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Posts posted by rubiks-q-bert

  1. Wind Turbines already max out more than a generator but depends on height and wind. It's highly unlikely to introduce something to the crafting table that facepunch hasn't put there themselves. 

    I'd be all for an output upgrade if I thought that would fix anything. Just will prompt people to make even bigger, uglier, stupider builds that will cause more performance issues than an extra wind turbine would.


  2. @Death It does not happen often but just read someone complain about it in #help. Player A hacks the crate, is obviously there waiting for the timer, player B comes in and hover loots it before player A can even look at it. It happened to me once last wipe. Said something to him, didn't react. I understand it's part of the game and on a PvP server, sure, get wrecked. But on a PvE server, it's just a lack of respect and an asshole thing to do.

    I know for Pure they are kinda sol but for scourge and survival can I propose using https://umod.org/plugins/hackable-lock or something like it?

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, redcaptrickster said:

    I agree with @Death, a case-by-case is the best course of action, as it's the intent behind a word, not the word itself.

    Hard disagree. Another word that has no need to ever be used. 

    • Like 1
  4. @Death Hard to say how much I lost but on EU Scourge, server just came down for a few minutes for maintenance. Checked the quarries, fuel was in one giant stack (which I've mentioned) and definitely missing ore. Not worried about the ore personally this late in the wipe, just a heads up.

    Unrelated, also did a weird thing with the garrison. Map had the icon, got there and there was just one crate waiting to be hacked.

  5. I play on EU Scourge and am not a fan of mid month wipes. There's still plenty to do. People just tend to go to hard the first week or two and burn themselves out. That's a personal decision. That's also the downside to pve. PVP will keep you way more active if you plan on playing a whole wipe. 

    Also, a lot of players switch servers mid wipe as well. So if you're truly bored, can always switch to another server and start over that way.

    • Like 5
  6. 4 hours ago, aNoNiM said:

    I know this isn't helpful. But my rule of thumb is don't let others base with you on PVE servers. Way less drama, when people ask to team with you and get to your base, there is a low chance they want to inside you, as there isn't many more ways of stealing form you on a PVE server.

    I don't trust other players in Rust.

    Thank you admins for resolving the situation

    Yeah I remember talking about this with you. Or only team with people you absolutely know and trust. I've teamed with some people I met on this game but I still built and coded my doors separately from them. Only time I've based with anyone is my girlfriend.

  7. 4 hours ago, aNoNiM said:

    If you get bored from doing Brad, maybe it's time to let others do it. I normally do a few Brads  per wipe to get an M249 or two and move on. 

    Making it more challenging / more rewarding will make a longer queue waiting to take it. 

    At least on EU Scourge there isn't exactly a line for Brad. I do 1, maybe 2 a day the first week or so. MAYBE 1 (if that) a day after that and I rarely see anyone else there or commenting about it. So saying "maybe it's time to let others do it" implies you think he and others do it to much which I don't think is the case here. The rule is don't do it back to back. Only 1 person I've seen do that and it aint Cartmon.

  8. While I agree he is easy, he was a whole lot easier before they messed with him 2 wipes ago. I don't think adjusting him is a good idea as then you're ostracizing the more casual players. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to appeal to both types of players without hurting one or the other.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Mummy Pipple said:

    Doing no work and taking the loot IS  stealing and should be reported. Also Garrison is a server event, meaning it is not meant to be solo'd. These events should be shared, so more than one person is very welcome to participate. If other players are preventing you from being able to participate please contact your admin who is able to help resolve this issue.

    They need to be made a lot harder if not meant to be soloed. The stone one is a joke. Couple ladders, 4 c4, 4 flame rockets and some bullets. Done. Similar for sheet. I've seen maybe 1-2 people do the hq one because the payout isn't worth the materials.

    Yes, I absolutely realize how much work these are to setup. I helped set up many a raid base on previous server. Just saying they may not be meant to be soloed but when they are that easy, very few are going to want to share.

    I personally don't mind sharing. I came across a stone one 2 days ago, some new guys woefully unprepared were trying for it. Talked with em for a sec, showed em my method (which Cartmon showed me) and did all the work, let them keep it all. I'm all for more people knowing the content. 

    • Like 3
  10. On 2/8/2021 at 11:27 AM, Jammers said:

    Fucking Livid. Just been called greedy for doing 1 NPC garrison this wipe by Gratis who's the one who most likely been doing them non stop!! what a piss take!!

    That guy is a punk. I watched him kill brad recently. I came back for the next one, had been there maybe 30 seconds, he said "looks like camping" to which I replied "I literally just got here. You took the last one so looks like farming. Which offense is worse?" Don't pay any attention to him.


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  11. I don't know how much of an issue it actually is but I leave quarries constantly running and check it once or twice a day. I play on EU Scourge and when I go for the first time, it combines the fuel I've put in into one stack. Like today it was a stack of 17k or so when fuel only stacks to 10k normally.

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