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Everything posted by rubiks-q-bert

  1. Adding to 10. I'd be okay with Tornadoes if it only damaged twig.
  2. Yeah that was a big reason why pumpjacks were leveled up from 5-10. Nice segue talking about entity count, Jpipes.
  3. Delete private refineries and pumpjacks you say?
  4. 1. Events are awesome but take a lot of setup. Even with admin tools, it can take a long time to setup just one event. 2. I want to say there were (or talks about) parachutes at one point? The only planes currently in game are the ones that drop off airplanes and those don't even actually exist. Just pictures. They aren't physical. So anything like that would have to be completely custom. 3. That would fall under limiting player builds and has been repeatedly stated that they won't do that. Interesting idea though. 4. Zombies used to have melee weapons. Zombie AI was completely broken by Facepunch. What Scourge has is completely custom. But to be frank, give a zombie a weapon, it's not really a zombie anymore. But custom NPC's are def doable. 5. I wanna say I saw something about pets in an upcoming update by Facepunch? 6. Show someone's stream in game? Not even sure that's possible. 7. There is a plugin kinda like that but unlikely to be used. Plugins don't always like each other. Some break every new update. It's a huge hassle. 8. There is a link to the discord on the bottom of this website if you click the discord icon. 9. Facepunch purposely took out the option for players to be able to add stations for that exact reason. To much bad stuff out there. Anything added has to be added by Death. 10. I play on another server besides EZ that has floods. They are absolutely pointless. You sit around and wait for it to end. Tornadoes... Oof. One comes around and destroys player builds. People would be soooo pissed.
  5. A different admin said they were buffed for awhile. Maybe accidentally?
  6. Good luck is all. Players come here to escape PvP. End of the day, if you want PvP, there are plenty of PvE servers with PvP zones already out there. Based on past conversations, comments from higher ups, just can't see it happening.
  7. That's gonna be a steep uphill battler to get something like that implemented. Servers already struggle for various reasons (not a diss, an observation). Adding a whole new zone? I can't imagine it will help. The most common answer to anything PvP is "there are servers out there like that" and I don't disagree. I don't think RustEZ needs something like this to keep thriving. Case in point being the population has been booming as of late across all servers.
  8. Anything PvP is either an admin run event or would have to be a completely separate server. The ONLY way I could see this working if it was a dedicated zone that players would have to teleport to in order to gain access.
  9. @Granny Now how many of those player kills were admin related?
  10. This seems to have something to do with brads dying on/close together. Which is easily replicated and possible abusable to keep loot from people. Definitely needs to be fixed asap.
  11. Either 2 brads spawned off my grenade or the normal one spawned at the exact same time. But I killed one. Did not have enough to do the second so called it out and someone ported over. Killed it together but it was not instanced loot. As soon as I looted it, the boxes vanished. I split the loot with the guy but still weird.
  12. Well, if it's Pure, not meant to be altered anyway. Not really a high need for them on Survival or Scourge either.
  13. It's the standard vanilla loot table. Chill, man.
  14. Horses spawn in the wild? Thought that was disabled. Most people who have that many windmills are ignorant. Willful or oblivious is the question. I mean yeah, if it's supposed to be as close to vanilla as possible, that would include regular decay. In regards to what facepunch didn't intend to happen, that would include pve servers in general. So there are a lot of things they never intended that happen.
  15. That's pretty mild honestly compared to some builds. Def seen bigger horse farms.
  16. Here I go again being "negative". Being nice is nice but free boxes don't help anyone learn anything. I always tell players, if you want to help, teach, don't give stuff away. At it's core, this game is meant to be a grind. If some new player shows up 2 weeks in and he gets a full kit and guns for free, what's even the point?
  17. That or don't give people guns. Seriously though, play on another server where we had free boxes. We stopped doing it for the same reason. That and at it's core it's a survival/grind game. Let em earn it or buy it.
  18. Killed a couple zombies and the sound for a stash being unburied occurred. Sure enough, stash showed up. Tried to rebury it but it got dug up again. Seems if a zombie dies near a stash, it reveals it.
  19. I've heard about the instancing thing. Will that be for heli and brad?
  20. Oh I get it. Just don't agree, but I know it will get changed at some point. But pretty much everything FP does is with PvP in mind. Just here or any other PvE server, if player X gets the diesel and kills the 18 scientist, why should it be okay for player Y to run up and loot it. In the same breath, air drops are OP AF and as easy as diesel is to get... Related, will airdrops go back to whatever loot table you had them on? Vanilla ones are bonkers...
  21. While that's all well and good and I agree with all of that, there is no way to tell what a person stole. You can speculate, but can't prove anything. Fully aware of what admin tools there are and how far they reach. Even if the person who got ripped off got a look in every box, that's still hearsay. Not a dig on you or any admin in this case but I personally now how it all works. A plugin is the only surefire way to prevent thieves.
  22. I brought this up earlier. It's being treated as a public airdrop (which is bullshit) until Death can figure out how to make it locked like a private one.
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