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Posts posted by rubiks-q-bert

  1. 1 hour ago, aNoNiM said:

    If networth is too easy to accrue. Stop using endless pumpjack levels and quarries. 

    That is the problem I keep seeing, people buy all of these pumpjacks. Have no real need for it other than accumulating points or currency or whatever they are called as there is nothing to spend it on. Not sure what the fun is in that. I bought them at the beginning because I thought it was cool, but grew out of them.

    And other than that people keep building huge bases that span across multiple grids that used to be against the rules, but seems to be OK for some reason now. The issue with the networth is they survive wipes, and you could spawn everything you need from all that accumulation. 

    1. Please don't clutter up my post with unconstructive comments.

    2. Don't assume. I don't use endless pumpjacks for networth. I run 1 level 2 pumpjack which feeds sulfur quarry and my heli. I've accumulated 1 box of LGF that went to networth. I've used every bit of the rest.

    3. That bit about buildings is completely irrelevant to the topic.

    4. There is no "issue" with networth besides there is nothing worthwhile to spend it on. I'm not asking to have m2's and c4 added. Just something...

  2. This has been a pretty constant conversation and I know it's been brought up here before but I was nominated on EU Scourge to write something up.

    It would be great to see some more useful items added to /shop. Nothing overpowered as I know there would be concern of rushing to endgame to fast. Separate tabs maybe.

    Tools - Hatchet, Pickaxe, Salvaged Hammer
    Weapons/Ammo - I think the current weapons are fine but maybe add in a custom smg and ammo (handmade shell, and pistol bullets) and maybe a combat knife.
    Misc - LGF, More clothing options, bandages. Maybe some simple lights for those that don't do garrisons or can't because of campers/farmers. Maybe some seasonal things?

    Just more useful stuff. Networth is super easy to accrue but not near enough to do with it.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, laffett said:

    Not really all that big of a problem with times ten increased stack sizes.

    but I would like to perhaps see some decreased wear on weapons and decreased costs on things like C4. Such things are usually in place exclusively for pvp reasons. And without pvp some of these limits are a little... bleh.

    I'd argue make them go faster and cost more because it is PvE which makes them incredibly easy to get.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Skulavich said:

    No worries, I think I figured out my issue tonight. I remodeled my base and quickly logged. When I came back online it was still the old base.

     I tend to TP back to my base and quickly log out, mostly do to kid aggro. I don't think the server has updated my data and it reverts to some last known position.

    There was some server issues that resulted in a rollback from what I read on discord. Wasn't just you.


  5. As someone who does do them often, I'm all for a new challenge. I do them out of habit honestly. As @Aurora pointed out, they are extremely easy once you've done a few. I know how much work goes into these but at some point, they just need an entire overhaul. New layout, more traps. 


    Different guns in the turrets based on difficulty. More of them as well. As it is, depending on which way you go in, you can deal with one or zero of them.

    Tesla coils.... Those things will surprise people if on the sensors. 

    Bear traps and landmines.

    NPCs if doable. 

    If the difficulty is cranked up enough, the current payout is still more than worth it, but as is, huge payout for minimal effort.

  6. So this is specifically for the people who play on Pure or for people who just like to build. The most consistent complaint I hear is "someone stole this or that".  Well I made a few buildings that I want to share. For the record, I play on Scourge but I started on Pure.

    The first is a enclosure for a pumpjack. Keep in mind you can make it out of whatever material you want. I chose HQM with prison bars just because I like the look of it. It's a 7x5x5 with a hole in the middle to place the pumpjack in. You still want a pretty flat surface otherwise it will be wonky and crooked. I've seen people do smaller versions but parts of it will be clipped out if any smaller than my dimensions. I chose to use floor grates on top but it can be a solid roof. Do not leave it open. You can see a small room in the third picture where I put a TC. That room also holds a large battery and the first of five ladder hatches going all the way to the roof. Put a lock on those too.

    The second is a room for large furnaces and refineries. This building can vary in size to fit your needs. I do a 7x5x2 with the middle being open ground. I usually run 4 large furnaces and 4 refineries and it holds all of that with plenty of space left over. You have to have the floor grates at least above the furnaces or they won't operate. You can leave an open roof but that negates the purpose of this post. People just jump down in and loot. 

    Last up is a mall hangar for a mini-copter. Mine is super basic. It's a 3x2 with a garage for entry. If you hold the left control key down, you can drive on the ground right in the door and repeat the process to back it out. It's attached to a small helipad which can be any dimensions you like. Mine is fairly large because I'm still not the best at tight landings.

    If you plan on doing a farm, you can build it inside as well. If you plan on using chain-link or prison bars,  you will want a buffer zone (last picture as an example) because things can be still be picked through those. As always, use a ceiling. Do not leave it open. 

    I don't have a garage at the moment but a lift can be placed in as little as a 2x3. A 3x3 gives more mobility and more work room though. But as always, make sure it's completely secured and locked. If you have a lift that is accessible by anyone, they can just remove the key and drive off. Yes there are ways to cut power to it if someone is near which prevents removing a key, but then they can just damage it enough to break into it and still drive off.

    So that covers your bigger stuff that has to be outside. For inside, put locks on all your doors, boxes, tool cupboard, etc. A Key Lock is fine if you're playing solo and does not actually require a key for the owner to open. Code Locks are more for teams imo but can be broken into if someone is persistent enough. Make sure every separated building has it's own TC which should be locked. Don't put any containers near a window if you're using window bars. I only use strengthened glass windows personally. If you have horses, you can put those inside as well with troughs. They fit best through garage doors but a double door will work in a pinch if you want to lead them in and out.

    If you have doubts about the security of your build, you can always ask and admin to do a security check. I'm sure I am missing something so please feel free to add any tips of your own or corrections.











    • Like 3
  7. If there isnt one already, Pure seems to suffere the most from thieves. A PSA about locking and securing stuff and maybe a video guide posted somewhere to direct people to.

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  8. Just finished all 3. The dome is okay loot wise but both doors ate up 2 full health red cards. A few scientists in there would be great. The nublar genetics is neat. I like the dome with the nodes and trees. Jabbas Palace... Man.... Jumping is obviously not my strong suit. I didn't die but it was pretty intense. I enjoyed that one although the loot was not worth the risk imo.

  9. On 5/5/2021 at 9:48 PM, Death said:

    We have no plans to add any NPCs. 🙂

    Which actually makes aqua dome a little lackluster. The entrance and the red room inside also eat a whole red card. So lost 2 red cards for that.

  10. 1 hour ago, Mario3000 said:

    After the update with the bandit, outpost and quarry teleports noone would fly or go to it. I'm not happy with that update in general but a cost of maybe 100 credits per teleport would be fine for me.

    Why? Most people would just make a bed there if he did that and death travel. It's what we used to do. The whole point is to remove clutter like that from the map. Making it cost anything would just bring that back.


  11. 5 hours ago, GREENG1ANT said:

    The problem with where they are now is they output the same power as 2 solar panels. Which are free. There isn't really a reason to buy one in the first place at this point. As it stands, the only thing you really save on versus other power options is a little bit of wiring. 

    I never knew why solar panels were altered to begin with. So again, I'm fine with maybe doubling test gens but not at the expense of my wallet. 

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