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Everything posted by Death

  1. Here's another summary of recent changes, works in progress, and more of those snek peks so you can truly be disappointed with our progress! Map Size Changed (Again) We've noticed pretty significant changes in performance and stability running 4,200k maps. It was tolerable for the most part, but not good enough to settle on. Because of that, we've shifted our maps back down to 4,000k as we've had phenomenal results in terms of both performance and stability. This will pair nicely with our newly revised inactive decay system that will actively reduce clutter throughout the wipe. Check out https://rustez.com/forums/topic/5241-changes-to-inactive-decay/ for more info. Custom Monuments Since we plan to run 4k maps for a bit we've decided to continue custom monuments starting this wipe! You can check out the list of custom monuments for our March map at https://rustez.com/forums/topic/5240-march-monument-picks/ Animal Population Due the ongoing AI bug causing stability issues we had to drastically reduce animal pops across the board to minimize crashes. Now that we've scaled our maps back down we can return these pops back to normal. We'll continue to monitor performance and adjust accordingly. Performance Improvements We've released several major updates to greatly improve server and client performance. Changes include improving NPC AI, reducing garbage creating by constantly recycled code and a major overhaul in our CUI library to reduce memory utilization and better client-side clean up when CUI is destroyed. QOL Updates In addition to our new virtual loot instancing system, we did a round of polishing on all of our features to improve performance and expand its functionality. We've also updated our /info menu to replace outdated info and a small design refresh and updated headers to reflect all of the updates we've had over the past year. This includes a slew of bug fixes reported over the last few months and a few we've neglected for a while. I rushed through the list and didn't properly log everything so I'll have a separate post detailing these fixes later on. Trust me bro. Zombie Changes To improve server performance and to temporarily fix zombies infinite pursuit range, zombies will now despawn when they reach a certain distance away from their target. This will allow the zombie to respawn at random and prevent them from chasing nakeds across the map. This also greatly reduces their overhead as their AI is not constantly taxing the server as they venture thousands of miles across the map out of spite. Our support has evolved! We're in the process of phasing out /support due to ongoing spam issues and extremely delayed responses with our new support chat, located in the bottom right corner of the website. Our /help section will remain for inquiries that do not need immediate attention, but most inquiries can now be done through the new support chat. Check out https://rustez.com/forums/topic/5239-our-support-has-evolved/ for more info! Black Market The new black market has not made it in yet. It was originally planned to release this wipe but we shifted gears to focus on polishing features we already have before adding something else. For the sake of not breaking the same promise again let's just say it'll get here when it gets here. (Shouldn't be too much longer.)
  2. Our new virtual loot instancing is now live on our modded servers. This allows loot from most server events to be instanced between players giving you your own instance of loot, much like our instanced quarries and pumpjacks. Once the event is over, all qualifying players can loot each crate to access their own loot instance. The crate will remain visible until all players have looted. This currently applies to Bradley and the attack helicopter. As long as you do enough damage, you will get your own instance of loot. This will enable players to freely participate in server events, including personal events called in via distress signals. As of right now, players must deal at least 20% damage to qualify for Bradley loot. For heli, the top 5 players who dealt the most damage, and dealt at least 500, will qualify for loot. This may change as we continue to polish loot distribution. If you have feedback on this new system please leave it below! There's plenty of room for improvement.
  3. Inactive decay is an important part of our backend process to clean up clutter mid-wipe. We know that that losing everything you've earned if you are unable to log in once every 7 days is frustrating, so we've completely overhauled the system. Starting this wipe, inactive decay will take place in stages. For example, your electricity and circuits will be disabled and we will repo your vehicles and so on until he purge system completes the cycle, after 10 days of inactivity. 4 Days: Pumpjack, quarries and furnaces are deactivated 7 Days: Electricity and all circuits disabled + water pumps and plumbing 10 Days: All entities are removed besides the ones inside the radius of an active TC As always, we'll monitor these changes to see how they impact players experience and gameplay and adjust as needed!
  4. @Lord McGuffin Jokes on you, maps are not done yet!
  5. Fuck around and find out
  6. Here are our March custom monument picks that'll be live on all of our maps tomorrow following the big update! Abandoned Apartments Author: lxis Abandoned Cargo Author: Lmao Cobalt Police Department Author: Kaho
  7. We're in the process of phasing out /support due to ongoing spam issues and extremely delayed responses with our new support chat, located in the bottom right corner of the website. Our /help section will remain for inquiries that do not need immediate attention, but most inquiries can now be done through the new support chat. During normal operation hours, responses should only take a few minutes. If you catch us outside of that check back later or wait for an email letting you know we've responded. Thanks to our lovely admin team, we now have 5 dedicated chat operators that will route and respond to requests to greatly reduce response times and streamline the entire support process. If you still have an outstanding support request through /support please bear with me as I continue to work through the hoard of spam. Once we're caught up we'll be disabling the system and forwarding all internal links, excluding /help to interface with our new support chat. I look forward to you breaking it, Love Death.
  8. Death

    Electricity Issues

    Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 2.26.22
  9. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 2.26.22
  10. Death

    Infinite wood

    Changed Status to Closed
  11. Death

    Infinite wood

    This is not a bug. It's just not worth the overhead to fix as it's a very less efficient method than just farming trees.
  12. This does sound odd, but I've seen similar reports. It is very possible when you placed the box it wasn't properly parented to the salvaged shelf. Same thing happens often when placing things on a wall that isn't properly parented. If this is the case, a server restart, or something being destroyed near it could have caused this. Sounds like this is the case but it's hard to say. Next time I see you online I'll send a few credits your way!
  13. The warning system you see there is separate than what we use in game. Mainly due to the more laxed expectations on our forums as we know many people who come here to appeal bans may not be in the best mindset. More reason not to intertwine the two.
  14. Could you give a bit more insight on how instanced quarries are any different than the original placeable quarries? This is partially true. It does alter vanilla gameplay, however, PvE in general does as well. It's important to understand that public facilities are designed to encourage PvP and allow players to contest these areas, which obviously isn't possible on our server.
  15. Only the username was banned. Once you change your name and log back in you're good to go.
  16. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.22.22
  17. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.22.22
  18. Death


    Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.22.22
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