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Everything posted by Death

  1. @-Novak- This would be unrelated as we do not instance private quarries and pumpjacks. If you keep observing this please submit a bug report.
  2. They're billboards, fake representations that spawn in the distance to give the impression they're trees with no networking overhead. Being Rust, they don't always clean up client side which causes this phenomenon. I've yet to encounter them myself, but I know they can sometimes be common. It's all client side though.
  3. We have no control over wipes. This is something the games dev do to release new updates that would otherwise break the old save file. Items purchased a week prior to a wipe will be carried over upon request. Just submit your request to https://rustez.com/help. Be sure to also use that for all store inquires so we can keep these matters private. More about carry-overs https://www.rustez.com/forums/topic/2677-store-purchases-wipe-day/ As a curtsey, I've sent replacements for all your March purchases. Sorry for the confusion.
  4. NPCs were removed by the author for the time being due to them always killing each other.
  5. Forgot to mention this update had been released. Let me know if the issue still persists.
  6. Death

    BP wipes

    @Vandenborg1 We experimented with not wiping bps, but the player retention was awful. You could easily trade with other players, or find some willing to give you bps if you struggle with finding them.
  7. Can anyone confirm if the latest client update addresses this error?
  8. Here's your ban post for reference: I'll forward this to our team to review. Please be patient.
  9. If it allows for it I will not touch it. I try not to tamper too much with these monuments so you get the full experience the author intended.
  10. I was excited to see that release today. I was going for monuments that had a small footprint on the surface to ensure plenty of space for building. I'll try and incorporate more underwater monuments in future maps as well.
  11. Here are our April custom monument picks that'll be live on all of our maps tomorrow following the big update! GreenBunker Author: FireCrow Link: https://codefling.com/file/593-greenbunker/ Starlight Reactor Author: Cobalt Link: https://codefling.com/file/443-cobalt-industries-starlight-reactor/ Underwater Observatory Author: Immp77 Link: https://codefling.com/file/651-underwater-observatory/
  12. Death

    The *R* word

    Just to clarify, just because the word isn't banned, doesn't mean we will not moderate. Most moderation is done by an admin, whereas auto ban is there to get rid of players that use words with no redeeming qualities.
  13. Death

    The *R* word

    Words of this nature are better handled on a case-by-case basis so we can attempt to correct the behavior rather than auto banning for it.
  14. @RebelsOne I'm pretty sure the team size is set to max already. I'm still working on the hud though.
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