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Everything posted by Death

  1. Changed Status to Released
  2. Changed Status to Released
  3. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 2.6.21
  4. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 2.6.21
  5. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 2.6.21
  6. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 2.6.21
  7. This was the result of a botched update to stream data directly to the database to prevent credit rollbacks. This bug has been fixed and data is now properly streamed to prevent future rollbacks. If you lost any credits please submit a ticket at https://rustez.com/help for reimbursement.
  8. Changed Status to Closed
  9. Death

    Electrical issue?

    Changed Status to Closed
  10. @Ouchmousie Since one will be based off the other, it's not practical to build off untested code. The more polished inventory sorting is, the better container sorting will be. You will live without container sorting for a couple more days.
  11. Are you referring to half split with middle mouse press and hold? Seems to work fine on my end.
  12. I've applied the recent fixes and buffed flow rates for all tiers. @Joe 90 Keep an eye out for PR's on your git for bug fixes soon
  13. Container sorting is still in development. Its controls will be at the bottom where the share button is.
  14. That area is already reserved for future gui. Top right is the best place for it at the moment.
  15. @mr bong Correct, this is for syncPipes.
  16. Search for them in the list again or connect through https://rustez.com/connect/
  17. We're using the stock version made by another developer so please keep the feedback coming and I will update it as needed.
  18. These issues go beyond poorly written rules and an out of reach FAQ. This is a failure of the core mechanics of the game not being able to support this many players at once. This is an issue that will be resolved quickly and to the best of my ability. I would have liked to have already resolved some of the bigger issues, but most of my time has been dedicated to keeping the servers online and fixing instability issues. On top of fleshing out game mechanics, I'll see that an accessible faq is made in-game, so we don't have to defer players to the website. I'll also be updating server rules to make them a bit clearer and less open to interpretation. Thanks to all of the amazing feedback. I will use this information to improve upon how we handle reports in the future.
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