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Everything posted by Death

  1. Are you referring to half split with middle mouse press and hold? Seems to work fine on my end.
  2. I've applied the recent fixes and buffed flow rates for all tiers. @Joe 90 Keep an eye out for PR's on your git for bug fixes soon
  3. Container sorting is still in development. Its controls will be at the bottom where the share button is.
  4. That area is already reserved for future gui. Top right is the best place for it at the moment.
  5. @mr bong Correct, this is for syncPipes.
  6. Search for them in the list again or connect through https://rustez.com/connect/
  7. We're using the stock version made by another developer so please keep the feedback coming and I will update it as needed.
  8. These issues go beyond poorly written rules and an out of reach FAQ. This is a failure of the core mechanics of the game not being able to support this many players at once. This is an issue that will be resolved quickly and to the best of my ability. I would have liked to have already resolved some of the bigger issues, but most of my time has been dedicated to keeping the servers online and fixing instability issues. On top of fleshing out game mechanics, I'll see that an accessible faq is made in-game, so we don't have to defer players to the website. I'll also be updating server rules to make them a bit clearer and less open to interpretation. Thanks to all of the amazing feedback. I will use this information to improve upon how we handle reports in the future.
  9. I'd argue there's a huge distinction between shit-talking and straight-up being disrespectful and abusive. You're right, though. This is a common problem here, as with most communities. The difference is most players who go down this road either cross the line and allow us to moderate or mellow out when they are spoken to. Dicko is different. They constantly, and often purposely, stood on the line of "bannable," knowing very well they wouldn't get in trouble. Being an ex-admin makes this very easy and very hard for current admins. Dicko has on several occasions flaunted being "untouchable" by the admins to players in the chat. I recommended this ban in hopes they would go back to the somewhat-decent Dicko and not constantly berate and instigate issues in-game and on Discord. I also want to point out it was their constant pop shots at admins and attempts to spark heated discussions in our Discord that ultimately led to the ban. This was an issue for me. Dicko purposely scrolled through days, if not weeks, of activity to find a single ounce of evidence to have this admin removed purely out of spite. To be fair, it was beneficial for us to catch this behavior early on and correct it, but the expectation to terminate an admin over a first offense is unfair and unjust. I was not involved in the decision making for this. However, I agree with the outcome. For the record, I didn't buy their story for one bit, but I agree this was a perfect time to coach and correct their behavior rather than giving them the boot. Spawning in items to sell for BM credits to buy attack helicopters on an alt is not as evil and profound as you make it out to be. Of course, it's not something we want to see from an admin. This moral of the story is that the incident did not warrant termination, and any reasoning as to why they weren't terminated outside of that is irrelevant. You're comparing bans for racism to an admin spawning in items for an alt. That's a pretty big stretch to try to bend the narrative. An admin you disliked made a mistake. A mistake that was discovered by spying on their activity because you disliked them. You wanted to have an admin demoted purely out of spite. That is certainly not an example of leadership I'd like to follow personally. I appreciate your time as an admin and very much so enjoyed you on our team. You were very helpful and radiated a great personality. You showed amazing leadership skills and made events enjoyable. You've earned my respect, but I can't stand behind this affinity to cancel any admin your group has issues with. The player in question personally reached out to me and expressed their concerns about your team building next to them. They didn't mind you being there, but your base grew 100 times overnight, so they placed TC's around their base as a buffer. This likely caused issues with overlapping TCs which would have been sorted or done so respectfully, but that wasn't the case. I sat and watched your group on several occasions harass this player. Throwing smoke grenades at and near their base to smoke them out, pointing spotlights through their windows, spamming sound bites and music over your mics, shooting at them and their base, and even at one point walling in every single puddle so they couldn't have access to water. I'm not sure what transpired previously. I'm sure it was a lot of back and forth, but every time I was over there watching, the player minded their own business, trying to avoid your group while they did everything they possibly could to annoy them. I admit this has been a problem for the past few months due to awful admin retention. We're also working on improving the reporting process so you always have a follow-up, regardless if anything can be done or not. We do not make or plan to make warnings public. Punishments outside of a ban are private to respect that player's privacy. If someone is degrading in chat, this should have been handled by an admin. If not, we'll see that our chat moderation standards are being governed correctly. Right now, our biggest issue is far too many players who study server rules to know exactly how to skirt them and avoid punishment. This is exactly why we've pushed for temp bans to address these individuals. The Dicko ban is one of many bans we'll be serving to bring us back to some sense of normality after the rough month we've had. Their defense was irrelevant to the decision. They made a mistake. We corrected it—end of the story. We're not going to terminate an admin after their first offense, within reason. Spawning in items for an alt to sell for credits is not "economy destroying" as you want it to be. The spawning of items to sell in vending machines is actually a common issue with newer admins. Again, we prefer to correct their behavior instead of just giving them the boot. Which we have on several occasions, and some of those admins are now heads or in leadership. It wouldn't have been possible if we just canned them after the first offense. @Aurora didn't wake up one day and decide to ban Dicko. After witnessing several distasteful comments in our Discord and a month of them constantly instigating issues to spark a response from both players and admins, it was actually my idea. The ban is completely justified, and I 100% stand behind it. If you're as passionate about removing problem players as you make it seem, I couldn't imagine you have any reservations about this decision. Regardless of what has been said or how snarky any of my comments may have been in this post, I still respect the hell out of you guys. You were excellent admins, and I truly appreciate all the time and effort you put into our community. I understand Dicko is your friend, and you're going to defend them, but personally, I feel your vendettas are not your own. You're simply projecting the feelings of Dicko instead of forming your own opinion. Dicko was active in Discord up until this ban. I want to say they left a day before the decision to issue the ban was made. I'd also agree that having an entire group of people abandon a community and berate admins because the guy they didn't like wasn't demoted pretty petty, too IMO. To clarify again, Dicko was banned for remarks said in Discord days prior to this ban, in addition to all the other incidents that were overlooked, because we don't just ban people we disagree with.
  10. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.26.21
  11. While a bit overwhelming at first, the influx of players is really highlighting the issues we've ignored or had never noticed until now. Once we get a handle on performance and stability, I can knock out the mechanic issues pretty quickly with the data we've collected so far. A subscriber-only server is something I can look into later down the line.
  12. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.23.21
  13. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.23.21
  14. Could you put in a ticket at https://rustez.com/help so we can look into the matter? Will be closing this bug report as it seems it has been fixed now.
  15. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 1.23.21
  16. Alrighty. I suspect it's conflicting with building auth checks so I'll add an exception for sedans.
  17. Flares were intended for aircraft to hover down to the ground, but recent changes to the game prevent us from turning them on without a pilot. That's why that awkwardly and gracefully float down. I hope to fix this very soon. I do plan on moving all vehicles to our new garage system that will all utilize flares. This will also include modular vehicles. Work on this is slow at the moment due to other pressing issues we're working on.
  18. Death

    Blocked Boats

    I was very excited to see boats no longer spawning in the wild for this very reason. I hate the fact that they allowed them to spawn again and is something I will likely change back to avoid this altogether. Boats are in no way vital to gameplay and a kayak is well equipped to handle simple junkpile looting. I will revaluate this very soon and make changes as needed. I would much rather the buy it system so we no longer have to deal with over population.
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