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Everything posted by Death

  1. Changed Status to Closed
  2. Please submit a ticket at https://rustez.com/help for store issues. Thank you!
  3. Sorry I never did follow up. This has been sorted.
  4. A quick little update of changes being made this month to improve client performance and most importantly players' experience. This is tackled by carefully creating maps to maximize land mass, increasing upkeep to discourage massive bases, and a few wizzard-y things map-related to reduce entity clutter. Upkeep Changes As farming becomes increasingly easier and resources abundant, we've decided to increase upkeep costs to help balance things and to try and get in front of massive bases. While the increase is not drastic in any way, larger builders will certainly be the most affected. This change only applies to our Scourge servers, since our other servers have no decay. The exact increase is 41.14% and the calculation came from the previous value, 3500, and subtracting the vanilla value of 1440. This value is not helpful for calculating upkeep on your end, but I thought I'd explain the odd % of the increase. The new rate is still 30% lower than vanilla and we plan to adjust as needed to help combat massive builds to preserve client performance throughout the wipe. We absolutely hate limiting your creativity but shits fucked. Map Changes You'll notice our maps this month look a bit off and that's because we're using a different generator where we can define the tolerance of the terrain. In this case, we've greatly reduced the number of islands to better utilize land mass and to eliminate areas players typically try to contest. We've also greatly trimmed down on repetitive entities that serve no purpose such as power poles, electrical boxes, and car wrecks along roads. This greatly reduces the entity count and greatly increases the density of junk piles and scientist spawns. Terrain under procedurally generated monuments has also been worked on to smooth jagged edges in an attempt to improve client performance. We will go at it even harder next wipe if we see any sizeable gains from this. What's In-Store This month, our primary focus is on performance, polishing existing features, and incorporating ideas from the community to improve said features. While the majority of this work will be on the backend, I'll be releasing a few visual and QoL updates as well to trick you into thinking that what we do on the backend is anything more than procrastinating violently.
  5. Medium railway won't make it. Was being stubborn and I didn't want to risk messing up the tracks. We did add an extra small and large oil rig though so technically there's 4 additional monuments still.
  6. Locking this thread to further replies. I hope the OP finds jesus, or a hug, which ever comes first.
  7. Death

    glass door

    No plans on adding this feature to Pure. Even though it's under modded now we plan to preserve that vanilla experience as much as possible.
  8. I don't see us adding anymore chat emotes
  9. Changed Status to Working
  10. Respectfully, a lot of these mods serve only for vanity and will not add much more than a "oh that's neat" effect that will be short lived. Convoy, however, is something we discussed but there is no official response whether or not we'll develop our own or not. As for the changes, I just don't see that falling under the direction we're going. A lot of reactive solutions to a problem we're trying to be proactive with. We appreciate the feedback nonetheless.
  11. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not sure adding items like that to the sell tab would be an overly accepted change. Since you can easily recycle those items for raw materials and sell it that way. Adding these items to the sell tab would add more items in rotation, thus making them appear less frequently. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see how it develops. Thank you again!
  12. We're currently looking into this issue. Thanks for taking the time to post it!
  13. Leave a link to the workshop URL of the skin you'd like to see added to the skin box!
  14. To clarify, it's intentional we aren't touching restocks as we're using that as a control to balance the black market. It's still a WIP so give us a couple of wipes to get ahead of new metas. Right now we're collecting usage data from the black market to identify trends to better balance the exchange rates of resources.
  15. Thanks for the feedback. We're currently expanding our inactive decay system to include more stages to hopefully prevent going back to a 7 day. We will if we have to but that's last resort.
  16. I'll be updating our version of skinbox soon to apply these new updates. Though, it won't be as practical as using the spray can. I'll look into that as a separate feature as soon as we catch up on the todo list.
  17. 1. We're waiting to see how the new mission system evolves before we make plans on expanding it. 2. I'll consider adding fish as a sellable item to the shop in a future update 3. We have huge plans for NPC bases. Garrison was the first tier, out of 3 planned, that will spawn randomly. However after releasing this feature it was added to the backburner as we focus on larger projects. As it is now, we're leaning towards removing spawnable npc bases and having them apart of the map throughout with varying difficult instead.
  18. Once clans are released we will definitely implement clan permissions.
  19. Here are our May custom monument picks that'll be live on all of our maps tomorrow following the big update! Medium Railway Station Author: RobJ Bad Town Author: FlouONEs Cobalt Vaults Author: RobJ
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