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Everything posted by Death

  1. A fix has been implemented! I'm very sorry for the delay. I had to go out of town unexpectedly and didn't think to check to make sure the drops were the christmas prefab
  2. The biggest concern would be server performance. Having the server constantly create/display this amount of items for hundreds of players will create issues for both performance and the sheer amount of items being made. We will be writing our own proprietary skin shop in the near future to address this, and we plan to offer every single skin on the workshop at some point!
  3. Every year we upgrade our server hardware to the latest and greatest as well as move the geographical location of our network to achieve the best coverage for the majority of our players. This will take place December 31st at 12:00am EST. (In progress) Typically, our migrations are behind the scenes and are no cause for action. However, the server machines are being moved over to our private network where they'll have access to hundreds of POPs around the world for better connectivity and stability. This means you'll have to search for our servers again to refavorite and repopulate your history tab. Nothing will change besides our IPs. https://rustez.com/connect
  4. The ban decision is final. This appeal will be locked to further replies due to the recent spam.
  5. Nominee's IGN: Majin Your IGN: Death Server & Region: Dev Server I cannot think of anyone better for this reward. A true friend who will spend 48 hours straight playing conan to pimp out your castle, and helping you stage 100 naked dancers in front of @MackFrost's bed so he'd have a surprise when he came back. Someone who once was left alone with an admin in voice chat for 10 minutes and had them questioning their very existence afterwards. From getting tennis elbow running the cash register on gas station simulator, to spending countless hours slowly fabricating a meme to get a couple seconds of laughter out of someone, majin is by far the most awesome player this community has. Also unrelated in the top 10 guys I'd sleep with if I were gay, just barely out pacing Keanu Reeves.
  6. If this is still happening, download the map manually and place it in steam/steamapp/common/rust/maps and then try and connect. Pure https://rustez.com/uploads/manual/maps/ezProc_Pure_PvE_DC3.map Survival https://rustez.com/uploads/manual/maps/ezProc_Survival_PvE_DC3.map Scourge https://rustez.com/uploads/manual/maps/ezProc_Scourge_PvE_DC4.map
  7. @Ariser 1) This system isn't really intended to allow you to build out more, rather add a buffer between you and other players. The cupboard should still tell you whether or not you're in the build zone, rather than the extra buffer. 2) We'll continue to work on this to eliminate these issues. The cupboard overlapping issue is top priority. 3) See 2.
  8. Changed Status to Working
  9. I don't believe this is caused by radius changes, but we'll investigate nonetheless!
  10. Here are our December custom monument picks that'll be live on all of our maps tomorrow following the big update! Nuclear Submarine Monument Author: RobJ Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/nuclear-submarine-monument-hdrp✔ Santas Grotty Author: Niko Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/santas-grotty-by-niko RESIDENTIAL CARGO SHIP Author: FireCrow Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/residential-cargo-ship
  11. Haven't had time to thoroughly read through things, but just skimming I can confirm a lot of this is in the works and will start to trickle out in January!
  12. Should be sorted now. Sorry about that!
  13. Changed Status to Working Changed Priority to High
  14. The MLR system will be adapted for our servers to target pickle farms.
  15. Changed Status to Closed Changed Version to 11.6.21
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