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Posts posted by rubiks-q-bert

  1. RustEZ having their own small flight server would be cool but I wouldn't want it added to the existing servers. Learning and losing stuff is just part of the game. I never went to a flight server personally and went through a dozen or more minis before I could fly decently and probably double that before I could land properly.


  2. On 10/20/2021 at 7:05 AM, Darktweets said:

    Perhaps something in the announcements, or something either on battlemetrics, or maybe a link in the /rules indicating to find this at rustez.com/forums/ServerRules or something.

    the 5 basic rules are functional, /info can be found on Survival, but not elsewhere.

    We seriously need a 'ruleset' or FAQ that can be immediately functional, or an automated email into the box of the person who creates a RustEz user account. Something that points them to the rules, and then uses examples on what 'not to do'.  Maybe even a link to a discord post where they would have to click on it in agreement before gaining access to whatever server their in. Something that would expedite the issues and list some of those unwritten rules. 

    Like there's the no-stealing rule, or griefing, but there's not examples. Gamers tend to thrive on examples of what to do or not to do.

    I'll give my own example. Someone blocked off a river with a bunch of foundations not connected to a TC. Just simple stuff. No admin online, and clearly blocking the area - so I dropped a TC so I could affect the foundations, removed some so that I could get past, and then picked up the TC. It registered somewhere, because I'm not supposed to remove another person's stuff, and I got a console warning because of it...a few days later. I asked about it, and had to get a message about the situation. It wasn't tied to anyone, it wasn't something I thought about, but it was a warning. 

    Some way of using Discord #help to indicate that pinned messages at the top of the forums should be examined first, so that the same questions aren't repeated time and time again. or that people know to tag their server. 

    Examples and instructions that are both detailed and visually based. 

    Good fucking luck. I started something similar months upon months ago with basically being told it's fine as is. There needs to be something more in depth to point people to on the forums or a more in depth popup in game if you type /rules or something like that.


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  3. 20 hours ago, Greed said:

    The problem with cars is most people these wipes are gonna be using the new Camper modules so they will be putting up car lifts, but the problem is with car lifts is somebody can go to a locked car on a lift then craft a key and steal the car or just steal all the modules off of it, So please add a way to private car lifts!

    Put them inside?

  4. I went to another server because lack of a challenge on Scourge. You can only do the same things so many times before it's just boring. I now play where they have 6 heli difficulties (the last 2 are bonkers), custom npcs, and custom raid bases. And you can build your own raid bases to add into the rotations if they meet the requirements. Not very populated, but it's fun.

  5. On 9/21/2021 at 9:43 AM, Mister Dobalina said:

    There is no written rule regarding cars. The general rule of thumb provided by staff is that you should have no more then one car per person, unless you are a dealer. In which case, you can have up to 10, but players need to be able to buy them 24/7. This is something that needs to be outlined and written out though in my opinion. If you see the 'Suggestions' board, you'll see that an expanded, written out set of rules has been asked for for a few months now, including rules surrounding cars.


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    29 minutes ago, Maverik2387 said:

    I logged on this afternoon to play and noticed this ban. I unfortunately let my little brother play games on my computer yesterday, not realizing he played on your sever. apparently stealing/looting/greifing as you've described. that is not how I play nor how he should've been playing. can you please lift the ban and let me continue my progression and learning of the game. I am new to rust and have accumulated many hours of playing time just on your server alone. my brother will no longer be playing this game.

    You're responsible for your account blah blah blah

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, Jay_JWLH said:

    I don't know if there are any particular guidelines that admins follow, or if getting action taken against you by certain admins will get you banned a lot more easily compared to others. I can only hope that there is some degree of consistency. 

    Yes, they have guidelines (supposed to anyway). Yes, some admins are quicker to ban. Lack of consistency is definitely a thing.

  8. 3 hours ago, Sgttuggle said:

    can the pickles be removed from the vendor at bandit so the only way to compost pickles is to find them reason I ask this is everytime death nerfs it people just put down more composters to combat the nerf but if pickles are taken out of the vendor at bandit then people wouldnt have the option to keep fighting the nerf instead embrace it and if they wanna pickle farm well they would be hitting a lot of food barrels to try and get those precious pickles


    Said this since it was first brought up. Seconded.

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, Babylon said:

    Where are the rules elaborated on? I have been unable to find it, and personally, i'd love to go more in-depth with them so I know my place.

    Preach. I've been trying to get someone to do that since back in June. The rules desperately need updating, in depth defining, and flat out, some rules need to be added. But I was basically told they are fine. So, good luck.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Aurora said:

    I seriously find it difficult to believe that given the length of time you've been in the community that you still need assistance with rules.  

    Community and server rules are located on the welcome screen when you log in to each server.  Every player has access to see the rules here the very second they choose to connect to a RustEZ server – you can view them when you log in or via Battle metrics (the /connect page of our website).

    If there is any change to our community rules, they are updated and will be immediately reflected in this location. For this reason we do not post rules in other spaces, ensuring only the current and most recent rules are located in one spot. I'm not sure why you have an issue with rules only being maintained in one location, but for the ease of staff and to ensure all players in our community, across all servers have easy access to the current rules, just hit ESC and read the server info screen. On modded servers you can use /info to see the same list of rules.

    Rules are stated in the absolute simplest of language possible. This is a mature community and we should not need to treat people as anything but that. Our community deserves respect and the ability to join a server with rules designed for adults in an adult community -- not be micro-managed by staff and burdened with more rules.  Simplified rules are designed so one set one rules works across all nine servers and the thousands of players who join us each wipe. The few rules we have are intended for a community that respects adults and the way adults play Rust and enjoy our PvE community.

    It really doesn't need to be any more cumbersome or difficult than this.

    It's like you didn't even read the initial post as your first sentence completely goes against my very first sentence. "Let me preface with this is not for me. I know the rules." 

    You, the rest of leadership and every admin know that some of the rules desperately need changing and there are some rules that aren't even listed that should be. Also, all the rules are not enforced the same across servers. 

    Suggestions are a joke here. Most get immediately shot down or just not responded to at all. 

    Side note, I'm aware I'm not liked by many of the staff and players. Never gonna stop being outspoken.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Skulavich said:

    I wish they would enforce some of these rules posted above. The lag on US Scourge is so bad on some parts of the map, you can play on the EU and AU servers from the US with less lag.

    Are there any written rules posted anywhere?

    No. That's the whole context of this post. I want to see rules elaborated on, some changed, some new ones made, and have them all posted on the forums. 

    • Like 1
  12. I'd like to push for this still. I think it's about time that rules get revamped/reworded and put somewhere publicly for all to be able to see. Certain rules seem to get a little twisted from server to server so a more defined list could fix that.

    • Like 6
  13. 4 hours ago, jamtoa said:

    I love the new test generators have 3 outputs at 200 each now. This is  a big help. If we could bump them up to 500 each output that's 1500 power and $2 a test gen and i think it would reduce lag enough to make everyone want to pay $2 a month at lease. 😄

    No one needs that much power. Even for an excessively large farm, 600 should be more than enough.


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  14. 3 hours ago, aNoNiM said:

    Normally when appealing a ban, it includes an apology and a promise to change your attitude.

    When someone insults you it's not the time to go blow a fuse and rant in chat, should make a complaint about it in the appropriate channels. Not be super toxic in chat, it seemed quite repetitive too. I didn't know warnings for bad behaviors had an expiry 

    Doesn't seem to take responsibility for their actions here.  

    Not sure why people have to become character witnesses and express how they were treated well by the player/their friend. It's as if treating selective players well makes you immune from bans? Or "a lot of money" invested?

    "The ban logs are a joke, one is pardoned for racial slurs, yet the other is not and gets unbanned. The franchise needs to regulate appeals." They aren't exactly wrong though...


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  15. 32 minutes ago, Mister Dobalina said:

    Thank you RQB. One general rule mentioned there is something that I see being broken regularly, which is allowing round-the-clock access to the vehicles. Last wipe the economy was so broken that selling them at all hours was impossible, because you can’t set prices higher than 9,999 scrap.

    With that being said, my suggestion would definitely be to post those rules somewhere more visible. It’s hard to report something if you don’t know the guidelines. For example, that post says 10 cars, but I’ve been told a max of 5-7 per dealer. Would be nice to have something concrete that we can refer to when there might be an issue. 

    I've said for awhile now, all the rules need to be re-worked, re-worded and posted somewhere publicly so people can refer to them as needed. Rather than have to rely on an admin who may or may not be around and may or may not interpret it differently than another admin (it happens).


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