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Everything posted by rubiks-q-bert

  1. Did you happen to have been using an ore tea? Zombies, assuming they are still bugged, if aggroed by someone driving or flying or however, will head straight towards that person even if they've teleported across the map. I've logged in to a horde of them outside my base after being offline for a day.
  2. So it looks like combat log for whatever reason logs c4 twice. So it would have been 2 hv and 2 c4. I just did it with 3 c4 to test and it has each c4 on their twice. Like it hits twice per c4 basically. Also, sub 4 seconds.
  3. So unless they messed with c4 damage, it should only be 3 c4. Weird kill...
  4. I just dont understand the 2 rockets and 4 c4. Only takes 7 HV or 3 c4.
  5. Not stated but don't think C4 was part of the challenge. Also, no. Going from first hit, sub 45. Also, wtf... 2 rockets and 4 c4?
  6. Rust world rotates and spins kinda like the real world. So the sun will not hit the same way for the whole wipe. Hence why your solar panels may get more/less light depending on how they are facing and what part of the wipe it is. It's always good to have solar panels facing different directions to guarantee maximum charging during any given day cycle. Not a bug.
  7. Zombies are broke until facepunch un-fucks their mistake which hopefully will be this next wipe but I don't think it's a big priority for them. Def agree there should be more and variety. Problem with traditional zombies is they are stupid. Stand on any player made platform, easy pickings. There is an option somewhere to let the scarecrows have beancans. I even spent a brief amount of time where they had a plugin that some zombies had guns and survey charges. Having never used a survey charge, they hurt... But again, facepunch needs to fix their mistake or Death would have to use a plugin to heavily modify them. As someone who uses the teleport function, it's convenient yet game breaking. I'm all for just eliminating it altogether but then we'd go back to the problem we had before of way to many random bags and people just suicide traveling. Really isn't an easy fix for this on imo short of making the suicide a super long cd and actually limiting how many beds you can place. Both can be done but don't see either happening. You can get around the suicide cd by drowning, finding a bear, etc. There is a limit to beds for the teleport function but not for death traveling. Far as the pump jacks, etc. People trade in fuel for the in game currency. Good feedback. VIP is so worth it.
  8. Adding to that, try the EU one as well if your PC can handle it. I'm US based and switched to EU over similar issues.
  9. Wasn't sure on that part as I never put stuff like that out. Or live anywhere where there are zombies for that matter. Just happened to be on another server and watch them walk right through some spike traps.
  10. Yeah that's because of Facepunch fucking up the AI. These aren't the old zombies and don't follow the same rules.
  11. Sounds like that bug where it's falling out the back for some reason.
  12. For Scourge (along with pretty much every other zombie server), facepunch wrecked zombies. I would guess these are currently some modified version of scarecrows or some other npc. Hence the jacked up loot table. No blue berries either. Can't speak for Survival but I would probably blame facepunch for that to. Facepunch, we don't fuck up often, but when we do...
  13. Do they happen to log out while sitting on something (chairs/sofa) by chance? I've found that to be related on occasion.
  14. I get that with building sometimes. Just need to come at it from a different angle, hence standing on something.
  15. I always place something on the ground to stand on to get a better visual to place boxes on the second shelf. Works wonders.
  16. For anyone who may not know, they have a certain amount of times they can be filled before the disappear. You can circumvent that by smacking them with a salvaged hammer and then re-placing them. Just be careful to not smack the wall they are on.
  17. Really? People really want those lights I guess.
  18. Common complaint on Scourge is the garrisons being boring. Maybe make a contest to design a couple new ones?
  19. They could make that into one of their build contests.
  20. Neither here nor there but that particular player... I never saw anything about zombie pop being lowered recently. They tend to swarm excavator more than anywhere else I've noticed.
  21. The outcry would be tremendous. Teleporting is amazing and all but does take a lot away from the game. Adding to that, take away the revive as well.
  22. Report it in the help channel on the discord.
  23. I mostly play on a server now with 5 different difficulties of garrisons/raids which has over 40 designs between the 5. Neat thing is that players can make a raid and if it meets the design qualifications, it get's added to the rotation. The problem with the one on Scourge is it's to simple and not worth resources. But I understand why it was nerfed too and I was on the wagon pushing for said nerf because of how lucrative it was. Needs to me be more designs, bigger, more tiers. I think Death runs a different plugin than the one on the other serve so no idea how it runs or if it's even possible.
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