
  5. Factory still has active SAMs It was listed on the announcement yesterday that they had been removed. Factory loot still seems to be unchanged It was also listed as being nerfed
  6. Score board seems to be not currently working. the command /top does not work
  7. AU Survival Found a spot that is accessible by players which if they head down the pipe they will end up falling without a way to get out or retrieve their belongings. See Screen shots for location.
  8. another little bug I have just noticed if your inventory is full then upon exit to clear space you cannot re-enter the crate to grab loot that was was still left inside. maybe if in this instance remaining items could drop on the ground or crate doesn't lock until you have looted it all
  9. This is intended as its now under the virtual instance. This means those that participate enough in damage then they are entitled to loot crates so don't really require the fire. I will say though it is harder to find the crates sometime in heavy grass / bushes because of no flames.
  10. UPDATE: I have now tested this with Bradley and it works the same. So when only 1 player deals damage the crates acts as default (other than the flames are out), meaning first player to the crate can loot it irrespective of dealing any damage.
  11. Fixes look great but I still have one bug for you. Only tested this with Distress Signals but if a players does all damage (no one else contributes) then anyone can loot, once looted the crates disappear. - So if a another player makes it to the crates first they can loot and again the player that spawned it in looses out. If multiple players contribute then it works as intended. Other than that I haven't been able to find any other faults
  12. AU Survival, These are my findings so far and will continue to add to it if I find something. Main thing to note below is Distress signal helis can be stolen if player that used the signal does not do enough damage. Distress signal helis findings; If a player calls it in and someone else takes it then the player that called it in may miss out on loot depending on damage dealt. (works as if it was a public heli) Heli / Brad General findings; If 2 players contribute to the fight when they access the loot but leave the containing without looting everything they are unable to return to the box. Loot is NOT transferred automatically into inventory. If multiple players contribute and all player loot then once all players have looted the crates will remain. After a unknown time limit crates become lootable by anyone. (This will allow players that were able to get loot get it again) ....This could because I was testing with distress signals and when I took the new heli down the previous one became unlocked EDIT: when player leaves render distance then returns they can then loot the crates that they originally were locked out from. If multiple players taken down heli via hitting its weak spots (both rotors) then the % is not accurate as its calculated off the total hp 10,000. For example for a perfect take down it will only take 1400 hp 14% of its total value( 900 for main rotor and 500 for tail rotor). Now its pretty hard to nail every shot and solo my average is 25% so a few of my shots hit its body. If I have a friend and I do 15% and they do 9% then they are not entitled to loot even though I did 60% and they did 40% of damage dealt.
  13. Rome wasn't built in a day but a gladiator knows how to woo a crowd. Come join us over on AU Survival where Gladiators will battle to be named Champion. How to play: Every Gladiator will start off behind a gate with just the basics to defend themselves in what will be a close combat fight till death. Once the gates open Gladiators will enter the arena and will need to conquer their opponents to be name champion. There will be multiple rounds depending on number of Gladiators sacrificing their souls. During each round Gladiators will be awarded points, after all rounds are complete points will be tallied up and a champion will be announced. When is it? Sunday September 20th @ 4:30 pm AEST Rewards: Champion 1 x Gold Egg & 4 x Supply Signals Second 1 x Large Present & 3 x Supply Signals Third 2 x Supply Signals Rules of engagement: · Gladiators will join naked and given the basics · No fighting until you have touched the soil · Listen to instructions or you could be removed from the round · no outside spectator via air vehicles
  14. AU Survival & AU Scourge By jumping / standing onto the fire that protects the crates dropped by Bradley and Patrol Heli it will instantly put out the fire allowing the player loot without waiting for the cool down. This has led to some players abusing it by beating the player that killed said heli / brad and running away with the loot before the killer can see who it was. I was made aware of this via a player on AU Scourge, I have tested it on AU Survival and its present there too.
  15. Come join us on AU Survival for a fun filled time trying to crumble your fellow counterparts by bringing down their tower with highly explosive rockets. How to play: There are 12 towers, each with stone lower tiers. Everyone starts in the middle of the arena and races to the top of a tower; at the top you will find a chest with a rocket launcher and rockets. Now it is time to bring those towers down before some takes you down, now it is the last player standing. When is it? Sunday September 13th @ 4 pm AEST Rewards: Last Tower Standing: 4 x Supply Signals Rules of engagement: · Players will need to Authenticate onto TC when told to do so · No PvP, rockets shall only be fired at the stone lower tiers · You can only fire rockets from on top of your tower · 1 player per tower (unless otherwise stated during start up) · if you fall off your tower then you are out · no outside spectator via air vehicles
  16. [AU] Survival Had a mini copter out in the open for 24+ hours and its still at 100% (750hp). This was a mini copter flare from the Black market. Players are reporting the same for modular vehicles but I have not yet been able to confirm them or boats. UPDATE: Can confirm small boats are not decaying while outside UPDATE: Can confirm vehicles are not taking damage either.
  17. This might be a Facepunch bug as I can replicate a similar issue with ladders on a test server. I use this bug to place ladders up a tower then update the bottom one and they all get destroyed like a domino effect.
  18. The yellow dot will not display if they are already on the map before you log in. In this instance you logged in after the garrison had spawned.
  19. I got this just now on AU Survival not sure how it presented itself but it applies to all containers
  20. The Simple Light is available and has been for a while, you are able to buy them on the store rustez.com/store they are roughly $0.25 US. The image for it looks like a strobe light but in game it looks like the one you posted a picture of. They also require 1 power to operate.
  21. This was the same last wipe and I believe Death found it to be a FP issue. This is also present in the new fishing villages with diving mask 20 x for 15 scrap and flipper 25 x for 25 scrap
  22. The Winners are.. First - homiem01 Second - ThatCakeDontBake Third - SgtHamshanks Also thank you to all the staff that helped setup the event and watched over the race.
  23. Do you have motor oil running through your veins? Love the smell of exhaust fumes? Or just have the drive for fun? Well join us on AU Survival for our Last Rusty Grand Prix Sprint for this wipe, we are also ramping things up so the prizes are better. This is a dash to the finish, first one to make it around the racetrack (ring road) and passes through all checkpoints wins. But hang you did not think it would be that easy, did you? Well only the skilled will come out in front with carefully placed obstacles for you to hit “avoid” shaking up the whole race. When is it? Sunday August 30rd @ 1 pm AEST Rewards: First Place: $10.00 EZ Store Credit Second Place: $5.00 EZ Store Credit Third Place: 1 x Large Present & 3 x Supply Signals Rules of engagement: · Positions will be randomly assigned · You must stick to the ring road (do not cut corners) · You must pass through all 12 checkpoints to qualify for reward · Leaving your vehicle is not permitted · We will supply the rust buckets for you to drive
  24. Check around for hot air balloons, this is a common occurrence
  25. The Winners are.. First - EroticPotato101 Second - ThatCakeDontBake Third - SgtHamshanks Thanks to everyone that attended, our numbers grew this time round. Also thank you to all the staff that helped setup the event and watched over the race.
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